Thursday, March 02, 2006

... she bit my nip!

More pics - stealing Dan and Hol's camera always leads to loads of useless images from ol Jedirinio!

This here is Lilly.

Lilly is Cara's new kitten - she arrived on Sunday and has been terrorizing Cara's place since. Cara and her fam actually took quite a drive to find miss Lilly! They drove all the way down to Texas (a drive Mr. Flop is all too familiar with) to pick her up!

Lil is cute but naughty! She was a little timid her first time in the house - but has graduated to total destructor in just a few days. She now has a ball running through the place as fast as her little body will go - using Cara and I's bodies as a bridge from one piece of furniture to another. It is adorable.

El Destructo is not all perfect though - last night whilst laying about and having her play with my hand (kitten scratches are cute and fun) she decided my nipple was her new toy. Damn kid nearly broke the skin all the way through my trusty Colostomy Bags shirt with her sharp little teeth!! She refused to let go even after I screamed the safety word several times. Bad Lilly.

In the end though, she is unbelievably perfect. She cuddles and meows and purrs just like a dream cat would. I had several cats growing up and they were all mean/independent b*tches! So this is a nice change.

I would post more pics but Blogger's photo program just died... HMPF! Anyway, Lil is ready to woo visitors with her adorable antics. She might even cuddle with you... or huggle for that matter.



FlopTheNuts said...

Oh, God!!! That damned drive to/from Houston from/to IA!!!! I don't miss those at all! (Now if they could just get the $*@#&!! construction around Chicago done, the drive to/from IA from home would be even that much better - compared to the H-town drives!)

Thanks for the teaser photos of Cara's abode. Let's see: an fruit-slice coaster on a wooden coffee table that later is revealed as some sort of trunk, nice tame couch, comfy-looking pillow with comfy-looking flannel case. So far I'm digging the place! :)

And, the "safety word" comment got another visit from my work neighbor. And a tear of laughter (and tear of my stomach muscles - don't you love the English language?) from me.

I was actually done with this post 28 minutes ago, but I had to enter the 3,246-charagcer word verification "word". Sorry for the delay. WTF?!?! Sometimes I get "aq" for the validation, other times I get the entire works of Shakespeare.

Damfino said...

I never heard how the travels went for you Flop - you back home this week?

In fact, I have not heard from Buttercup and how she is doing with the new job.

Nice disturbing pic by pic read of her pad - I should have taken pictures of her bar downstairs... it is yummy.

FlopTheNuts said...


"Now if they could just get the $*@#&!! construction around Chicago done, the drive to/from IA from/to home would be even that much better - especially compared to the H-town drives!"

"Let's see: a fruit-slice coaster ... "

*Neil Goldman voice on*
Sorry everybody. Sorry.
*Neil Goldman voice off*

FlopTheNuts said...

Yep, I'm back in the 'ole office this week. Oh, the Missouri trip was misery! Monday was 11 hours from my garage at home to the hotel parking lot. Tuesday and Wednesday were 14-hour days. Made Thursday's 11-hour day seem short! (And that's 11 hours of work, then 3 1/2 hours of driving after that!!) Friday was nice - just a couple of hours in the morning, 5 hour drive home after that.

Kern said...

Good morning, Damfinopals. Cute cat. Almost as cute as the brother and sister kittens my parents got at Christmas to replace Catzilla. Well, no cat could replace her, but you know what I mean.

As far as everything else, I am just going to say I'm really glad you met someone nice and you totally deserved to find a cool girl. It gives hope to some of us doughy hermits who do nothing but stockpile bizarre music and read books on film criticism for fun.

Speaking of which, I am finally sitting down to give an honest read to The Genre Film Reader III, and I have to say there is some very cool stuff. The only essay that was a little too difficult for me to get my head around was Rick Altman's. Other than that, I'm digging it.

Kern said...

Flop-I'm originally from outside St. Louis. Where in MO were you?

Damfino said...

Kern - first, did you drop an almost as cute on Lilly - remind me to pummel yer gold-brick'n ass.

Second - Rick Altman must always be read with one hand in the pants - you must erotically approach cinema to fully experience its most complete form.

I guess that means you need to hit the library.

Flop - your week sounded horrible... many drinks will be had in your honor this weekend.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Cat, Bar, the......

When is the first Cara bring your pets and your lust for booze bash?

She must be a saint to endure the 3 Amigos hosienda and to keep returning of her own free will. Unless Jed has gotten his hands on a bottle of G.O.B.'s little helpers and she keeps forgetting how filthy it really is.


Damfino said...

She is a saint... she is introducing me to the holy trinity this weekend.

Umm.... I might get in trouble for that.

"Why settle for the best... when you can have the rest.....

of your life!!!"

"Oooh - kitty has claws... AWWWWWMOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!"

Damfino said...

Actually, she mentioned having a poker night this weekend... boo yah!

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...


Should be a "lot o'spirit" shooting forth this weekend then.

"Show me the ways of the secular flesh George Michael"


Kern said...

Sheriff-Hey I hadn't thought about that. G.O.B's little helpers...interesting.

Jed-In all fairness, Lily is cuter than one of my parents cats. Tavis is lovable in a neurotic, doughy way. In other words, he is the feline analogue of me. But the other cat, Dizzy, is just straight up cute. Sickeningly cute. Nermal cute.

I would have hoped my positive comments about you would have negated your urge to pummel me for the cat comments, but I guess not.

As far as Altman goes, I think the only reason I didn't really get a lot of what he was saying was that much of the terminology he uses presupposes that one has had formal training in media studies. It is no doubt, brilliant. But like astrophysics, if I can't understand it, then all the brilliant is lost on my dumb ass. I do really dig Robin Wood though. Much easier for the neophyte to grasp. I love the one I am reading now, where Wood is comparing It's A Wonderful Life and Shadow of A Doubt by Hitchcock. You'll likely want to murder me for not having seen Shadow of A Doubt, but the essay is interesting all the same. Wood contends at one point that in every Bedford Falls there is a Pottersville yearning to break free. I love the theory that the same general models can be flipped and applied in the same "text" in two different genres. Kind of hard to explain in a paragraph, but I think this warrants further discussion sometime.

FlopTheNuts said...



Kern said...

Oh, and just so you know, if I don't respond today, I am not in the library. For the next two days I will be "doing conflict checks."

Damfino said...

Screw the ring - I am taking 10% of her earnings from the game.

Kern - you should watch Shadow - good good stuff. Comparison to Wonderful life is not mind blowing... try tossing in some Blue Velvet (Lynch based a fair amount of the imagery on Shadow!!) and then you will be truly creeped out by Hitch's dark mind.

Altman does love his allegorical geek termonology - often reading like blueprints to designing a Russian MIG. Yet, dig in and you can definitely see his film chubby smacking around.

FlopTheNuts said...

Yeah, it was a tough week - not only did I have to put in long days, but I was away from Ella and Trish! Could've been worse, I guess.

Kern: I went from home (Kentwood, 'burb of Grand Rapids) to Springfield to Columbia to Jefferson City to Columbia to Peoria (IL) then back home.

By "holy trinity", do you mean "three wise men"? :)

Damfino said...

Wait - I thought Flop watched AD? Shame on you Nutbutter!

Ain't Right said...

Alright, Sheriff, When you call my home filth I hope you are refering to the general topics of conversation and the semi to fully nude magazines that can be found laying around, and not the general state of cleanliness. I think Jed and Josh keep the house pretty damn clean considering they have to put up with me dragging random tools and equipment through the house on a regular basis.

Also just for the record. Cara has not returned to the abode since all of you let her win at the last poker night.

Kern said...

Well, I have seen Blue Velvet, so I am pretty excited about this prospect of watching Shadow.

My joy over the It's A Wonderful Life thing was less to do with the comparison to Shadow, but my first exposure to the idea of such a beloved film being read as something far more subversive than the general film watching public might think. I'm doing a terrible job of articulating the aspect I find interesting. Perhaps more thought and free time will remedy this.

Are you going to put up an Oscar pick article at all? I'd be interested to see your picks. I remember when you and Johnson and I would get together and write them out back in the day...back when I was a pale,emaciated, bitter young man. Now I am a pale, doughy old man.

Huzzah for progress. My Oscar pix will go up on my blog tomorrow.

Damfino said...

She will be returning tomorrow night - thus I will not be sleeping tonight cleaning out the pub.... um... not too great stuff hanging around the house.

That sounded stupid.

Dev - we don't mind you draggin your tool through the place... but why must you always toss it on the counter in the kitchen? I mean.. I do coke off that thing?

(please notice the use of the word "tool.")

Kern said...

Holy crap, you guys have semi-nude to fully nude magazines lying around?

Sweet candy!

Kern said...

Use of tool noted. Degree of difficulty: .50. Total score: 6.7

2.0 from the Russian judges.

Damfino said...

I have lost the love for the Oscars... nothing really blew me away this year (cept for Munich) which would lead me to be passionate about who wins.

Oscar picks are now kind of... done over. It is about who will win.. not about who deserves.

I am gonna watch and make picks on who is gonna nipple slip!

Damfino said...



Ain't Right said...

Wow, Do you have any idea how hard it was to not make a filthy nipple biting comment to the original post. Then you had to go and turn "random tools" into something bad. Well just for that.

I don't for a second believe those bite marks on your chest are from a kitten.

Sorry Cara, he started it.

Damfino said...

Please god, don't let her read the comments area... please?

Kern said...

Jed was actually a member of a traveling Austrian Circus, where he spent a lot of time learning the tricks of the trade from some of Europe's finest contortionists. Foreign exchange program, my eye...

I, for one, think he bit his own nipple. In a fit of panic, he then invented a long, photographically enhanced backstory about this new cat who seems to have just conviently arrived on the scene to cover it up. I think the nipple was just supposed to be foreplay, but after the biting the mood for any more double jointed antics was effectively killed.

Damfino said...

So anyway... I think Kern and Deit are having a fling via blogging.

Kern blogged Deit... and deit took his post and... hee hee... thorougly enjoyed it.

Damfino said...

Scratch what I just wrote - Kern's distraction is far more humorous (and since I aspire to be better than my faranddickjoke self - let's go with his high brow gag).

Damfino said...

Dear God Kern... your mind is vastly covered with filth! Bravo!

Kern said...

Ah you just looked at the Kern Blog eh?

Or were you referring to the Austrian circus?

Damfino said...

I did read the blog - the young lady commenting is cool - I checked out her blog.

I of course knew it was Sal (he made mention of Sal - der!)... but enjoyed the ruse none the less.

Your organization and lengths at which you go to create humor... frightens me!

FlopTheNuts said...

'Fino's "tool - blow" (he-he) comment reminded me of Von Cobuli. Damn, that cracks me up. I've watched it at least 2 times a day all this week - and all while at work.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...


Most filth at your place I bring in myself...Jed's xmas present and such.

You house is always clean and inviting when the sheriff rolls into town with the posse.

All the men at the filth ranch should plan on a man weekend at the Kreitner compound. (Kind of like the Kennedy compoud without the fat white dudes and the ruffied out whores)could get a "little weird"..insert Dana Carvey Johhny Carson here.


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

"We all steal huge amounts of company cash.."

"Yeah, that's how I paid for my cock implant."

Von Cobuli lives

ps: that was way out of line...i have a problem i admit that.

Damfino said...

So get off my dick!


Damfino said...

Actually, the boys might enjoy a journey to Kreitnerland.. they have never gone. Cara will come too! But what about Lilly!!!!

Damfino said...

Why can I clearly see Bry's face as he types "tool-blow" (he-he)!

That boy has an evil grin if'n I ever saw one!

Kern said...

So I just balanced lowbrow and highbrow in one joke that you guys will most likely enjoy on my blog just now.

FlopTheNuts said...

"Vhat?!?! Lookit, I know I snort an assload of blow on de job, but I'm trying to keep my edge!"

Not to invite myself, but I want in on the Kreitner-compound weekend! How's the bowling alley in Muscatine, Sheriff? (I realize after asking that question that we've never gone when we've visited. Why the heck not?!?!?)

"But you cheeseholes are gonna lose a lot more than 50-Gs if you fire THIS porn star!"

Damfino said...

I gave 200 years to dis... Cracker Barrell!

Musco-bowling... sounds dark and murky.

Kern said...

Bowling alleys are always an interesting barometer of the towns they are a part of. You can learn a lot about a community through its local bowling center.

Damfino said...

I don't want to learn a lot about the Musco community... might catch something.

(Ya see, Kreitner might take offense to that and I really hope he doesn't cuz man... if I could give a sex gong to anyone - it would be him. I would never intentionally hurt the feelings of my bestie!)

Kern said...

I have a feeling Jed is going to shortly engage in Bestie-ality. Run Sheriff! Run!

Damfino said...

Flog thyself for that Kern.

But not in the good way.

Kern said...

Dammit. Look some of us don't have cats to bite our nipples, and unlike you, I never spent any time with an Austrian circus family, so I need to take whatever action I can get.

Kern said...

If you think that's sad, I tried to get some action last night, and my hand said no. And I totally don't buy its excuse either. I mean it said it couldn't because it was going to be at home washing my hair.


FlopTheNuts said...

Damn, Kern!!! Priceless-ly hilarious!! Oh, side pain!

Sheriff understands the Musco ribbing - he's on the good side of town, anyway. :)

Kern said...

I am blissfully unaware of the inner workings of the Muscatine community. Can someone please enlighten the poor transplanted Iowan?

Kern said...

Flop-I lost track of the earlier thread, but I would love to teach you some backgammon. I am not an expert, per se, but I must say that I'm not too bad.

FlopTheNuts said...

And I'd love to learn Backgammon!

Like I said, it's on if I can make it to Kern Returns!!

I'm out for the rest of the day, folks! Gotta visit our other office, install some software, go to the good 'ole weekly IT meeting, then go home!


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Muscatine is a town like any other. My personal aura is not tied to its inner workings. The Kreitner's have attempted to create an oasis in the storm.

Bowling alley is killer. Lots of smoke, glow and bowl and the State bowling tourney often visits.

Plus we got a strip....ahem Gentelman's club in town.

All Riders of Rohan (Men of the Blog) are welcome to feast and drink at our table whenever they wish. except Tuesday night 7pm-9pm Gilmore and Scrubs. Disturb and DIE!!!


Damfino said...

Don't talk during either - they take nads as trophies!

Kern said...

Jed-Did they ever give them back?

Damfino said...

We answered that question last summer - remember... you hated the smell?

(ugh - I am so off my filth game it is not even funny)

Kern said...

Pull it together, man! Kern Returns will be here before any of us know it and we will need everyone's filth at full capacity.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

I'm married my filth is always at full capicity.

I only get to release said filth at prescribed marital times and places.

Damfino said...

Greg - have you ever... twozied with Drea in the bathroom?

Just askin.

Damfino said...


Kern said...

Actually I wasn't. I was thinking about having a leftover burrito from Tacos Guaymas when I get home.