Thursday, January 12, 2006

My little trip

I figured now is as good a time as any to show a few pictures of my trip to Sacramento(Although all the pictures are from my sub trip to San Francisco). The picture above is from an old military cannon bunker built into the side of the mountain overlooking the city. I think my entire trip to San Francisco can be seen from this vantage point. My ramblings will center on my activities Saturday, which included a stop at Alcatraz.

Here we are waiting for the trolley. For those of you who haven't met her, my sister is the one in the light purple jacket that looks just like me.

This picture is an advertisement for Coca-Cola that I found and was amazed at how much the actors looked like my sister and I.

Obviously this would be Alcatraz, taken from the ferry as we approached.(Can't think of a better narration for this one)

My little bit of techno-geek for this post. This is one of the cells that was escaped from. Lying on the floor is the drill the inmate made. I can't help but wonder how annoyed the other escapees were that they had to use a spoon to chip away the concrete and this guy got a power drill.

I had to include this photo cause I really like it. This is my brother-in-law and sister at sunset, on Alcatraz, overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.

By the time we left Alcatraz it was dark out so I couldn't help but take a picture of San Francisco all lit up.

Here we are at the end of the day Saturday enjoying dinner at Scoma's. I do have to say I highly recommend a stop at this place for anyone going to San Francisco. It's higher priced than most restaurants I get to eat at but the food was incredible. For those of you that might notice a slight inebriated look on our faces(mine and my Brother-in-law's) the half empty bottle of wine was after waiting at the bar for our table to be ready.

The rest of the trip mainly consisted of spending quality time with my increasingly pregnant sister, although there was a fun road trip for me on a borrowed Harley. Anyway a great time was had, as well as a lot of really good food. For those of you still reading this, over 200 pictures were taken total during the trip so be thankful I am stopping here.


Kern said...

Wow, that looked like a sweet trip, Devin!

Good pics...I've always wanted to go to that area of the country but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Some day...

Damfino said...

Dude! Dude!

Mythbusters doing the drill from Alcatraz... er... wait, did they do that when they did the escape ep?

Love the pics my man... and the coke ad (though it made me want to clone something for some reason).

You forgot to mention your brother in laws name.

Ain't Right said...

My brother-in-law's name is Paul. For that matter my sister's name is Mindy. I never actually called her Mindy in the post. I also forgot to mention on the way out of San Francisco we detoured up through Napa so I got to see lots of wineries. The Grapes had already been picked so I didn't take any pictures of the Vineyards.

The drill Mythbusters made was for the salsa escape episode but Adam referenced the drill at Alcatraz while he was making it.

krysta jo said...

Nice pictures Devin -- did you try the wine in Napa?? I can't wait to go there!

urnotme said...

Great pics Devin! Glad to hear you had a great time!

Ain't Right said...

We didn't actually drink any of the wine while we were in Napa, it was mainly just a pass through type situation. But over the course of the trip several bottles of wine from the region were had. For example the bottle on the table at Scoma's was a Pinot Noir from Sonoma. And Friday over dinner we had a Chardonnay from Napa.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

C'mon Miles....I need those rings back or I'm dead!


ps: looks like a fun time was had by all Devin....enjoy the skin mags all year long.