Sheriff - add some comments that may be more appropriate than my witty remarks.
Kreitner has gone post-card! Nice photo.
The Sheriff standing in front of St. Louis' beautiful arch - don't mind the growth on his neck - his goes in for the op next week.
We can always count on the Kreitner's to entertain... and inform us with their images!
The sheriff loves taking shots of random people... er... wait... I think the hottie just off center is his wife (oops - better take that off as my desktop photo!).
I suffer from complete nausea when heights are involved - on a seperate note, my janitor is going to be happy that I filled my trash can today!
And finally, a bear wandered into the area looking for food and companionship - not sure which the Sheriff offered.
Again, I only posted a selection of images from the 62!!! that the Sheriff sent on. Sorry guys.
Last thing...
This is Mr. urnotme and his wife (my sis, Holly). I want to send out a tiding of good luck to both of them. I am not going to lay out the specifics (ok, yes, Dan is finally getting that sex change op and is worried) but I thought maybe we - the mighty Damfinobloggers could toss out some cheers and encouragement... on whatever!
Later readers
Nice edit job on the photos Jed....who really needs 48 shots of the arch...damn digital cameras and their 512mb capacity..
I'm sending lots of love from M-town to Mr. Urnotme and his better half. I wish you well in all your future endeavors...
I don't like to really talk about the bear and myself...let's just say we has some laughs and we have both moved on.
Bear love is always funny - specially at 8 in the morning.
I prefer nearly-nude love...your results may vary....
I would like to send out good luck/best wishes to Urnotme and Holly for whatever the vaguely aforementioned item was.
Go (Local Sports Team or College)!
Props to the Sheriff for the photographs. It's like a trip down memory lane, except this time I'm not being chased home from Brittany Woods Junior High School by a roving gang of thugs!
Cheers to Nude Love, which is great. So I hear...
Kern - nude love with roving gangs of thugs always counts!!!
This would be true, if it were say a posse of Playmates, or even girl-next-door caliber attractive co-eds, but in this instance we're talking about anti-social maladjusted youths.
I wonder how I could get a posse of Playmates, or even girl-next-door caliber attractive co-eds to chase me down a street...I'm going to have to work on that.
Like I have always said - I want to die running off a cliff being chased by a gang of nude female beauties.
Very pythonesque!
Yeah, I'd like that, too. Only without the dying part.
How was your second listen to the Neko and the Calexico? Did you get any Ryan or Mojave 3?
Listened to the entire Ryan Adams cd.... absolutely loved the start (track 3 - Lucy my gal - AWESOME)... the end started to drift into a more slow simple sound... and I was really enjoying the groove before... but that is ok.
Calexico - really like 2 of the 4 songs I have, the other two are quiet and slow.
No Mojave to speak of yet.
Neko is good.
The 2 Calexico songs, did you mean too quiet and slow? Or just that they were quiet and slow as an observation.
Are you excited for this week's installment? I am. I've got a bunch of possible themes already lined up...
Still whetting my ap from last week... the 2 songs are slower... and I was digging the quicker stuff.
Where is KJ?
Haven't seen her.
I'm here...finally. It's amazing. As I was leaving class, I was surrounded by a herd of angry squirrels. They then forced me into the angry squirrel cave where I watched them devour a squinny for breakfast. They kept eyeing me and my semi-exposed legs until I diverted their attention by throwing my stats books into the far corner and running away quickly and quietly (like a Native American). Whew. It's been one hell of a morning.
Good luck Dan and Holly.
I hate sqirrels. They used to terrorize me when I was in elementary school.
Come to think of it, I think I was terrorized by nearly everything until I was 14.
Naked squirrels are the worst.
Your story has an odd sexual resonance... and I am creeped out by the beatiality-esque feel to the blog today.
Jed ... you may be the ONLY person who finds any sort of sexual resonance in a story about bandit squirrels. I think you need some help and very quickly.
Is it the weekend yet??
I don't find any sexual resonance in the squirrel thing, to be honest. They're killers, not lovers.
I wish it were the weekend. There's going to be a good IRL race on Saturday night. I will be pulling for Danica Patrick, but unlike all of the other people jumping on the bandwagon, I can proudly say I have watched her since her rookie season in the Toyota Atlantic series.
After reading that sentence, and realizing that's the highlight of my weekend, I'm going to go cry...
Bring over some quervo and we can start the weekend now... the squirrels at my house went nuts and gangr@ped one the female squirrels... I thought it was just some kind of squirrel war... but my co-workers set me straight.
I think I hate squirrels.
Ahhh of my favorite friends.
Squirrels are the devil's pets.
My weekend shouldn't be bad - we are celebrating my brothers' birthdays and I heard rumors of some champion waterskiing at some point as well.
Cuervo and squirrelbashing. I wish I could be there for that.
The file room I work is is cold as a bloody meat locker.
That's a most pleasant mental image Alex. Thank you for that. I heard yesterday that the weather in your area is supposed to be amazing. We'll trade you...
See, it's so cold I couldn't even type the word "in" correctly!
Thanks Steve - throw in any squirrel-rape stories if you got any!
I can tell you how to -- become a grad student and work for slave wages.
Sorry it's so cold - you need a sweater and one of my infamous quilts to keep you warm.
So true... so true...
The dilemma is that if I wear anything out of the house right now, I'm going to be too hot, but then I get here and it's just frigid. I can feel the frostbite already.
Other people in here think it's some kind of optimal temp, and majority rules I guess, but damn if I don't have icicles growing on me.
So true, so true...
Anyone else notice the influx of non-Damfino blog regulars in the last couple of weeks? I think this was the first I've seen that was not trying to tout Religious Discussion or Stock Talk.
You would think the religious people would get scared off with all the talk of naked squirrels, dirty words and weird quotes.
I hear ya on the temperature problems. I regularly suffer from that - especially in movie theaters and restaurants.
There is this blog stocks page... and we are doing pretty well.
Maybe advitisers see the potential in swearing and animal sex.
Blog Stocks page? Does it list all of the Blogger blogs like Stocks? Whether they've gone up or down in readership?
Where would one find this page? It sounds awesome!
Used to be able to google it... not sure where it is now.
Need more Ryan Adams... bring all.
You like Ryan? Well, to be honest, I really don't like Gold very well. There are some good songs on it, but overall, I don't love it. I hear the new one Cold Roses is the closest to Heartbreaker. My friends will be more than happy to loan me their extensive collections of his work. I'll also see if I can wrangle some Whiskeytown, which I like a lot, but don't own. It may also be a little more guitar oriented.
Guitar oriented... that sums me up pretty well.
Bowie is being cranked in my ears at the moment... got any?
I do. I have Hunky Dory, The Man Who Sold The World, Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, Aladdin Sane, Stage, Station to Station, and Low. Unfortunately, I only have the first two on CD, the rest are vinyl.
My friend Tony said he can hook me up with more Ryan no prob, as soon as I return his Kinks records.
All I have is a collection that urnotme put together... need solid albums.
Whatever you can bring man... all is good.
I think I'm going to need to buy another bulk pack of blanks...if you thought there was a haul last year, yr getting an avalanche this year.
Has everyone gone home for the day?
I'm still here ... wrestling with coding issues and other assorted problems. But I am here.
Are you freezing still?
Is yer arse frozen?
KJ, I am going to try on boots tonight. That should be interesting.
I am still freezing. My hands are beginning to feel kind of atrophied.
I think Jed should get red boots. The Wonder Woman kind. If not, what kind of boots are we talking?
Where are you going to try on boots at? I hope you go to the redneck cowboy store across from the state fairgrounds. I really love that place. Seriously I do.
I would like exotic dancer cowboy boots - look them up on ebay. They are really incredibly hot.
However, I did bid on some really pretty tan boots, but I think I won't get them for the price I want to pay, but I am for sure going to find some hot boots to wear with my jean skirt.
I'm not personally really big on the cowboy thing myself.
Exotic Dancer Cowboy Boots are Hot!Hot!Hot! Especially like the kind Jessica Alba wore as the cowboy themed exotic dancer in Sin City.
Yee Haw!
Oh but the cowboy boots are going to look fantastic with my jean skirt for the Dukes of Hazzard opening.
Ah, a theme thing. Got it.
So if the tan ones don't work out, what color are the exotic dancer boots?
Jed, are you getting cowboy boots or work type boots? Or dress boots?
I will be getting full blown cowboy boots... and a huge belt buckle!!
KJ - I will miss tomorrow's 4:30 drinks... in town at Art fest.
Going to try on boots at the country place in Valley west mall.
Where can I get a cheap but really gawdy belt buckle?
Wow. This is a new side of you, Jed.
Are you doing this for the Dukes premiere also, or is this something just for you?
Dukes premiere... then country bar. Gonna live up the redneck life!
Actually, I want to see a great flick - play dress up - and get loaded... nothing new for me.
So this will be like you going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, only this time you'll be dressed in men's clothing?
Kern! You sonofabitch!
Well - I just want to make the movie special... since it probably won't be good.
No drinks Thursday night? I may not make it either - depends on.
I will do some belt buckle investigating for you. I would recommend getting a cheap knock-off at the Wal-Mart...check out the sales rack at the cowboy store too.
I am looking for the perfect pair of boots because I'll actually wear them quite a bit if I find a comfy pair.
Sorry, mate. Couldn't resist.
When do the whirling dervish of Dukes come barreling through Tornado Alley?
For some reason, I thought it wasn't until August.
Righty o - August 5th.
Excitment cannot be controlled.
I may even do a little recon mission before hand - learn some sweet country moves... so I can dazzle the buds.
(and woo the ladies... grrr)
We are getting staged early...These outfits take a while to compile. Plus, I could use the boots for the upcoming cattle shows and fairs.
And I could use them to kick Josh.
Taking off kids.. til morn.
Hmm...instead of s**tkickers, Jed could have Joshkickers. Interesting...
Too funny.
Uh hello? WTF was that? Good luck for what? Seriously. I know I'm really hot, but you will never tear me away from Holly and claim me for yourself. NEVER.
It's really hectic Monday's and Tuesday's so my comments are always going to be limited. Wed/Thursdays are much better. Plus, why can't I post? What up with that?
Damfino the sheriff can two step with the best of them....since i was taught by another man I should pay it forward and teach you as only a man can.
Besides at country bars during the line dances there is a 50 to 1 ratio woman to men. Not bad odds....
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