Thursday, September 01, 2005


So, I haven't really participated in this blog in a long time and today because I'm off work I decided to go through some old posts. Good Stuff. I'm glad to see everyone is filthy as normal. I've got to give a Congrats to Jed for another email to the stars. It truly does amaze me how you find these people and get them to respond to you! Kern, I loved the names you came up with and only wish I could have used INSMNTRS, but I chose Lincoln Hawk after careful examination. I almost used at the last second taintripper, but thought better of it. Who are all these new people on the blog???


Damfino said...

What? No love for lactator?

krysta jo said...

Good morning kids

Damfino said...

KJ - Stevens actually fractured his finger catching a football Tuesday night! It was digusting... all puffed up... and the bone was sticking out where it shouldn't.

He just yanked on it - reset it - and kept playing.

A real man... or a dumb@ss. You tell me

krysta jo said...

Well I wouldn't have been able to tell you at that point because I would have either been puking or passed out - your finger sounds gross Dan. Ewwww...

But..I think you are incredibly strong and if Jed thinks you are a dumb@ss...then he is silly. Well...maybe you weren't really thinking about the best course of action, but you did something that made all the men there cringe. Kudos.

Damfino said...

And that is really what makes life worth living.

urnotme said...

um thanks kj

jed u suck man

it wasn't that bad

it's all good

Damfino said...

Take a picture of it and put it up.

Kern said...

Wow, that would be quite a post. Mangled finger and all.

Please tell me at least one person went to check out my review. I was up in the middle of the night completing it.

Damfino said...

Tool - go read the comments.

Kern said...

I just went there, as I always come here first. I was going to write a small tome saying never mind, but since you have already called attention to my folly in a less than gentlemanly manner, I shall reply with the following rebuttal that I have lovingly prepared.

Shut your piehole, taintface!

I kid, I kid. Thanks for reading.

Damfino said...

HA! Taintface.

Man - I wish.

Kern said...

I don't know if you guys have ever had this experience, but it's so weird to me to listen to some obscure record like that and realize that I know it because someone's sampled it. That's happened to me a few times. It's kind of cool because you feel in some very, very geek way, you've been let in on some weird secret.

Finding that sample MF Doom used on his last record was weird.

urnotme said...

pics up but was hard to take a picture while holdiing the camera with just my left hand,,, enjoy

Kern said...

By the way Jed, I just reread Russell Banks' Rule of the Bone, and I forgot what an awesome book it is. You should really check it out. It truly is the postmodern successor to Catcher In The Rye...

Damfino said...

Oooooh - that sounds good.

I am still trying to rev up for Morbid Taste for Bones... I am avoiding my running through Six Feet Under. Gotta have it read by the 15th.

Kern said...

Yeah...that's cool. It struck me as something you'd really be into. It's awesome. And at one time P.T. Anderson had written a treatment of it, if that helps to pique yr interest at all.

Oh and I like your last comment about Rolling Stone, etc.

Damfino said...

OMIGOD!!! I could read something and put PT's direction in my mind... that will be extremely cool!

Maybe I should recommend it for book club... how long is it?

I pick the book next month and I have to come prepared on the 15th.

Kern said...

It's 390 pages, but it's a super fast read. I read it again in a few days.

Kern said...

Deit: I don't know if you're reading right now, but I had a question for you regarding my approach to the reviews. I have so much non-English music that I don't know that I'll be able to fit everything I want into the normal span. So I can do a couple of things. Either break it up into a blocks per country, I guess continuing this week with more French stuff, and then Italian next week, and various the week after that. Second option is just mix the countries around and have a couple of them pop up more than once in the next couple of weeks. What do you think?

Kern said...

Interesting. I could possibly do one of those. The problem is that I've got so many groups some of which don't fall within either group. I was hoping to work in some African stuff down the line.

The dancefloor jazz and certain variations on that theme interestingly enough manifest themselves through a LOT of cultures, so outlining it's spread would relatively simple. Maybe I'll follow that particular sound and kind of mop up with a series of "melting pot" reviews where everything else that didn't make it has a series(African, Brazillian, German, etc.)

Kern said...

That's pretty cool. I don't know if I remember how I came onto Cortex, but that concept is interesting. Maybe I'll do a spotlight on certain records that I can see the chain of influence and call it 360 Degrees of Separation, since vinyl is round and all.

Kern said...

Thanks! It will probably be a separate feature from the normal one. I'll try to think of a good band or album to do that with.