Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Scrubs fun

Here are a few Scrubs pics that I found on the NBC site - enjoy.

(BTW Did anyone catch the Gilmore reference last night?!?! Devin was lucky my pants were on!!)

View this clip on Vimeo

View this clip on Vimeo




Ain't Right said...

Why do I get the feeling that song is on Jed's "Get Busy" playlist on the iPod.

Damfino said...

You are filth.

Actually it is on my "How's 'bout a snog?" list.

Ain't Right said...

I just have to say I'm proud that I have finally been annointed with the filth label.

Damfino said...

Annointed? Like when JD helped Elliot when she was stung by a jellyfish?

Did you get yer bathroom painted Wendy-Lady?

Ain't Right said...

I was actually thinking more like Dr. Cox handing JD a pencil on his first day at Sacred Heart("like a little yellow baton"). Of course since you went with a truly filth-laden reply, I must hand the title back to you, much like Dr. Cox handing JD several cards that represented JD's manhood, just to take a few of them back immediately for JD's reponse.

Damfino said...

Ya know - I can completely see you handing me MAN cards and taking them away everytime I do something non-manly.

Like drinking 5 glasses of G&T's and giggling like a school girl at the first 2 eps of season 4!

Not my best moment!

Ain't Right said...

Drinking and laughing at Scrubs. I wouldn't take any of your MAN cards away for that. Insisting on being the little spoon would get one taken away but not G&T and Scrubs.

Damfino said...

Paint away kid!

I thought the girly giggling might have done it.

Kern said...

Girly giggling...see what happens when the Sheriff and Deit and I aren't here?

Speaking of Tuesday night TV, I know I'll get crucified for this, but I've been watching that whole hour of Sons and Daughters on ABC. I swear last night's were unbelievable. I haven't laughed that hard at anything in weeks.

Barring the entries for the Pull Quote contest, I suppose.

Ok, I've not laughed at anything that hard in a week.


Damfino said...

Absolutely on steaks!!

Kern - I am not sure if you are aching for a beat down or what? Did you just come in and say you are watching Sons and Daughters instead of Scrubs?

Where the f*ck is Randall with his powerful tiny fists!

Kern said...

Jed-As you know all too well, I have a masochistic streak. Do you want me to call you Master again, or will Fino suffice?

This is why some intelligent being designed DVR's. Unfortunately, mine seems to have plenty of DV but no R at the moment.

Seriously, Sons and Daughters is a riot. All due respect to Scrubs, of course, which is also very funny.

Kern said...

To clarify, it's not that I never watch Scrubs, it's just that I've not been while Sons and Daughters has been on the air. I did hear today that ABC said they are more than willing to pick Scrubs up if NBC drops it...

Damfino said...

Yeah yeah - I read Ausillio too.

You are on the chopping block my friend... best watch yer boys.

Kern said...

I'm watching them right now. Unfortunately, they are relatively unexciting. Maybe if I taught them some cool tricks or something.

Play dead.

Good boys!

Ah Jed, always after me lucky charms...

Kern said...
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