On the literary front - I just wrapped up Mitch Cullin's "A Slight Trick of the Mind." This is a tale of Sherlock Holmes in his declining years (pushing 90) and how his own mind begins to slip with age. Three mysteries (if you wish to call them that) are interwoven in the story... but the book is far better than any crappy summary I could produce. Cullin paints the impressive image of a man dying... coming to terms with the reality of moving world around him.
There are some very beautiful moments in the book - wonderful ironies and contradictions that really help in making Holmes a very interesting character. It is a quick read... and a completely different Sherlock story than what you might expect.

In a similar vein - Peters' "A Morbid Taste for Bones" is handled like a Murder She Wrote... or an Agatha Christie mystery. Written in the 70's, the book follows Brother Cadfael, a monk who solves mysteries that come his way.
Wow - this book was a struggle to finish. I read it for my book club... and I think I can do without the mystery sets and series novels - they bore me.

Finally, I have moved on to the Harry Potter series (thank you Miss Buttercup!) and have started things off with "Sorcerer's Stone." I had a hope to get past the fourth book before the movie came out - but I doubt that will happen. Right now (half way through) I am really enjoying Rowling's voice... and I regret not reading these before seeing the films. Though, it seems they nailed the casting on quite a few characters!
We'll see how fast they move... I will be reading "The Sweet Hereafter" in my downtime... with a little Martin Amis lingering in the back.

Remember! Jess returns tonight!! Time to shake up the Gilmore world.
I can't wait to see the fireworks when the "Bad Boy" of Stars Hollow returns. Interested to see where he will fit in the current plot lines.
bunny out
The plot line is that he is gonna be pissed she did not put out for him... and he will demand a felating!
I demand a fellating from the Gilmore Girls as well.
By the way, did anyone have a chance to check out the Questionable Content comic I talked about on my blog yesterday? I am going to keep pimping it a la Tiki Bar TV until I get at least one other person hooked on it.
Fair warning.
By the way, Jed and Sheriff, I went back and watched a couple more eps of Tiki. I must have just hit a bad one because the others I saw were pretty decent. Thought you'd like to hear that...
Amen to that. I think he's going to remind her that she used to be a smart girl who cared about things and show her that she's about as far from the charming girl with drive and ambition as you can get, which will spur her on to get her shit together and go back to Lorelai.
Hopefully they can have a reconcilliatory pillow fight in their underthings and all will be back to normal.
Yeah. That's how it should go.
Kern - I read a few of the comics - ok stuff. I might head back and read some.
Glad to see you have Tiki'd up!
Sorry kids - I am busy today (and the blog looks empty - who invited the crickets?!?!).
Yes, Rory could use a stiff dose of reality.
And a soft dose of goose down.
Jed-I think QC takes a little bit to get going. You really have to start from the beginning to get the full effect of the story and all.
Another comic I find really funny as well is Diesel Sweeties. It's kind of lo-fi, but that guy's got a hell of a sense of humor also. Keep trying. One of my friends here is really hooked already.
Yes, sorry. I kind of like pillows. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact I want to take a nap right now...
I think I've been found out. Though in my defense, I had a giant slab of country fried steak and mashed potatoes for lunch, so I do feel quite drowsy at the moment...
Yeah. I think the potatoes really are the starchy nail in the post-lunchtime coffin housing the corpse of productivity.
Wow, I am almost drifting off. Damned potatoes and their mashed goodness! You too, gravy!
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