Saturday, October 15, 2005

A Tweaked T Shirt Design Submitted For Fino's Approval

So with the barrage of recent t-shirt designs, I felt that since Jed is interested in getting the Kern Returns design I did last year coupled with the Tea Bag Posse lines, I felt that a more uniform font design was needed. So for everyone's approval/enjoyment I present ever so humbly the new Kern Returns/Tea Bag Posse World Tour T-shirt...

Front Design

Back Design

Jed said he wanted to get this one professionally made, so hopefully this will work for his filthy t-shirt wearing desires. I enjoyed the tour name immensely as I came up with it by the way...

Also, since there seemed to be much love for that poor bastard Jek Porkins, I thought I would weigh in(no pun intended) with a Porkins themed shirt of my own.

God help me, I don't know why I find this funny...

But enough with my opinion, what do the Damfinobloggers think?


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...


Bravo on the shirt art. It is the new fasion must have of the season. Nearly pissed myself upon viewing the P&B art work. Great Job!


Buttercup said...

Kern I love the Porkin and Beans.
With the towns I think we need to get a little creative. Weird towns in the US. Perfect opporunity.
Assawoman, Virginia
Hornytown, North Carolina
Climax, Pennsylvania
Porkey, Pennsylvanania
Roachtown, Illinois
Fort Dick, California
Monekey's Elbow, Kentucky
and just so you know that I am not making this stuff up

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Don't forget Amsterdam.....

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Yes I also think that , state abbreviation is needed after the name.

Fort Dick, CA
Walla Walla, WA


FlopTheNuts said...

Kern, that Porkins shirt


Damn funny!

Kern said...

Yeah, I was trying to give more of a world tour feel to the proceedings. Including the Principality of Andorra, where I am a teen sensation and did anyone catch the uber subtle one night in Paris joke?

If the crowd wants different towns, then it shall come to pass.

So let it written, so let it be done...

I still love the "Steeped In Filth" name though.

Buttercup said...

I am sure that you can find some in the world. One night in paris went right over my head. But then again the subtle was never my good thing.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

If you change "Steeped in Filth" my the fleas of a thousands Camels infest your crouch regions!

Steeped in Filth must live..classic


Kern said...

I just had an idea make it more of a collaborative effort, I say the main contributors of the Damfinoblog submit their favorite odd city name for the back of the shirt! That way everyone gets to see their favorite funny name! The only things that must stay are Des Moines and Andorra. The rest are up for grabs...

Power to the people! Down with T shirt dictatorship!

Bunny and Buttercup: Any of the ones BC listed you would like to see in particular?

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

I think there should be enough room back there for all finoites who wish to provide one city name (plus the 2 required by Kern)

My contibution:

Muscatine, IA

want to give a big shout out to my hommies on the "Big Riv" in IA, Lil Lil, Funky T, Dre-Dog and Big Poppa....PEACE!


Kern said...

There will have to be some shrinkage. Luckily, I am an expert in the department.

Buttercup said...

my picks are
Porkey, PA
Rough and Ready, CA
Blueballs, PA
Monkey's Elbow, KY

I know that there are a few just too many to go with.

Kern said...

By the way, folks check out my blog to see how my painting fared in the office charity auction. There's a pic of yours truly.

But don't let that stop you!

Kern said...

I'm keeping track so that I can fix these when I get home. I wonder if Fino has any.

Damfino said...

What Cheer, IA

I don't have crap. Sorry kids - busy.

Kern said...

One other note, I actually changed the original Kern Returns graphic. My head has now replaced that of Don Knotts.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Was blinded by its brilliance to notice the Knotts/Kern upgrade.

Kern said...

Don't get me wrong, I'm still down with the Knotts, but I think it will lessen confusion as to why Don Knotts is on a Kern Returns t-shirt.

I almost accidentally typed "T-shart" by the way...