Thursday, November 30, 2006

Scrub me!

Warm up the scooter (SASHA!!!) - grab your stuffed canine (Yeeeeah Rowdy!! Hit that!!) - and wax those nerps (but be careful of your me-time hand)... SCRUBS IS BACK!!!!!

I love Scrubs - I love to love Scrubs - and I love to have others love Scrubs with me present in the room.... just observing. Um...

We left off last season with a sort of cliffhanger - well, a cliffhanger for Scrubs. J.D.'s girlfriend was pregnant - OOF! So now we will go through about 3 episodes of that story... and then the character will disappear. That's just how network TV works.

This is to get you all psyched - I have never seen this!!

I am so pumped - Josh called me today to remind me it was on! DER! I will be in full geek mode (with probable robot dance celebration) and fully expect my SWB (Super-White-Bear) Greg to be watching as well. Don't disappoint mamma!

This is Sarah Chalke... bow to her.




Damfino said...

No foolin there... I don't watch My Name is Earl - but I do watch the Office and 30 Rock.... good stuff!

Ain't Right said...

I'm kind of torn. I really want to skip the next 8 and a half hours but since this is the last season I know when tonight's episode is over there will be one less new episode left to watch. And I will be sad. I will have to comfort myself with visions of Sarah Chalke dancing through my head.

Damfino said...

Damnit Dev - don't remind me to countdown to the end!!!

(Sarah doing the "I was right" dance is nice though)

Kern said...

kFino-I also enjoy Scrubs when I can. Thanks are in order for the picture of Ms. Chalke in her purple underthings. I'll be working on the library project for a few minutes...

Kern said...

That was a typo. I was not trying to imply any sort of K-Fed joke, for the record.

Damfino said...

kKern - k!

Kern said...

Heh heh. Nice one.

The first k is silent!