Tuesday, June 28, 2005

... why is there hork in my dvd remote?

As promised here are a few snap shots from my trip to see the Sheriff - his wife miss Buttercup - and the too good for the blog miss Jennifer.

Peruse at your pleasure;

This is the family Kreitner's humble abode - yes I usually wet myself upon arrival too!

Miss Buttercup sold books as a traveling salesman back in college - she now is paying it forward by helping these two Estonians do the same. Karri and Krystel are living with the Kreitner's for the rest of the summer - they met me, mister drunky pants, Friday night. Karri ran in fear, Krystel giggled.

Here is the happy crew just moments before entering Wacky Water Adventure Park - I will be stealing that shirt from the Sheriff.

Da Girls! Lilly and Tulip, respectively.

Final photo - Sunday morning, we are all beat. Jen looks drunk - Drea hates my camera - and the Sheriff continues to bring life to our group. He may have farted moments before.

Crazy fun was had by all - props to the Kreitner klan for housing me for the weekend... and sorry about the puke in the living room.



Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Yes, I had just farted.....

nice pics jed.....

Damfino said...

Did I spell the girls names right?

Kern said...

I think that's one of the greatest pix of the Sheriff you've posted yet. Bonus points for the awesome facial expression.

Is KJ around yet today?

Kern said...

Oh yes, I almost forgot to ask what kind of dogs Buttercup and the Sheriff have there. They look kind of Cairn Terrier-esque, but I am horrible at judging breeds.

urnotme said...

You hit both those girls right?

Kern said...

Yes, but he had to drag back a carload of books.

Damfino said...

Nice boys... way to be classy.

Kern said...

Sorry, man. I don't usually jump into jokes like that, but it just seemed like a no-brainer. I'm sure you were a perfect gentleman and that they are nice, innocent young ladies.

Now that you mention it, though, I'm thinking about getting my middle name changed to Classy...Alexander "Klassy" Kern.

I dunno, it kind of has a ring to it...

Kern said...

Ok, actually it does have a ring to it. A ring of terrible. Nothing to see here...

Jed: When do you leave for camp?

urnotme said...

You don't usually jump into jokes like that??? Hey Kern thanks a lot! I sure am taking a lot of heat lately.

He should have traded- Books for Lovin'

urnotme said...

Klassy aren't you the one who brought up Kenny Rogers and eating off hookers asses?? I mean come on. We need more of that. We want more of that!

Damfino said...

Just cut it to Alexander. It has the power of Madonna... and makes reference to that super sweet Stone flick.

Who would not want a name associated with awesome Rosario Dawson sex!

(and a little dash of gay... but you can handle that!)

Damfino said...

Urnotme is right... we are all equally trashy.

Camp is this Saturday... brotherinlaw and sis are not coming. B@stards!

Kern said...

Uh...damn. Guilty as charged. In my defense, I will say that the Kenny Rogers jokes applied broadly to Kenny Rogers and cheap hookers, who I do not know personally.

Secondly, I was responsible for the jokes about snorting blow off of hookers asses. Jed was the one that suggested eating a fried chicken dinner off of said posteriors.

Plus I felt a little bad about making jokes about poor foreign students trading their virtue for book and periodical sales.

But it's true, my jokes do tend to veer towards the "blue" side a tad.

Kern said...

I would be down for some Rosario Dawson sex.

Kern said...

I just realized I actually typed that. I'm so ashamed...

urnotme said...

who's rosario dawson?

Damfino said...

What?!?! Hottie chick from Alexander... MeninBlackII... other stuff.

Buttercup said...

Well the tradin' books for love has come up in the biz....Guys are always looking for that MILF.

the girls or Yorkshire Terriers, my choice not the Sherriff's (don't defend it Sherriff I am keeping your manhood intact here) Lilly and Tulip yes flowers and I love them. I actually woke up to them snuggling me this morning.

the poor girls selling books this summer. It's raining :( Since I have done it before let me say one thing. Be nice to the poor people who come to your door. Having someone scream no at you and then slam the door in your face is not really fun. But singing in the street and generally making an @ss out of yourself is always fun. At least for me.

Damfino said...

I feel so bad for them as well... working from 6-9:30pm 6 days a week.

Where's the fun?

Lily is a good snuggler... but has smelly @ss.

Damfino said...

Oh - and the Sheriff lost his manhood when I discovered Backstreet Boys (or was it 98 degrees) in his vehicular!

Though he has man up'd quite a bit since then.

Kern said...

First, I think the dogs are both cute dogs. I also want to say, that I have sympathy for persons who have to sell things to make a living. They are just trying to get by, and most people are so impatient. When people try to sell me things, I at least let them get through the spiel without cutting them off. Now if they keeping trying to sell me after I say a polite No Thank You, then they will face the Wrath of Kern. But I at least let them talk.

I seem to make an ass of myself almost daily, and it can be fun.

urnotme said...

What's wrong with 98Degrees?

Kern said...

I think it may have something to do with the fact they suck.

Damfino said...

They suck what?

Kern said...

The will to live from the listener. Maybe other things as well. I hear the other three aren't living quite as comfortably as Nick is.

Damfino said...

Nick... that lucky SOB!

Sheriff - wherest art thou? Better defend!

urnotme said...

Friday's review should only be on one cd or band so we can concentrate and focus more attention on to a particular choice. I suggest the first installment be 98 Degrees.

Anyone second it?

Damfino said...

Pop whore reviews... can the Kern do that?

urnotme said...

I have faith in him

krysta jo said...


Kern said...

Hmm...to be honest I sometimes struggle with writing anything longer than a capsule review for some albums. To reduce it down to one CD would probably melt my brain.

Besides, would anyone really want me to focus so hard on one particular work that I squeeze every last bit of my interpretation of the minutiae of every tune?

Plus, my other reasoning is that I want to expose people to as many different bands as I can in one shot.

Let it be said that the only time I did a review of crappy pop would be if the theme was something to do with the comparison of the evolution of teenage pop, which in my opinion, would technically be devolution. To begin with smart pop music in the 1960s like the Beatles dominated the minds of our youth. Now it's predominantly overproduced icons like Britney and Christina and Justin Timberlake. I guess that might make for an interesting column, now that I think about it. Unfortunately, it wouldn't really help anyone find new stuff to listen to, though.

Kern said...

That should have read "the only time I would do a review of crappy pop..."

Buttercup said...

Pop whore is my music and I think 98 degrees is WONDERFUL...why do you think the Sherriff has it in his CD player???? Give it a try the whole CD and more than one listen you would be surprised. As anyone who knows me can attest I am a pop whore and can sing with almost all the words. Yeah me!!

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

What can I say it is hard being a middle aged attorney with a failing hair line who happened to have N'Sync's 1st album in my car when Damfino and I first met. But, they did have some catchy tunes and I am not ashamed....the reason Buttercup and I are married is that we both shared a love of Culture Club on our first date....

I am one lucky SOB......

bunny out

Damfino said...

That's right.... Do you Really Want to Hurt Me!

I had forgot about the safety word years.

Kern said...

To each their own, to be sure. Personally, a lot of the pop music that is produced today does nothing for me at all.

That said, for some reason, 80s pop is not too bad at all. If you're interested in a new artist who has a great retro sound you should like this woman who calls herself Annie. I think she is from Norway or something. She has a great single called "Heartbeat".

I also would like to say there are the occassional pop gems that come across the plate, because the production is so damned good. I think Beyonce's "Crazy In Love" was a good example of that, as well as nearly anything that Timbaland produces for Missy Elliot. That's pop, right?

See, I'm open!

urnotme said...

98 degrees or nothing. It's not open for discussion.