Holy Crap things are busy today!
Buffy creator Joss Whedon is guest starring on Veronica Mars this Wednesday!!! With Charisma Carpenter and Allyson Hannigan already on the show - it seems that the series is becoming a Slayer filled fun land.
Devin! Are you reading this!?!??!?
Wow! That alone is worth the $6 this month for UPN
How did we get in this position? Actually, I blame Whedon... I was not this nutty for TV til I met Buffy.
Actually, this is not his TV debut - he was in Angel - the episode where they go to Lorne's home world. He was... the dude who did the dance of joy!
You know what still makes me laugh, is one time I was flipping channels and I caught a very old episode of Roseanne in the final credits, and Joss Whedon's name popped up as a story editor or something. It made me wonder exactly how long he had been toiling away in the television industry before Buffy...
Alright, quick question, with Joss, Allyson, and Charisma popping up on Veronica Mars, and Joss's apparent approval of the show, which Buffy alum would you like to see make an appearance?
Maybe Giles makes an appearance as the Librarian at Neptune High.
Or maybe Xander can take a leave from Kitchen Confidential to make a showing as Allyson's boyfriend.
I've not seen Veronica Mars yet(ducks and covers), but I'm happy to see any of the Buffy cast doing anything. The lot of them rule!
Speaking of which, I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to buy that new box set with all the Buffy stuff. I've seen all the eps, but I don't own any of the DVD's. But almost 200 bucks is pretty steep, even though I know in the long run it's a great deal. What do you guys think?
I bet on Andrew making an appearance.... that actor has not worked in a while. Seth won't jump networks... neither will Nick Brendon... at least til Kitchen is dumped.
Whedon worked on season 2 of Roseanne.... and wrote 9 eps.
He also wrote Alien Resurection!
HOLY CRAP KERN!!! You need but that set. I will be picking it up after my cruise!
You should just buy Veronica Mars now as well.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind having it, but I have been thinking of either buying some new furniture or upgrading my computer, I'm not sure yet. Maybe someday...
I'll rent Veronica Mars most likely to see what I think. I'm sure it's good, but I want to make sure I dig it before purchase.
Sure sure.
(he ain't got no faith)
I've got faith. I'm just a discerning consumer who wants to give the material a once over before committing.
I have faith that it's a good show, which is why I am going to rent it as opposed to telling you I might try to watch it and then thinking in the back of my mind that I'm just saying that.
In any case, it may be the case that I buy new living room furniture after Christmas when I have a little dough. Maybe a window treatment, even. That stuff is darned expensive...
NO, KERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Flop!
Yeah, I'm tempted. I found this sweet deal on Pricewatch the other day. I can get a new ECS Mobo, with an Athlon 64 3700 and 2 GB of PC 3200 DDR for about 400 bucks. What do you think?
Geek speek - isn't there a cage to put you rats in?
(if you would allow me to comment, i find it humorous that jed thinks he can call out others for being "geeky" yet he continues to be the largest geek here on this geeky blog - really, the world would benefit from the caving in of his skull.... voice inside jed's head out)
Kern said "window treatment"......
ps: while your out looking at fabric swatches, just pop into the Berkin Bag store for a little "I just sold my spare kidney" look-see.
just pokin some fun K-dog....computer all the way...
Don't worry Kern - the Sheriff has his feminine moments as well. I mean, what kind of man gets you drunk enough to puke in his house... but then complains when he finds some residule hork in his dvd remote? COME ON! Most of my guy friends would have been impressed.
Then again -he does have a Playboy subscription - whilst I subscribe to the Gilmore newsletter... hmmmmm.
Touche, Sheriff!
I unfortunately will not have the bread for anything Mac related unless it's a t-shirt or something.
In terms of the furniture, that part is true. I think the pad could step it up a notch in the design department. I am not getting a window treatment, however. I did think it would be funny to throw that it to see if you guys were paying attention and to see if it would draw Deit out into the discussion.
But honestly, I would definitely love to juice up my computer.
Damn!! That sounds like a pretty sweet deal!!
Not to open the proverbial can of worms, but the only thing I don't like about that deal is that's it's an ECS mobo. ECS *is* in my top 10 of mobo manufacturers, but in the bottom half of the top 10.
To play Devil's advocate against myself, I do have a machine running on an ECS mobo and so far, so good *knock on wood*.
To "help" you more (play the little devil sitting on your shoulder :) ), I've learned my lesson - snag deals ASAP! Too many times I've missed a *great* deal because I was waiting for the price to come down as little as a dollar or two, or I couldn't *totally* justify spending the dough at that time, or the "deal" could get sold out, or whatever.
So, that all said, BUY, BUY, BUY! :)
Sheriff-You still get the old school printed Playboy? Cool.
It's always nice to meet someone who appreciates the classics.
Mac will be releasing the new Mini with Intel processor in Jan 06 - all Windows will be doable from Mac.
Only $499.
Flop-If I could get a comparable deal with a different manufacturer's mobo, who would you recommend?
Jed-For real? I knew about the Intel thing, but when you say Mini, is that a particular model of Mac? I've been a PC guy almost all my life. Minus elementary school where I rocked the C-64 at home, and played the Apple IIe at school.
#2/3 = Tie between Soyo / Asus
#4/5 = Tie between Gigabyte / Intel
The above list is, of course, IMHO!!!
'Fino: that is damn cool about the Jan. '06 Mini! (Apple / Mac + Intel = Mintel? Mactel? Mantel? Matel? Antel? Aptel? I could go on...) Wonder why starting w/ the Mini, though?
So what did you all Windows will be doable from Mac? As in any Windows program can be run through the Mac?
Flop-Abit...I'll plug that in and see what I get. Any features these days that would good to look for? I haven't kept up much in the last three years or so...
Flop - they are starting with the Mini cuz it is price comparable with the PCs out there.
I am no computer guy...This new Mactel move (well coined Flop) should close the gap for Mac users who need to use windows based programs on a daily basis.
I use a Virtual PC program to by pass the issues of non Mac compatibility with some Windows programs.
Flop - perhaps you can explain why the change in processor would enable this.
Oh - Kern - the Mac Mini is a tiny little machine that right now, runs off a 1.4 GHz pwerpc G4. 1 Gb memory... 80 Gb drive... super drives for burning DVD's.
Strong little machine... could easily handle editing videos.
BTW - where the hell is your picture Flop?
Oooo, features? Well, depending on what you need and want, of course:
SATA (RAID or non-RAID) with at least 1 IDE channel (for "legacy" IDE hard drives and such), PCI-X (especially for video instead of AGP), if onboard NIC it should be gigabit, at least 4 case-fan headers,
Of course, like I said, depending on what you need/want, you could not worry about some of these options. (If you don't have any SATA devices; if you don't have any gigabit networking devices - including other machines, not just switches/hubs/routers/etc.; if you want to transplant your current AGP video then you would, obviously, need an AGP slot; etc.)
I would be interested to know as well. By the way, Flop, the same place I looked before has a deal just like the other with the Abit. This one comes out to 399. I already have an ATI 9600 AGP 8X Video Card. That should be good enough, I think. I just normally use the onboard sound.
Or I could save a little more and buy a Mac Mini, though some of my art programs would be harder for me to get on Mac. I get Photoshop through the office, because I know it better than the IT people do, and I can help them with things.
If I got a Mac, I don't know that I could swing 600 bucks for a copy of PShop.
Does it really cost that much for Photoshop on the Mac? Jeez - I have been working in the education area so long... I forgot how expensive programs can be.
I'm sure I'm not the first to come up with "Mactel". If so, hey!, we're all part of a little piece of history! :)
Makes sense about starting w/ the Mini for pricing.
Change in processor enabling Mac compatibility with some (all? damn near all?) Windows programs is hardware (obviously) and programming related: At the lowest level, you have a CPU with millions of transistors swiching to "process" binary data. A couple/few levels up, there is Assembler, a programming language that is "human readable" - we don't code 0100101111010, we code "move 10 to i". (Of course, not all software and not all Windows software is (eventually) translated into Assembler, but this gives you the idea...) Assembler for Intel chokes on Assembler for Motorola, and vice versa. (It could be as minor as one line of Assembler code trying to execute on an incompatible processor that could crash everything!) Basically, when it comes down to it, OS and software are written for the hardware. So, if a Mac has an Intel for its brain, it *should* inherently be able to run Windows and software "for" Windows.
Yeah, Kern, that vid card should be just fine. And, you could go w/ the onboard sound and add a PCI card later.
That's part of the beauty (and ugliness) of the PC clone - so many options, you can upgrade as many "rungs on the ladder" at a time as you wish!
Picture? What picture? I know, I know... Sometime this decade, I promise.
Wow, that was cool! I was vaguely aware about Assembler but I didn't realize exactly how it worked and that it was processor dependent. I love learning new stuff. I miss having more computer people to talk to. My ex-brother in law(older sister's ex) was a web designer and he was quite into this stuff.
Jed-Yeah, those programs cost an arm and a leg for sure. I'm bummed I couldn't qualify for academic pricing. Even if I were in school and buying it, I don't think you can use it for projects which are for personal monetary gain. Or something. I forgot how that works.
I just had a "huh?" moment - so Gates only produces the OS for PCs - Windows - not the machines themselves... Jobs builds the machine and OS. And each do their own programs...
So now... you could, in theory, run a windows OS on the Mac machine?
I need a new Hard Drive too.
(that's what she said)
I'm thinking about a 300 GB...I'm sick of having no space. I currently have a laughable 30 GB, as well as a 500 MB drive as the secondary. Blah!
Flop, I have a question about my OS being on a partitioned drive. My ex bro in law set it up so that my bigger drive is partitioned into C and D. C is extremely small and only has the OS and a few programs on it. D is the larger partition. If I get a new hard drive, is there any way to make the new Drive C, and move the OS onto it without having to start over from scratch?
Have much to answer and say, but must work now :( . (Up until now it was copying a ton of data, starting something then waiting on it to complete. Now it's at the point where I have to do more stuff now, and don't have the wait time in between clicks...)
Will return ASAP!
Deit-I meant the furniture was expensive, not specifically the window treatment. It was awkwardly worded.
Maybe I shouldn't have cleared that up, come to think of it...
Also, I agree that all the graphics stuff runs best on Macs. Unfortunately, I am kind of stuck. Buying the Mac would be costly enough, let alone spending the six or seven hundred bucks on Photoshop. It's times like this I realize it would not suck to be independently wealthy.
Mac does come with imovie and iphoto (not for manipulation) and idvd... standard on all osx.
I would venture to say that they aren't nearly as powerful as the Adobe products, correct?
Well - imovie and idvd are not as powerful as the pro products (final cut pro or dvd studio pro) but they get the job done.
Photoshop has been and always will be worth its price.
Amen to that. That is if you can afford said price. Then again, that's what Ebay is for I suppose.
Damfino said:
so Gates only produces the OS for PCs - Windows - not the machines themselves... Jobs builds the machine and OS. And each do their own programs...
So now... you could, in theory, run a windows OS on the Mac machine?
Well, yes and no. Microsoft (MS) isn't *totally* hardware specific. For example, Windows NT would run on an Intel, Alpha, or RISC processor. And, of course, if the CPU is an Intel, the mobo is Intel compatible, and therefore Windows compatible. Of course, you may need to download a driver or two to get certain mobos to work correctly with Windows, but they will work... An analogy I can think of is MS is like Exxon: Exxon "makes" unleaded, 87-octane gas that can go in 80% (whatever percentage) of vehicles in America. Therefore, Exxon can sell lots of their product and make lots of $$. MS makes Windows that can be installed on a lot of mobo/CPU combos. Apple, was, and, for now, is making the OS and hardware. Most software, due to the "Assembler incompatibility" thing (my earlier crude, surface explanation and such), won't run on both platforms. (Office for PC, Office for Mac.) Even if a piece of software touts that it runs on PC and Mac, it's just 2 different installers on the same CD. (You pop in the CD and an automatic batch file/script runs to detect what system it's been inserted into, then runs the appropriate install routine.) And, even then, there are differences (menus, menu options, wording of dialog boxes, etc.).
And, yes, you *should* be able to run Windows on a *new*, Intel-based Mac. I know we've talked about running MacOS on PCs before in previous posts, and this would be similar. Some hacker(s) will figure out how to do it within a few days of the Intel-based Mini being released I'm sure.
Kern said:
If I get a new hard drive, is there any way to make the new Drive C, and move the OS onto it without having to start over from scratch?
Absolutely YES!! Ever heard of Ghost (by Symantec/Norton)? It's a hard drive cloning and backup program. Basically, you would "Ghost" (clone) your current drive to the new drive. In your case, you would use Ghost to "clone" your current C: partition to the new drive, make an image of your D: drive (partition) on your new C: drive, then clone the D: partition image onto your current hard drive. After all that, the new drive would be C: only and your current/old drive would be D: only. That, of course, is just one way you could have things configured.
Yes, Ghost is pretty bad ass.
Hmmm... Since you're in Seattle, it would be a little tough to get together so I could work with you and get it done. When you get everything purchased and get ready to actually "make the move", we'll see what we can do. (I mean, I can send you Ghost on CD, it would just be making damn sure I give you correct instructions so you don't lose any data.)
Deit, LOL, and agreed! It's just the novelty of it, the "ha, look what can be done" of it.
And, like I said earlier, soon, you *should* be able to run MacOS on a "PC".
Also agreed about Mac + Photoshop = kick ass (vs. PC + Photoshop = not near as kick ass). You'd have to have a PC 2 or 3 times as powerful as a Mac (say 3GHz P4 Hyperthreaded dual core w/ 2GB RAM PC vs. G5 w/ 1GB RAM) to get the same performance. Photoshop for PC is basically a port from the Mac version anyway.
Flop - thank you verily much. Such a vast array of knowledge spews from your poker lusty orephi!
(What is the plural of orephus... orephus'?)
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