Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Film Flam

God, I love the fall. The trees are turning - football is in full swing - and finally, decent films are hitting the theaters!!! Here are three you need to get out to see.

First off is Scorsese's "The Departed." I was worried about the film, hearing that is was not quite up to his quality - but thankfully, the film blew my mind! Everyone is in top form (even Damon - who surprised me) and Scorsese has made a fascinatingly detailed and bloody as hell flick.

I would toss this up there with "Goodfellas" - "Raging Bull" - "Taxi Driver" - the best of his work!

(If you have not seen the latter films - hang your head in shame and flog thyself for punishment)

See this one in the theaters!!

I dug Sofia Coppola's "Lost in Translation" and I feel the same for "Marie Antoinette." Both films are very personal and aloof - which sometimes can get long and loose - but Coppola finds a way to wrap it all around for a very interesting ride.

There are some amazing images - some amazing music - and some ok moments. We don't get completely inside Marie - but we get a story that really has not been told this way. Coppola connects with the isolated character and looses her a tad in the historical moments.

It was really interesting to sit in the audience - which consisted of old arty egg heads mixed with 13-15 year old teeny bopper girls who would coo at the sight of a puppy dog on screen. Odd.

Finally, I had an equal amount of fun at Chris Nolan's "The Prestige." I love "Batman Begins" and "Memento" ("Insomnia" could have used some work) and I am really loving Nolan's editing style and command of storytelling.

The film plays like a long episode of The Twilight Zone - with twists and dark imagery. I was not as shocked by the twists - but I loved Nolan's uber concsious analogy of the story to the concept of filmmaking. Magician as filmmaker - fun as hell to toy with in the film and in discussions afterwards!




Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Good to see you back posting again Jed. Things slowing down at work finally?

Congrats on your new address. House warming in the works?


Damfino said...

I was just pondering that - we have a kick ass basement and I am putting together a poker table.


By next week - my job will start to crawl again.


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

oh yeah.....good movie write up.

Also for you Burton fans, "Nightmare..."is now playing in 3D! Check local theaters for Jack Skellington and his ghouls in 3D.


Damfino said...

That would be a treat...


Kern said...

Say, what's this about a new address, Fino?

I concur on The Departed. I was really impressed. I haven't been able to get my ass to the movies much more than that unfortunately, due to all of this freelance writing crap, and my book.

I did go out to see a band last week though, which I've not done in months.

FlopTheNuts said...

[Team America: World Police imitation voice on] Matt Damon [TA:WP imitation voice off].

I've wanted to see The Departed, and 'Fino's and Kern's reviews just increase my desire. Don't know if/when I'll see it, but I'll definitely see it eventually.

What is this "putting together a poker table"?!?!! *Drool* Are we to read that as you're making a table, or just assembling one? Sometime soon after we (Trish, Ella, and I) get into our Iowa house, I WILL be MAKING a table.

I think you made a pretty good trade: the new address for the dead car. :)