Thursday, April 06, 2006


Mr. Zach Braff turned 31 today! Would it be wrong to send out some birthday love to the man?


You can schmear that on a bagel!



Ain't Right said...

Hell yea, I'll chime in on that.


"I told her she smelled like my mom."

Kern said...

Birthday greetings to Mr. Braff. I look forward to his directorial follow-up to Garden State, which as I understand is about a heart patient or something.

Damfino said...

Quiet Kern! I 'm glow-basking!

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...



Kern said...

What? What I'd say?

FlopTheNuts said...

No, Sheriff's referring to the sex gong thing.

Kern said...

No, about the glow basking? Is that from the show as well?

Ain't Right said...

Yep, Glow basking was in the last couple of weeks.

Damfino said...

Taking away a MAN card Kern -sorry. Had to do it.

Damfino said...

Wait a tic - did Sherif Sex-Gong at 2:30 in the afternoon?

Doubt Drea was involved... Kreitner! You can't self sex gong!!!

Kern said...

Ah, got it. I need to get my DVR fixed quite badly. I keep missing the good stuff. Though I did manage to catch the ep with the air band. It rocked!

Damfino said...

Don't try to air band your way back into good graces!

Damn - now that I am thinking about it - you missed the flipping Gilmore reference on Scrubs!!!!

You best spill your champagne my friend... and spill mine too while yer at it!