After the sunday crew took off, me and the boys sat around and discussed last night's episode of Sopranos. Aside from loving every single moment of it (I can't believe how insanely good the series is right now!!) we got on the to topic of the Season poster above.
Note how seperated Tony is from everyone - how he is inside another world, cut off from the color filled real one! And see how Melfi and the idea of Tony's psychosis (mind) floats between them, a mere reflection.
I loved the posters from the past - but this is the first time I really thought they were conveying an essential theme to a season. I gots me chills!
Yo ho ho Damfino Bloggers,
The sheriff and Buttercup have survived another "family" get together. Filled with family drama and suprises. My borther-in-law Donovan has asked his girlfriend Andi (Andrea) to be his wife! She said yes and their was much rejoicing. Welcome to the jungle my poor girl!
Does everyones NCAA bracket look like a road side bomb went off near by? Mine does.....:(
Wow!!! This is massive - way to go man!!!
Good morning boys (and Drea!!)...
Congrats to Donovan (though I don't know him). I am sure he's cool though because that's my Dad's name and my Dad is uber cool.
Congrats to Donovan. And to answer the Sheriff's question, yes. Yes it does. Blah!!!
How many other people picked Iowa to do any better than the first round? How many of you now regret it? Yep, me too.
As for the rest of my morning, so far it eats a bag of platypus cocks. I got here and found that the Sugar Free Red Bull I procured for my breakfast this morning somehow magically got punctured(?) and leaked all over the inside of my bag. A bag that was relatively expensive, to my dismay. But worse than that it soaked a bunch of stuff including a book about Ingmar Bergman, and it may have shorted out my headphones.
Kern - that was me using my mental powers to punish you for even bringing up the Hawks.
For shame...
Well, I guess it serves me right for sentimentally choosing them to go to the Elite Eight. Goddammit.
If that was you, you get to clean up this Jack Spade bag. With yr tongue.
Wow, the pic of the poster at the top of this post does convey a lot. (To paraphrase unoriginally, it does say at least 1000 words!) I go so far as to say it was so well done that I'm having a hard time telling if it's a reflection or if she's actually standing behind the door. Brrrrr!!!
Yeah, lots of good 'family' drama and surprises - could've done without some the drama, was hoping for and waiting for the surprise. Hearing Dino was able to get a ring (and a nice looking rock, too!) and propose to Andi made my weekend! After only the 3rd time Andi was at a 'family' function that I also attended, I said after they left that Dino needed to beg, borrow, or steal to get a ring on that girl's finger. I couldn't be happier for them now that it is done! Hopefully the drama and other 'family' BS won't chase her away... I could go on, but I don't want to be a downer (or more of a downer) on an already, uh, Monday, Monday.
Shizzie, almost forgot - the Kreitners took 2 of the top 3 spots at our 7-person, $5 buy-in Hold 'Em tourney, with our own Sheriff taking his first first-place finish! Woo hoo and congrats! Now if I could only get him to sit with me at a Hold 'Em table at a casino... :) In time, in time. And, probably better he didn't sit with me this trip - good 'old Flop paid $53 to other folks at the Diamond Jo table Friday night. I did have a couple of decent plays (one was semi-bluffing 5 other players out of a pot, only pairing the deuce in my hand with one on the board), but my table time was cut short.
My brackets look like they got car bombed, too. Hawkeye men and women both farked my brackets. Sorry and sucks that Hawk men lost, but they blew a lead (Northwestern had a 27-9 run in the 2nd half?!?!) and missed a key free throw at the end of the game, so they have only themselves to blame. UNI men only losing by 5 top Georgetown? That's a victory in my book! (Still farked my bracket even more, though.) Glad I wasn't in any pools!
Hawks in the ELITE 8? Are you kidding?? Kern do you watch basketball? The whole Big 10 tourney win should have bought them a first round win, but amazingly enough they lived up to their potential and embarassed our fair state yet one more time. Silly hawks.
I have nothing to add to the brackets though because I am not doing so hot. At least I didn't pick NC to go too far...
A-thank you for the kudos Flop.
The holdem hand of the night.
Sheriff pulls a Queens-Kings full house, knocks out 2 players (sory Flop)and takes control of the game/chip lead.
Hand recap:
Sheriff pre-flop: Q/K
flop: QQ7 (sheriff craps himself)
turn:K(sheriff craps himself again)
river: 3
Sheriff pulls the biggest pile of chips he has ever seen his way as his hands shake with boyish glee!
KJ-No, I don't really watch basketball. I don't know why. I didn't initially, but then there was a voice that kept telling me that stranger things have happened. I wasn't going to. Damn the sentimentality. Not next year, I can tell you that. I also thought NC would go to Championship to be beat by Duke. I'm annoyed about Kansas, also.
The upsets are what makes watching super fun. It's like watching a NASCAR race - really not fun until they get to bumping each other and one flies into a wall.
I'm excited that IRL season starts next week. Should be interesting due to all the changes.
I give props where props are due, and you winning, Sheriff, gets my props! At least you put the chips I sent your way to good use!
I do gotta say, though, that I had the best hand (pocket 10s) pre-flop. ;)
That WAS the hand of the night - took us from 6 players to 3 (didn't you also knock out Bob that hand?) and a huge chip swing went Sheriff's way. No wonder you remember the hand so well, Sheriff!
I think poker is cool, but I just can't get my head around all the subtle nuances of the strategy and all. I played Party Poker for a bit, but then my machine started having problems. I don't know if it was related or if it was just that the things was so damn antiquated. But I quit that shortly after.
Oh, and another comment about the Sopranos poster: did anyone think it significant that the season seems to be autumn? As in the autumn of one's life?
Yeah it's a long shot. Just trying to contribute...
Ooooooooooo, good comment, Kern. I hadn't noticed that - I was going crosseyed trying to see if Dr. M is actually standing behind the door or if it's a reflection (or good Photoshopping).
Would that be me not seeing the forest for the trees?
Ugh, sorry, that was lame-o. It's late in the day, I've had a Monday, and I'm tired.
Thanks Flop. We will give you a pass on the trees. I've had a Monday myself. You have my empathy.
The "autum of one's life" " case of the Monday's" - what the hell is happening here?!?!
Bry - Melfi is definitely a reflection - look at her coat - you can see the white wall through it.
I keep wondering who Tony is listening or talking to...
I want to say God... but it is probably David Chase.
Yes, I said Autumn of one's life. Without being spoilerific, I think it's not a stretch to draw that kind of conclusion. I love how Junior was referring to something that was from the first season.
Continuity makes me hot!
Oh, jeez!! It is a Monday - I just thought to click on the pic to bring up its 'native' version (which, in this case, is a bigger size) in a new window. Much easier to see in general, much easier to see it's a reflection. Thanks, Jed!
Damn, that look on Tony's face! There's the saying 'I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley.' Well, I wouldn't want to meet the Tony with that look at Noon on a cloudless day in any open area!
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