Tuesday, March 07, 2006


The X-Men 3 trailer is now online... and it looks surprisingly very good!!

Check it out!


Kern said...

I can't see it here, but I did see a teaser a while ago. It didn't look too bad. I don't really have any basis of comparison, since I never saw the first two.

Though I must say, the name Ratner strikes fear in my heart. In general, I think he's perhaps better suited to producing TV shows than directing. Kind of like Bruckheimer.

Kern said...

By the way, Jed. Go get the new Neko Case today. I know I am going to partake of that beautiful red tressed songstress' new offering.

Think of the delicious!

Kern said...

Oh, and earlier I didn't mean to imply that Bruckheimer directed, I just meant he's better suited to TV.

Damfino said...

Neko - send me some songs through e-mail old man!

Downloaded the Ryan Adams stuff - LOVED IT!

X3 - you skipped the first two!?!? 1 is ok - but 2 is pretty darn good.

Ratner is horrible... that's why I was shocked that this looked so good!

Kern said...

I could sense a tone of disbelief. Though I like Prison Break quite a bit, and he is exec producer of that.

How big are the attachments you can take?

Glad you liked that Ryan stuff. My friends here that are true Ryan-philes go to RyanAdams.org. Apparently there are all kinds of links to concerts,etc. all over the place. I figured you'd like that stuff because it was done with Rawlings and Welch, kind of like Heartbreaker. God what a great album Heartbreaker is...

Kern said...

Heh. Nice one, Deit. I liked the first year of Whedon's run. The "second season" of Astonishing X-Men just started last week with issue thirteen.

Kern said...

I don't know why I like Prison Break. It's like, I know it's implausible and kind of edited like a music video, and chock full of stock prison characters, but I mean, it's got Robin Tunney, for God's sake! I'm not made of stone!

Oh, and I watch Project Runway as well. Don't you remember that article I wrote about MTV's Next? I totally admitted to my garbage television addiction.