Hey kids,
The crew snuck out to see "Pirates of the Carribean; Dead Man's Chest" this weekend. Most found it repugnent and stale - I enjoyed it! Nothing amazing or groundbreaking here, but I had fun with the film.
Regardless of how it was received, Pirates went on to have the biggest opening weekend of all time! Raking in $55 million on Friday (beating Superman Returns opening weekend number) and going on to make $132 million (stomping on Spidey's $114). That is pretty flippin huge. Bravo Gore, Johnny, Keira, Orlando and Jerry. May they suck the Disney tit for many a days.
New Scrubs cover - whaddup with Zach's hand?
Good question, Fino. Also, I must say that Sarah Chalke's hair is not so enjoyable in that pic. I think it looks fabulous when she grows it out.
Buttercup and I also contributed to the "Pirates" haul this weekend. I actually found myself looking at my watch during the film. Afterwords I realized it was a transition film and didn't need to make sense. All it needed to do was fill time till Pirates III comming to a theater Memorial Day weekend 2007. So in that regard it was a success. Just desired more of the plot and characters then I received. Could have been 20-30 min shorter. Nice suprise at the end though. The most surpise and energy I had gotten from the film in the last hour I watched.
ps: Butter cup liked it and was very offended that I dare look at my watch during the show. Took offense since she suggested the film. Sorry BC.
Just saw that SCRUBS will be in syndication on Superstation WGN out of Chicago this fall.
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