Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Art Appreciation...or Not!

Hey all. I got my new digital camera this evening and after using a carload of words that would make Al Swearengen gasp and blush like a debutante while setting it up, I finally won the war. I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to take a picture or two of my paintings. I got one of one of my favorites, and to totally humble myself in front of the world I submit this particular one for your viewing pleasure this morning. Well, I hope it's pleasure. Or at least indifference.

As long as it's not outright disgust, I'd say I'm quite ok with that.


krysta jo said...

Very nice Alex. I really like that painting. Interesting movement.

I'm off to an all day torture session - and by torture session I mean scientific meeting.

Have a great one.

Kern said...

Thanks. Try not to get tortured too much.

urnotme said...

Very Cool. Is there anything you don't do?

urnotme said...

Morning QB-
I believe the dimensions are 2x2 on a yellow stickum note.

Kern said...

Urnotme: Well, I don't cook. Wait, that's not true, either. I bake like a motherf**er, actually.

I don't play sports. Though I did try out fencing and liked it a lot, but found that I did not care for the atmosphere of the Salle I was fencing at. I might make myself go back, as I dropped a lot of money on the gear, and I do miss it a lot. I'm terrible at drawing freehand as far as art goes.

And let us not forget, I suck with the ladies. So there are a few things.

Queen B: For this painting I used a 20 X 30 canvas, with acrylic paints by Liquitex. The blue background was all done with an O-Cel-O sponge of all things, which I actually use really frequently in my paintings. I painted the angel in with a combination of palette knives and brushes, and used a very small round brush to write the phrase at the bottom.

If anyone's interested I can take some more pictures of some of the other stuff I might have lying around.

Kern said...

Urnotme: It's funny you say that. I am King of The Post-It here at work. My damned desk is littered with them and they all have such random things scribbled on them.

By the way, the column is slowly coming along for the end of the week. This week has 6(!) albums, so it's taking a little longer than normal.

urnotme said...

Hey what's the phrase say at the bottom??? The yellow background is that part of the painting or is it what the painting is sitting on or whatever?

Fencing would be fun. I think it'd be really challenging, but still interesting to try and do. You should try to get back in for sure.

You bake? We need examples and you should probably bring that hat when you come to town and bake for the boys.

6 ALBUMS!!!! How on earth did you come up with time for that? This should be good.

urnotme said...

what color are the post its?

Mine are pink. I am way in to pink. Probably too much so, but people around here are so set in their ways and when they see a guy in pink they're like what the hell? I like that.

urnotme said...

and no I'm not a member of the choir.

Kern said...

Well, I think if I had the proper materials I could do a little baking for the fine folks at the spot. My signature dishes are flourless chocolate cake with a ganache glaze, as well as a dyn-o-mite peanut butter cookie recipe that kills all other peanut butter cookies you have ever had. Not to sound immodest, but it's kind of true, and I don't brag about much.

I have a pic at home that's a closeup of the words at the bottom of the painting. It says, "i don't feel so powerful anymore". The whole painting was based on a very short, very dark short story I wrote when I was in high school which I can tell you about sometime.

My post its are mostly yellow, puncuated by some blue.

I would have to say that with the six albums the reviews are not as long as they could be, I suppose, but you get to learn about a lot more bands at once.

urnotme said...

oh no way- peanut butter cookies are my all time favorite!

Dude try mixing in some pink... it'll inspire you.

When are you posting the music stuff?

Kern said...

Queen B: Very cool! What kind of subjects do you do? I'm almost exclusively abstract expressionism. Do you do big or small works?

Urnotme: Well, these peanut butter cookies, in addition to rocking the hell out the person eating them, is that they are the simplest damn cookie to make in the world. The Kern may pass on the sacred recipe if yr interested while I am back.

I'll try some pink.

And the new column will be back at its regularly scheduled time, Friday morning.

urnotme said...

Sweet. I am down for the recipe.

We need something interesting today. I am way bored.

Kern said...

Queen B: That sounds very cool. What's the biggest painting you have done? Where do you normally get your supplies from?

Damfino said...

Mr. Kern - I enjoy your artistic work very much. The figure's body type makes me feel bloaty... though that might be from the large lunch I ate.

Pink cookies aside... nice post.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

My medium is California blended canvas a small porceline bowl.....I apply the Merlot generously and flush to create my work......

sheriff out

ps: Kern nice job.....quite the Renasance man..sp

Kern said...

Thanks. If there is a market for it, I will snap some more pix of my paintings and post them for the enjoyment or bemusement of all.

I have some others of that painting where you can read the words at the bottom. I am also still learning the ins and outs of the camera, so that should make for some interesting times.

Queen B: Wow, 60 X 30 is huge! That's awesome. I want to do some really big pieces like that, but I don't have the room. I think the biggest ones I have done thus far are 24 X 48 inches, which is the biggest I can seem to find without having to stretch my own.

I buy my gear from Dick Blick on the internet, because prices at Utrecht here are kind of steep. What brand paints do you use? I kind of dig Liquitex for the most part, but tried some sweet Perlacryl metallic paint for one of the pictures in my Corona series.

Kern said...

The Perlacryl is made by Lascaux(sp?), by the way. It makes some cool effects. I used the blue one.


Kern said...

Sheriff: To paraphrase Chief Wiggum, "Ehh...That's some good painting, boy!"

I've been doing a series called the Corona series, which is so simple it looks almost lazy, and they are much cooler to look at up close. A lot of the multiple tones get lost in pictures, which is the whole point of the painting.

Essentially each one is a relatively large canvas on which I paint a background of multiple tones of a single color. Just slightly off center, I use a coat hanger I've fashioned into a crude circle and I paint a contrasting or sometimes complimentary color in a ring, and then outline the center of that ring with a slightly brighter shade of the ring's color. The circles are never exactly the same, and the effect when one gets close is pretty cool, in my opinion. They look like what one might imagine sunsets looking like on imaginary planets. I'll try to post the one I've been picking at which is pink.

Jed: You've had my Peanut Butter cookies, have you not?

Damfino said...

Kern - I never touched your cookies you sick b@stard! Let me be!!!

Kern said...

Alright, if I do any baking when I get there, you get none, you smart prick!

I am sure that Urnotme, Jer, Josh and perhaps assorted others might enjoy warmly baked goods.

Damfino said...

Just your warm cookies.

Kern said...

My baked goods are the only cookies make the ladies line up.

krysta jo said...

Why does Jed have his mind permanently in the gutter?

Kern said...

Good question. I'm not sure.

I'm kind of dizzy as I just gave blood not 20 minutes ago.

Go me.