Sad news... Fox has officially ended the life of our favorite weekly funny! Jason Bateman went in for throat surgery this past week and the show had to cease production - they were promised a return, but it looks like Fox lied.
The series has been pulled off the schedule and the remaining episodes might air later this year - instead, Fox is going to air reruns of Prison Break (Kitchen Confidential got pulled as well).
In theory, things are still up in the air... but in reality, with tv going into sweeps and AD not having a chance to garner ratings... it means everything is over.
Sorry folks.....
Read this yesterday. It's quite bullshit, honestly. I read yesterday on Fark where some smartass made a comment about "God, here come all four fans of Arrested Development who are going to complain about Fox running a business! Gasp!"
That idiot deserves a nice Hawaiian cock punch. It's not that the audience isn't there neccesarily, because I read comments from them all over the place about how into the show they are. What pisses me off about what that guy said is that he implies that Fox is making rational business decisions based on the numbers. This is true in part, but when you take it out of slot that is doing well and pit in against Monday night football and whatever else, it's a foregone conclusion that the show is about to commit hari-kari. If they kept it in a place where it had a chance and it still wasn't bringing in numbers, then he has a legit point. But they can't knowingly put a show in an impossible to win timeslot just so they can say no one's watching so they can kill it and call that a business move. That's crap.
In part I blame every sitcom with a laugh track, and the generally eroding intelligence of our public at large.
Dammit, now I'm mad!
Like I mentioned before - it is all well timed with the raises the creative team was contractural due. Fox has been riding Malcom and Bernie Mac for years... and they pull similar ratings.
I just wish they would let them finish out the year - have a semi ending for the show... some final note to ride out on!
Well aint this a a cock knockin, nut smackin, shit tossin, taint rippin, short hair burnin, taco shavin, man scapin, bung waxing, kick to the face!!!!!
..where's the Tylenol!!!
Hallelujah - Holy Shit!
I concur.
Ditto that. Well put.
I also think that Michael Rappaport should be castrated.
That is all.
Amen. Someone should do something terrible to that talentless bastard with the decent time slot. I have to ask who the fuck is watching that show?
Fox has the biggest hair trigger in re: cancellation I've ever seen. They already cancelled a show after two eps. How can War at Home be doing so well that it is not suffering a similar fate?
I think it must be a rule that 90% of Nielsen households must be lobotomized before they get the box. That could be the only thing that would explain why so many bad shows live while so many good smart shows die horrible premature deaths.
We'll all be crying like little girls by the end of the season. If there is one, I mean.
Well, I am going to do some conflict checks now. I am subbing on my friend's desk today.
Poor Mike is just trying to make a buck....he didn't watch his crappy show and he didn't choose to air the pilot..I blame FOX and the sheep of our society that watch this crap.
Shame on Fox for pulling a "Family Guy" with our beloved AD. Moving it around and killing it for lackluster ratings. Hopefully an entire season 3 will make it to DVD so the letter writing can begin....wow letters I am OLD!
WTF Malcome is still on....talk about a lack of Buzz!
Yes, why is Malcolm still on? I think that show lost whatever relevence it had eons ago.
I still blame Rappaport for sucking, and his whole stupid sub-mediocre tv family too!
Ok - so the official word is out. AD is cancelled. There will be only 13 episodes this season. Fox might airs those in December.
Sadly, there is not much chance it will be shopped around to other networks (i.e. cable) cuz it has a large cost to cover....
I think we should all buy AD DVD's for ourselves(in my case I don't own them yet) or our loved ones. And tell them to do the same. It would be funny if strong DVD sales gave them swift exacting justice in their shriveled little nutsacks in the form of fidiciary kung fu.
It worked for FG, didn't it? Well it may not work in this case, but at least it would show them how fucking dumb they are for intentionally trying to kill one of their best shows. I like Prison Break as much as the next chap, but two hours of it? I don't need that, thanks.
I at least hope that we get those last 13 eps somehow. Stupid bastards!
I want to rip them a new rorpomv!
I don't understand why this wouldn't work on FX. Besides the money thing Jed mentioned that is. Fx viewers are a little more discerning it seems.
You're slaying me w/ using the codes, Kern!!!
Fuckin' network execs. I'm going to write a letter with lots of ufgejsa, maybe they'll realize how stupid they are then!
I'm with Flop! This whole thing is making me more than a little biture!
Fox can take their poor judgement and stuff it in their butt.
VERY nice, Kern! Was that *really* your code? Cool!! That's closer to a "real" word than my ticar from the other post!
Yeah, I got lucky. Well, with the word I mean.
The new word is ibnid.
Coincidence - I hit my ibnid on the corner of my chair just a couple of minutes ago. Yeah, hit it right on the chair's mlgohdxy.
I've got a huge pain in my xskxqyld. It makes it awfully difficult to pick up boxes today...
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