We saw... and it was good!
Absolutely loved the Luke - Lor banter about painting... Daniel Palladino (Amy's hubby) writes Luke the best - and this ep he was on!! "You ain't competitive unless your covered with a little O-negative!!"
Things to buy this week!

Burton did a helluva job - Elfman's best score in years... can't wait to see again.

Just came out on DVD - I loooooved this show as a kid. It will be great to sit in my bed with a huge bowl of sugary cereal and watch hours of Ducktales... WOO HOO!
Luke to Lor 65 sec into EP...."Weirdo!"..plus Paul Anka in the soccer shirt..priceless.
bunny out.....
ps: a small aside Jess said he now lived in Philly funny that that was also his city on the now gone NBC Sunday night drama "American Dreams"...curious
I loved the lining up of the shoes. Can Paul Anka come home with me??
Duck tails came out on DVD...that is a major bonus. We used to go home in high school for lunch and watch it. Yes High school.
I thought the Philly ref stood out... nice catch Sheriff.
I was surprised.... insulted... that Ror did not stay up and read the book. How lame! Jess waits for her to show her... and she can't spend some time reading his short novel!?!?!
Rory was quite the little whiny bitch this week.
Also, the preview for next... was AWFUL!!! jeez, they show the reunion... then immediately flip to dramatic Luke moment. Somebody at WB should be killed.
Yeah for Gilmore. Thank God that Lorelai yelled "Bend it Like Beckham." Great.
I watch Ducktales in High school as well... and college... and since we got the dish.
Um... yeah.
I am sure the Sheriff is scratching his head wondering what the crap we are talking about.
I watched Duck Tales, but I don't think I was quite as into as most people. I did however, watch a hell of a lot of Transformers, however. More than anything, I think I spent most of my time watching syndicated reruns of old sitcoms, which is where I got my deep and absurd roots in pop cultural references especially for shows which first aired when I was not alive.
As far as Gilmores go, I didn't think Rory was that whiny compared to earlier weeks. If anything, I was glad to see her remember that she's not a kid and she should be doing a little more with her life than having tea parties and playing dressup. I have a good feeling that Richard will agree.
And I have an theory as to what the Luke secret is. If I am right, it will not be good news.
C'mon... whats the theory?
Rory was whiny when first leaving in the morning... anoid with Emily! Little b*tch.
Luke probably did not totally divorce the lawyer chick
The theory is that he probably had some youthful indiscretion of some sort and fathered a kid and maybe didn't know it. And now said kid is going to pop up. I think that would be interesting because there would be a parallel between Luke and Lor. Both would have had kids at an early age, but Lorelai raised Rory whereas this Luke for whatever reason was not involved. That could be a big rift.
Either that or it's another ex or something. But I think it's going to be a kid.
I guess Rory did whine at the beginning, but I think that was before her REAL wakeup call from Jess. I liked his character much more this time. He still had an edge, but without being a complete jerkoff like the old days. I appreciated that.
Or....Rory did stay up to read the book but lied to her dreamy boyfriend so as not to increase the all ready tense situation at the bar...after Jess left she was flipping through the pages before the cut/break.
I agree with Sheriff. She may have begun reading, but wanted to reserve judgement until completion of said novel.
Also, I want to go on record as saying Logan was even more of a smarmy cock than I think we've seen him previously. Not only was he a jerk in general, he was really mean and yelled at Rory! What a bastard!
That's ok. I'd be more than happy to comfort her if they break up. And Lor too.
Dammit, they are fine!
Now in a brief defense of Logan he sees his college joy ride comming to a close, plus his once take the bull by the horns, Yale, girlfriend is turning into his mother right before his eyes. He has been showing subtle signs of freak out about Rory's life choices over the last couple of weeks. He finally vented. Plus Mr. Cool Logan was freaked by the "new guy". Logan actually showed an emotion besides rich boy cool. Refreshing.
I see your point. I do remember thinking just in terms of acting that that's the most range that the guy playing Logan has had since he's been on the show. On the same token, I think it's a little hypocritical of Logan to talk to her about life choices and such when he clearly doesn't want to be what he is. I think it's kind of interesting in a way. Rory's glimpse into the way life is supposed to be in that upper class society is like her staring into the abyss of what her own mother went through with her parents. She's seeing up close and personal what it means to give up and resign yourself to the control of people like Emily Gilmore. And luckily, it's working. Like Scared Straight with Rich Bitches rather than inmates.
Any takers on my theory, by the way?
I disagree. I think that Luke is a multi-millionaire and that's the big secret. Plus...let's all remember that the previews ALWAYS really play up things that are going to happen and it never seems as bad as they say it's going to get. It's all about getting people to watch next week.
That would be interesting, since Lorelai seems to have a genuine disinterest in anything that is related to affluence or wealth. I guess we'll see. Any one else have an idea of what it could be?
Maybe he's addicted to internet porn...
No, wait, that's Jed. Sorry!
I Kid!
oohhhh that was a goodie. Of course I am always up for a good slam even if it about me. I cheated and looked on the Website about next weeks episode sorry but it is someone from Luke's past duh duh duhhhhhhhh. I know you were just trying to be positive Princess but no.
Did it say who? Was I right?
No it did not say who but specifically mentioned that someone from Luke's past. Oh and there was a mentiion of a phone call from Christopher........stay tuned
Hmm. Someone from his past? That could be nearly anyone. To be honest, he doesn't have the most extensive backstory, so anything is possible.
Damn that Christopher. Boooo! I know he's Rory's dad and all, but man, he's really screwed up plenty. Someone needs to tell that wanker the good ship Lorelai has sailed. I would like to see it run into the tip of Kern Peninsula.
you made me giggle Kern...run into the Kern pennisula. Ha still make me laugh
Just wait till Kern Returns '06. I'm even more charming in person!
Speaking of which, I'm in the early stages of figuring out when to visit DM. I am currently thinking mid to late June at the moment.
Have we all gone soft in the skull? Duh - like I said waaaaaay before anyone started spouting off ideas... it is the chick he married... they did not properly get divorced.
Or maybe it is the infamous Rachel... back with child.
Kern is far more charming in person... wait.. actually, he is not charming at all.
(nice porn slam while I am gone Seattle d*ck!)
Oh you weren't here? I didn't notice...
I think what Jed is trying to say is that he misses me. I miss you too, man!
It very well could be Rachel. I would hate to think a stupid technicality that was pored over in such great detail for comedic effect would still be a factor at this point. I have more faith in ASP and DP than that.
Also, Seattle dick? Hmm, I guess it does resemble the space needle to some degree, but it's only a passing resemblence, honestly.
Good times, everyone!
By the way, the wording above was awkward. I meant to imply that Rachel could be back in the picture, but that the divorce thing was played to death for a while. Two separate things.
eeeeewwwww space needle. I can't wait for the big Kern returns. What an honor it must be for you when we all get together and are wearing our Kern returns t-shirts.
Now wait a minute with the Rachel thing. She left because she knew that Luke was in love with Loreli. Also the lawyer lady (I Can't remember her name if that tells you anything about how big her role was) She was jealous of Loreli because Luke talked to her all the time. Loreli can deal with it...If she can deal with T.J. and Jess she can deal with whatever.
And don't forget that episode where Lor had to deal with that bitch Vag. And put up with all her crap, just to have her walk out in a huff like that. Good job Lor...no one liked Vag!
bunny out
WTF Bunny!
I have been reading for a few weeks now and you are quite the wiz kid but your Vag comment way way off base.
I have to say, last year's Kern Returns was way bigger and better than the first. We had a HUGE turnout, and a lot of revelry.
It ruled, but will rule even more this year. I hope.
Holy god... Sheriff...
you kill me dude.
Now aren't we all glad that anonymous comments are welcome again?
Anonymous like a fox
ps: sheriff board at work today...
A Sheriff board? Is that like a reference to your penis?
Kern- heading over to Kristina's tonight for a dinner party - it is her hubby Micha's birthday. I will send your best wishes.
Thanks, Jed! Appreciate it. I hope we can get her to come to the party in '06.
I would really like to meet you in person, Kern!!
The more notice you can give about when you'll be in the greater DM area, the better!
I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, but Trish (my wife) and I had a pretty good summer in Seattle in 1998. We were just boyfriend-girlfriend back then. It was Trish's 2nd year interning for Boeing, and we decided to go out together. Like I said, it was pretty good - still the stereotypical broke college kids, but we did OK.
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