Wowzers - last nights ep tossed out several memorable moments. The fight between Lor and Luke was really ugly - it was great to see Luke break down on all of his jealousy and showing Lor how much he had given up for her... and the flip side is the bedroom set - it was great to hear Lor actually say outloud how selfish she was being... and their make up and compromise was realistic and excellent.
Luke has a kid... ugh. Dear God... hell is about to break loose.

I was home sick yesterday, but spent the day at my Grandmother's. She had fallen the previous day and broken her leg - she is doing ok, but she is still not very mobile. So, when I finally got home... I found the Buffy box set sitting at my door. OMIGOD!!!! It is perfect. The packaging is classy - the extra disc is packed with goodies and is really well done... and it is probably the coolest looking DVD set in my collection. Bravo Fox!

I also picked up HP Prisoner of Azkaban (which I am currently half way through the book!) and Scrubs season 2. I threw in the first disc last night and watched about 5 eps in a row. Perfection! Josh and I laughed away while Devin listened whilst cooking in the kitchen. Twas very good.
Major plans are being hatched for the famous Hogwarts Feast this weekend - watch for details.
I think that we must all give props to the man Kern!!
You guessed it man. It was a kid. I thought that the kids display with Luke circled in the pissy face was great. Oh the drama and come on what happen to those great episodes where kirk is involved?? A fear biter.
I am missing Kirk as well... but we did get some quality humor from Land and her cronies!
Jackson and his meat rub rant was great as well.
I'm not buying into that she is his kid. I think it was randomly shady and where the hell is the mom? There's much more to be developed in the story before I buy into that she really is his kid.
Does this spell the end for Rory and Logan?????? stay tuned.
Come on Sheriff.. are you kidding? Ror and Logan are the ones who are to get married... or wait... crap... maybe Luke marries the chick who is the girls mother.
Either way... life is gonna suck.
This is an interesting turn of events. I just hope the thing with Luke's kid gets handled relatively quickly and with a certain level of panache. I'll tell you right now, I will be damned disappointed if they pull a Danny Cooksey on us.
Footnote to above statement: Danny Cooksey was the proverbial annoying red headed stepchild brought in to play Dixie Carter's son Sam on the later episodes of Diff'rent Strokes to up the clever factor after Arnold had begun shaving.
I think KJ should get props as well, because I think she predicted something to do with major amounts of money, which it looks like Christopher now has. That could be a bone of contention, I think.
I could make a joke involving the word "bone" and "Lorelai" and/or "Rory", but I'm trying to keep it classy since I'm turning a year older in about a month.
I have a bad feeling that attempt is going to break down long before then.
Goddamn lousy word recognition...caused a double post. Sorry.
About Chris and the money thing I think the GG's say thanks but no thanks. Rory already has Yale paid for (Emily and Richard..or does she???)and the job at the paper what else do they need money for.
The Luke kid issue: The mother has been content to not to try to find out the father for 12 years. Now they know and the daughter didn't really seem to care either way. Don't see it as being a big issue except in Luke's head. He is freaking out for no reason. He didn't even know the girl existed...it wasn't like he was keeping her from Lor.
Sheriff-I agree. The only wildcard about the kid thing is whether after the big "we gotta be honest thing" he's going to tell her or not. I imagine he's not a hypocrite so he probably will, but I dunno.
Also, I could see Chris' offer of money being a problem for Luke also. He's already jealous of Chris and if he feels like he's using this leverage to pry Lor back to him, he might act irrational.
Hard telling...
By the way, please check out my blog today. I have some VERY BIG NEWS!!!
Oh my... you have asked me something that I had not yet addressed... handing out my new prize.
Um... yeah. I will not be viewing them...
You gotta see the set together... it is awesome!
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