Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pictures of my life

Enjoy a sampling of images from the weekend of stink with the Sheriff and Buttercup.


Jed is thrilled with his birthday gift - we are thrilled we cannot see further up his shorts.

Choosing a pumpkin - in style.

Cute Dwea adds more ass clenching spices to the chili!

Greg ponders why he never became that Tommy model.



My pumpkins go for the more jagged "I love heroin" look!


Day after posers.

I usually molest computers when I am hungry.

Do you see the framing? BRILLIANT!

Drea's classic Rasberry pancakes with eggs and snosauges... good till the last suckle.


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Another fine weekend pictorial Fino...

Let the thining Bunny hair comments commence!

Hair update: Buttercup gave me the skinhead on Sunday night. Thank god for the hair clippers...that head must be stoped!

bunny out

Damfino said...

Getting skinhead is the best!

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Skinhead with a side of taintlick and just a hint of sackyank,
ummmm....that's a full evening!

sheriff out

Damfino said...

That was a weekend for me... in my youth.

Now it is just a late night jolly.

...too much?