Thursday, July 06, 2006

"Let the great experiment begin!"

Congratulations to Arrested Developement for their Emmy nomination. What a fitting way to exit the scene then to stick it ot Fox for letting them go. Good Luck AD. Kudos also to Scrubs! Did I just hear a gong?

bunny out

ps: congrats also to Denis Leary for his nomination in the dramatic actor cat. for Rescue Me.


Kern said...

Nice. Way to go AD.

Fox can kiss my perfectly proportioned, smooth vanilla ass. As long as The War at Home remains on their network, I am going to talk so much shit about Fox it's not even funny.

Damfino said...

Jeez - Kreitner is blowing everyone today!

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Has Kern's new pic been applauded yet!

Mansquach rules!


ps: Jed....thanks for breakfast

Damfino said...

Wow... "we just call it a sausage."

Kern said...

Thank you, Sheriff. I never imagined that my hirsute chest would draw such fevered acclaim.

Now if only more women felt inclined to run their fingers through my pectoral pelt, I would be a happy man...