Monday, July 18, 2005

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urnotme said...

It's a Superman tattoo that is way messed up. I tried to get it fixed a couple months back, but what I wanted to cover ut up wasn't big enough and when I enlarged it enough to do so it was just massive.

urnotme said...

What would you get?

urnotme said...

You should tattoo one of your pieces of art work.

Jed you're not into tattoos are you?

Damfino said...

Nix on the tats... nice pic!

urnotme said...

That's cause you're girl.

Thank you

Damfino said...

Nah - that whole etching an image or phase on my body that will never come off.... doesn't appeal.

urnotme said...

That's cool.

Why don't you take the rest of the day off and come play golf or something?

urnotme said...

Alright. I'm off to get a tat