Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Wonky eye wins

Hey all! Big news -- I passed my thesis defense this morning. Now you all must refer to me as Krysta Jo, M.A. Ok...just kidding. Anyway, on to bigger and better things starting with a new apartment in West St. Paul this weekend.

Have a great one.


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...


Another higher educated person with student loan debt to write neat things on the blog.

Congrats KJ....


ps: Gross Jed!!!!

pss: MA in what again?...sorry short term memory prob.

krysta jo said...

M.A. in Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication (otherwise know as BS). :)

Kern said...

Wowzers! That's great news. Congrats on the new degree. So you're moving then? Where about?

Kern said...

Sheriff-Nice Catch on the Gross Jed. Nice.

krysta jo said...

Moving starting this weekend but finalizing sometime around May 15.

If only Jed would say something gross-worthy...

Kern said...

Yeah, come on Jed. Say something foul for old time's sake...

Damfino said...

Why does KJ have to go?!?!?

She does deserve a big round of "way to go!"s. She has powered through her masters... now she can power through a bottle of tequila!

No more gross Jed - I have retired to a life of niceties!

Kern said...

Well, for God's sake someone has to take up the mantle of filth...

Sheriff, you got anything for us? Something from the Gunch Collection perhaps?

krysta jo said...

I have to go because Dan says I do. He thinks it might be time to see each other on a more permanent basis than just weekends. Now only if I could find a job to go with my new apartment and fabulous boyfriend...

Tequila -- my one true love in this world. :)

Damfino said...

But will wonky check in on us?

krysta jo said...

Of course I will check in on you. I have to give you updates and all and make sure I know the ins and outs of my damfino crew.

Also...just FYI...Friday, April 7, is one year from when Dan and I met. :)

Damfino said...

A solid year - props for that as well Ms. KJ!!!

KJMA... hmmmm

FlopTheNuts said...

Congrats, KJ!!!

So you're heading north, 'eh? I guess that's not so bad - I've a recently-engaged Brother-In-Law in Minneapolis, and he seems to think it's OK.

And, as the song goes, 2 out of 3 ain't bad! The job will come in time.

And, a preemptive congrats on the "year since I met Dan" anniversary!

Wonk on, KJ!

Damfino said...