Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Kern visit names

All great events are given a grand name...."The Rumble in the Jungle", "Wrestlemania", "Saved by the Bell, the new class"...and it is in this vein that I feel an appropriate title should be given to the valiant arrival of the Kern to the DM on friday.....I propose:


all thoughts welcome.....

good things.....maza, maza


Kern said...

The Kern Returns...You Liked It Before, So He's Back With More!

Kern said...

I like this assignment, Sheriff.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

"The Kern" with special guests "Tea Bag Posse" two nights only at the Des Moines Civic Center...be there....

Kern said...

"Passions will burn when The Kern Returns!"

Kern said...

Cirque de Kerne: Nuditutidity

Kern said...

When The Kern Returns, Free Roasters for all!

Damfino said...

The Kern Returns... YA YA!

Damfino said...

Your urine will burn - with the return of the Kern!

Damfino said...

The original sperm dumpster - KERN!

Kern said...

I think you meant the Original Sperm Pumper, Jed.

Like at the gas station. Ladies, free game of windshield wiper with every fill up!

Kern said...

Mother's Daughters Will Be Concerned By The Return of The Kern!

Kern said...

By the way Jed, check yr e-mail. I sent my itenerary.

Kern said...

I'm away to a meeting. Shall be back shortly.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...




Damfino said...

itenerary has arrived.

Everythings coming up Kern!!

Kern said...


Exciter of



Kern said...

How's that for an acrostic, everyone?

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Kern and the "Sack Pack" live at the Sands in DM...July 15-17

"ring a ding dong"

Kern said...

The Kern: Because It Was Only Reruns This Weekend Anyhow

Kern said...

So...who won?

krysta jo said...

I think you ALL win but I like the last one about reruns.

Kern said...

Yes! We are the champions...!

urnotme said...


I really enjoyed: "Your urine will burn - with the return of the Kern!"
Exciter of



BUT the winner has to be a combined effort of damfino and kern with jed dropping the "sperm dumpster" and kern trying to salvage some dignity by claiming Jed meant "Sperm Pumper"

that was just about the funniest thing on this blog yet!

urnotme said...

Hey someone else is out there!

Have you read through this post?

urnotme said...

Maybe if someone has something to say they should post it...hmm... do they have the sack for it?...

urnotme said...

It's just funny as shit. So what's happening at the Fargo?

urnotme said...

Aren't your hands all messes up? It's probably best not to have practice. Why on a Wed? I thought they were on Mondays

Kern said...

I have the sack to post. Are you still there?

urnotme said...

Yeah when is that?

urnotme said...

Prove it kern

Kern said...

When do I have sack?

urnotme said...

So what do you have planned kern?

Kern said...

Why, right now. I would take a pic with my digital camera, but it's not an SLR, so I can't attach a telephoto lens to get all of it in frame.

Kern said...

Planned for the evening?

Kern said...

Hi Queen B!

urnotme said...

I think we have someone else in here lurking but not posting. That's what I was referring to, but if you want to prove jed wrong have at it!

Sperm Dumpster.. Seriously

Kern said...

Yeah, I know. Not quite.

urnotme said...

Yeah queenb I did

urnotme said...

No kern I meant for this weekend.

Kern said...

Urnotme: I am going to eat some pizza, and then debate on which album I should write about for tomorrow. I'm having a hard time deciding, honestly. This week's theme is more challenging than I anticipated.

urnotme said...

Cool. Are you at home or work?

Kern said...

Urnotme: Well, my flight gets in at around 3. I believe from there Jed or Jed/Matt Johnson will take me back to Jed's to drop off my shit, and then we'll go shopping for liquid refreshment and then go to dinner. Then we'll most likely hang for a while until folks start showing up.

Saturday, I was thinking I might make peanut butter cookies, play some four square, etc. I'm hoping to gather people who are still in town and want to hang with the Kern to go to The Tavern and then bowling perhaps.

Sunday I'm mostly hanging out with high school friend Dan Mastrofski, and sometime Sunday or Monday I'll see another high school friend or two. Then Tuesday, back to my everyday life in Seattle.

Kern said...

I'm currently at home.

urnotme said...

holy crap
all planned out

Well maybe the wife and I'll come hang from dinner on with ya all.. I'm not sure what jed was saying about it

I'm sure I'm going to get a sampling of your cookie making skills as i crush all with my 4 square skills?

Kern said...

Sure thing. I'm not sure what the deal is yet. Last year we went to the Waveland Cafe and I ate pancakes, which proved to be rather fortuitous in that I was able to drink a bunch without get too horribly looped.

urnotme said...

Oh dude the waveland is very very good. Gotta go somewhere nicer though. Maybe have a glass of wine or something. Do you like italian or what type of food do you prefer? How many are set to come on friday?

Queen B disapear?

Where's the lurker?

urnotme said...

I feel like I'm the host of 20 questions sometimes.


give a rest

Kern said...

I like all kinds of stuff. Dinner Friday is a mystery. I just figured we'd try to do something that would get us back home before people started showing up at 9. Are you asking how many for dinner, or how many are coming to the party?

Because by my rough count, there could be sixteen people at least coming to the party.

Kern said...

By the way, how can you tell there's a lurker?

urnotme said...

Sounds good! Yeah I was talking about the party.

I can tell there's a lurker because someone is emailing me and commenting but not posting them on here. Pretty weak, huh?

Very, very weak.

Anyway. To all a good night and talk to ya in the morning.

In the mean time: Fight the power


Kern said...

Right on!