Wednesday, March 01, 2006

You Chocolate Bitch

Just to let you know that the Sherriff and I watched Gilmore and Scrubs. I do have to say that............Jed did you watch last night???


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

I lovew the booty call!

Damfino said...

It's about time you kats got on board the Scrubs train!!!

"Where's my stud?"

I almost died seeing Sebastian doing "Hollaback Girl" on Gilmore!!

Damfino said...

Bummer is - now with Lane engaged, that means the wedding will be for her and Luke and Lor are not going to make it!


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Since Logan has signed on for the rest of the year...must we see him grovel for Rory again for 2-3 ep's??

They was soo done already.

Lane needs her glasses back.


"it's time for the big one kids"

Ain't Right said...

Back on the Scrubs side of Tuesday TV. How great was the dig at Grey's Anatomy on Scrubs last night?

Damfino said...

You win again chocolate brownie!

Kern said...

That was a funny swipe at Grey's Anatomy, I must say.

As far as GG goes though, here's my feeling about the wedding thing. Amy said(I think), that there would be a wedding, but she wouldn't say if it was Luke and Lor's. As we can see now, probably not. However, one does not spell the impending doom of the other in my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong. I dunno. Plus Logan is signed on for 13 of 22 eps next year.

Also, I heard that the New York Post column said that Showtime signed for 26 eps of AD. That could be more of the same bullshit we've been hearing, but I'm not sure.

Jed, you hear anything about this recently?

Damfino said...

You've turned Keith into forbidden fruit... I must have him now.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

The scrubs netflix marathon must commence now.

My Q will ring out into the Scrubs universe and return to me a Scrubs chubby.


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Oh yeah....

Jets suck, Mets suck, Yankeys suck....

Kern said...

A scrubs chubby eh? The sheriff shall have a Scrubby!

Oh, by the way, J.J. Peters responded to me on my blog. Turns out he went through with it after all. Can you believe kids today? And he got annoyed with me because I ribbed him a little! What did he expect from The Crotchety Bastard?

See the aftermath at the Kern blog.

Damfino said...

Heard the little rumblings of the AD 26 episodes... not buying a thing yet.

"Snap that wrist Turkleton!"

Damfino said...

McIntyre has season 3 and 4 on DVD already (downloaded!!) - but he is not returning my phone calls.


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

"It's called pop and lock NOT pop and dangle!!"


Damfino said...

It's not my fault Keith's kisses are so soft and gentle.

Kern said...

Yes, they are aren't they. I use Blistex and...oh, wait, said KEITH'S kisses. Oooh. Sorry.

How awkward for me...

Kern said...

I thought you wrote KERN's kisses. My mistake.

Damfino said...


Kern said...

Quite. Now if you will excuse me I have to go to the library for a little of the ol' "Pop and Dangle".

Damfino said...


I swear on my un-born fish boys life - I will never say that again.

Kern said...

I only saw the one Scrubs last night, so any refs from the second ep will go over my head.

I was going back and forth in the comments with Deit and I think he had the most T-shirt worthy quote I've heard in quite some time.

Good show, Deit!

Kern said...

In case you were curious, here's his quote:

"By Jove Deit! You've done it! He's a dildo with a smile!"

Funny, but even better in context.