Friday, February 02, 2007

Knocked Up... um... it is just a movie title!

From Judd Apatow - director of "The 40-Year Old Virgin" comes what looks like another home run.

Watch trailer and R-rate trailer here.

Funny, funny stuff!!



Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

300 march

Knocked up in june (i will be gone over my if you got a cake..i couldn't stop you Jed.)

Premier movie weekend visits to DM must be planned.

Paul Rudd looks fit...and the film looks f*cking funny.

I'm in.


Damfino said...

Thanks Kreitner - I needed someone to confirm. This film looks hilarious!!

I am super jazzed now!!

Where are you going to be on your birthday?

When the hell am I going to see you cats again!?!?!

Kern said... had a link to the other two posters. The funniest one is just Seth Rogan's face and it says, "What if HE got you pregnant?".

Comedy Gold!

I'm also looking forward to 300, though I think it's funny there have been discussions on how Frank Miller went out of his way to deemphasize the homosexual aspects of the Spartans, which is, from what I understand, how things really were. I normally don't go dressed up like characters for movies, but I'm totally oiling myself down and wearing one of those outfits.

Damfino said...

Katherine Heigl is so hot... that's it mostly!