Thursday, September 15, 2005


Holy crap! The new Harry Potter film's trailer just arrived online - and it looks AMAZING!! Go check it out
  • here

  • I have enjoyed the Potter series from afar, only watching the films - never reading any of the books - though, I do plan to read them.

    The other films have been pretty good. I think I enjoyed the Sorceror's Stone the most - finding the Prisoner of Azkaban the least likeable (though most visually adventureous!!).

    The new film is directed by Mike Newell - Mr. "Four Weddings and a Funeral - Donnie Brosco" - taking on a Harry Potter flick! This movie could be phenomenally good! Go check it out for yerselfs!!!

    We finished "Rescue Me" yesterday - kind of a lackluster end to what started as a great season. Also, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" ran its season finale - if you missed this show... shame on you!!!



    Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

    Buttercup is counting the days till Harry Potter "you killed my second cousin, this time it's personal!" 4....

    sheriff out.....

    Damfino said...

    What 4th installement in a series have been good?

    Bond - it was... um... Thunderball?

    Ohhh - Friday the 13th part 4 - the final chapter... Corey Feldmen chopping up Jason! Pop culture at its finest!

    krysta jo said...

    Jed -- where's my video?? I may stop out there today, otherwise I'll be by sometime tomorrow - are you in all day?

    Damfino said...

    Yeah - just grab it off my desk.

    Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

    Calling all damfreakos don't leave me hanging on the Jack Slatter ref.

    "To be or not to be....NOT TO BE!"

    bunny out

    Kern said...

    I am ashamed to say it, but I'm way behind on my Potter. I've only read up through book four, and I've only seen the first film.

    I know I will be heaped with scorn and insults so I throw myself at the mercy of the Damfinoblog.

    Kern said...

    Jed-Did you check out my review from yesterday yet?

    krysta jo said...

    To each his own Kern. I have only seen maybe 1 or 2 of the movies and tried reading the books, but haven't gotten anywhere near finished with one.

    Jed - I'll pick it up either today or tomorrow when I bring you tasty treats.

    Kern said...

    I really love the stories a lot. It's just that I never bought five when it came out, and I was supposed to borrow it, and a copy never made its way into my hands.

    I just kind of feel like I'm behind. Maybe I should just rent the first three movies from Netflix before movie number four comes out. I'll ask my younger sister for book five. I must catch up!

    Buttercup said...

    Potter is awesome. I had to re-read the other books before the new one came out this summer. I have to say in the readings I really enjoyed the goblet of fire. The books have so much detail in them it is amazing. I watch the movies often so can pretty much quote you any line. They are almost a daily watch and now that I am laid guaranteed I will watch each of the movies at least twice and I am thinking of re-reading the books again.

    Yippeee I get to be a blogger all day long. Since I have no where to be I can lay in bed an type. However I will be doing his in between naps.

    Jed thank you for putting a link on the blog of the new movie. Can't wait!!!!!!

    Kern said...

    Didn't the director of Potter number three do Y Tu Mama Tambien, or some racy foreign film earlier?

    Damfino said...

    B - didja watch the trailer. Gave me goosebumps.

    Buttercup said...

    did I watch the trailer. Of course and it made my day. I actually watched it twice. How they are going to fit all the infromation from the book into a movie is beyond me.
    Kern Yes the director did do y tu tambien that is the reason he was chosen for the Potter film. He knew how to capture teen struggle. I am actually watching the Prisoner of Azkaban right now. Awesome

    Kern said...

    Sounds cool. I'll have to get myself into catch up mode soon here.

    krysta jo said...

    I wish I could lay around and watch movies all day. But I don't envy the pain and surgery. I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

    Kern said...

    Boy, today is dragging ass.

    krysta jo said...

    Today is dragging but it's already after 2 and that means I have class in less than 4 hours and also that means that my weekend starts in less than 7 hours! Too bad tomorrow is jam packed with reading and running errands. I need a husband.

    Kern said...

    I'm back! I had a wonderful lunch with my coworkers for this guy who's been helping me out for the last seven months. He's going back to school, so he'll only be in on weekends. It was also his birthday, so that was awesome.

    Hopefully the rest of the day goes as well.