Gilmore is back on tonight with a new episode... I gotta wonder if anyone is holding their breath. Amy and Dan are poised to leave the show and this season has been nose diving with the Luke-with child-bit.
Hopefully things pick up.

More importantly, Scrubs is on tonight!
This is Sarah Chalke. Sarah plays Elliot. Sarah is hot.
Bow to Sarah.
It looks like Flop has put out an invitation to his pad for the memorial day weekend. I have looked at the calendar briefly - this summer is bad for Jed - but I have penciled the big Flop/Trish/Ella poker weekend in! We will have to see.
What's up in the world cats?
Speaking of summer...when is the fair...the Kreitner's are finally going to "take in" the fair this year. Perhaps a guide could be arranged.
ps: yummy!!!!
Sarah Chalke used to be on Roseanne. That's class.
Unfortunately, I only get so much time in Des Moines, and I opted to come earlier this year rather than later because the heat just about killed me last year. This is what happens when one gets acclimated to temperate climates. The weather of the rest of the world is a scary thing.
In re: Sarah Chalke on Roseanne, does anyone remember the ep in which she had to take a job at a Hooters-style eating establishment because Mark, her husband wasn't bringing in enough money? I don't remember much else, except that it was a very special outfit, and it made my groundhog come out of its hole and see its shadow...
I would be glad to give the Kreitners a five minute tour of the fair. If you want 10 min you will have to buy me a second beer.
Moreso, Deit, it's that it always only comes out once a year for a special occassion, and even when it does, the event is over like that, leaving people wondering what all the fuss was about in the first place.
Scary and pretty gross analogy if you think about it Kern. A groundhog is just a dirty rat. Is that what you are saying you are?
I'll be at the grand old state fair at least for a weekend I am sure. I am with Deit - I cannot wait...yummy fair food, overweight animals, baby pigs, and the opportunity to take in all the white trash of Iowa.
Unfortunately I will be at the fair for the vast majority of it. Once again using my vacation time from my real job to earn half my normal wage trying to keep the ticketing system working throughout. Oh well, at least I get my own golf cart.
Deit-Now that you mention it, Red Tipped Fox that eats Beavers might be rather apropos...
Keep your filthy red rocket to yerself Kern.
My word - what is happening here?
The fair comes up and all filth starts to fly!
The fair brings out the filthiest in all of us, I'm afraid.
Jed-Oh, I see. Now you're shy. And to think I let you be the big spoon last year after the party.
/runs away sobbing
I wish I had a golf cart. Like the big pimped out numbers like Snoop Dogg has.
I am getting nauseous - anybody else?
No, but I am a tad confused. I thought the fox was a euphemism for my junk, not me.
Though the part about going without meals considering what the fox eats is more than appropriate in both cases I think.
Filthity Filth Filth Flarn Filth...
Amen! Seconded.
Deit Heimley: King of Filth. Long live the king!
Sounds like a great movie title. Much better than Larry The Cable Guy: Undercover Health Inspector.
I hate that oaf.
Very nice, Deit, your fox animal/network segue. That deserves another: very nice.
What is it about the IA St. Fair?! I'm considering, to paraphrase Sheriff, "taking in" "the fair" this year!
And, hey, Ain't Right, at least you'll be one-and-a-half dipping! (Like double dipping.) Well, sure, you'll be using your vacation time, but you'll be making some "play" scratch. Oh, wait, you'll be at the fair? Nevermind! It'll all get blown on beer, funnel cakes, turkey legs, and rides!
Yes, please do only pencil in Memorial Day weekend at Flop's. I may have to work part or all of that weekend. Yes, HUGE bummer. Long story short, my boss just had surgery to remove what was first diagnosed as benign lymph nodes. Well, they biopsied the first node right there in the operating room and found cancer. Ended up taking 4 other nodes. (Cut all along his left jaw line and down his neck - the pic he sent was lovely.) He's been out the last 2 weeks, will be in very little if at all the next few weeks. That means more work (help covering for Vance) for yours truly.
So, yeah, Memorial Day weekend is not definite yet!
Yes, but if we design them, I don't want to go first.
Remember what happened to those first guys on Star Trek: The Motion Picture? Yeah, that would suck.
Ah, sorry, Deit. Glossed over the Next Generation part.
I know very little about Star Trek, believe it or not.
Oh, yeah, ST:TNG transporters!!!! I go further and say we need ST: Nemesis transporters. (Nothing terribly only-die-hard-ST-fans-would-know specific that's better about Nemesis transporters than TNG transporters (that I know of, anyway), just that Nemesis transporters would be newer, and therefore probably faster and more technologically advanced than TNG transporters...)
How about we test the first transporter with Fox network execs?
Ha ha ha!
I second Flop's motion.
Ahthankyou, Kern!
Brilliant, Deit!
Didn't the test transport also, somehow mysteriously, remove the soul of the exec? Not only was it a mystery because of the whole notion of a soul, but that the exec had a soul pre-transport!
(What cartoon was it that had the network execs as T2-like beings? My memory fails me at the moment, but I remember the way the characters were drawn being Futurama-esque. Maybe the Simpsons?)
Never got into SG1. Watched a couple of episodes, caught bits of eps here and there, but nothing more. Maybe I'll get it into the Netflix queue. But, I imagine the SG1 transporters are like those in the movie, so I do know what you're talking about. They were a little slow (having to wait for the rings to come down), but I guess you sacrifice speed for distance? (Yes, I do realize this is all science fiction, geek talk! :) )
I have a list of folks I'd like to transport across the galaxy, but for not-wanting-to-open-a-can-of-worms' sake, I won't put any down.
I thought you were going to say "not wanting to open a can of wormholes", since we are getting our geek on.
And Flop, too!
Don'tcha love post timing, Deit? :)
Dang, Kern, I wish I'd thought of writing "wormholes"!
Hmmmm, what would my "animal nickname" be? Hyena? Tasmanian Devil? Road Runner? Ooooo, I know - Coyote! Keeps with the "Looney Toons" mini-theme I had going there, sounds somewhat manly/macho, and Wile E. (whom I think of when I hear coyote) "messes around" with technology and usually ends up hurting himself with/because of it. Not that I'm totally inept when it comes to tech, but I've fried my fair share of components, and my hands show scars from the many cuts, scrapes, and bruises from working on PCs. Learned from it, but have the physical and mental scars to show!
Not at all.
I still like being a red tipped fox. Beaver eating...(Snicker)
Flop = rabbit's/hare's name because of the ears?
I don't know... I like the coyote thing for the reasons I'd listed earlier. But, Sheriff is my Brother-In-Law, so me being Hare could go with brother Bunny. Maybe Deputy Hare? Ugh.
Indeed. I'll get to work on that...
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