Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Here is the cover art for the 6th season of Gilmore Girls!

I am not sure why - but when I look at this... I just start to whimper and cry like a baby. Something about Lorelai's face at the end of the season...

It just breaks my heart.



Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Good old Aunt Lor is lost and needs to find her way.

Perhaps the new writers will guide her back to the light.

When does season 6 go on sale?


Damfino said...

As soon as Rory's right boob slips!

Oops... I just grossed myself out.

Kern said...

Is that part of the outtakes? Because if so, I'm ordering two. The second one is for after I wear a groove in the section of the first disc that the slippage occurs.

I'd really like to see both of their "special features" come to think of it...