Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Pippi never needed no knee op!

Today is the day - in fact, I think the kids are headed into the hospital as we speak. Drea goes in for her knee surgery today and will be spending the next several weeks recovering and rebuilding strength in it.

We need to send some love out to the Sheriff and Buttercup - even though at this moment they are both tan and wordly and we are pale and homely.

WE LOVE YOU GUYS! All will be good.

News from the front;

Gilmore came and went - no spoilers here for Miss KJ - she has a VHS copy of the ep on my desk waiting for her. I did not get to watch it live, we had football practice and then visited my stepmother in the hospital - so I got to watch it at 9 pm. Then the DVR died - we freaked out, Jer accepted he would not get to view - then all of the sudden at 11:30 pm it started working (after we ordered a new one while being on the phone with Dish for an hour). Crazy.



krysta jo said...

Thanks for not spoiling it. I can't make it out there today but I am going to see my mama later if you want to give it to her. Trust me...come Friday, you'll have a surprise and it'll be good.

Kern said...

I just want to send some good thoughts out to the Sheriff and Buttercup. Good luck on the surgery and all the rehab after.

We're all pulling for you!

Kern said...

Oh and shameless self-promotion-new review at the Kern Blog.

Jed, I think I've been able to directly link sound samples this time for your listening pleasure. Just click on the album titles. I hope it works...

krysta jo said...

Good luck buttercup.

krysta jo said...

Bueller? Bueller?

Kern said...

Where is everyone?

krysta jo said...

No idea.

Kern said...

How was your class KJ?

Damfino said...

Sorry kats - busy day.

Drea - I hope everything went well and you are at home starting a LOTR Extended viewing session!

krysta jo said...

No class. Only classes on Tuesday/Thursday night. My days are full of work work work.

Kern said...

Did you have class last night? If so how did it go?

krysta jo said...

I did - it was reasonably good. I got a lot of new ideas for my research project and feel like I have a much better grasp on where it is headed.

Kern said...

What is the class about?

krysta jo said...

Risk communication. My research paper puts forth the notion that the media overexaggerated the human health risks associated with mad cow disease and vCJD during the first Mad Cow outbreak in the US.

Kern said...

That sounds pretty interesting. I like things that examine the way media is utilized.

krysta jo said...

I just find it interesting because I worked in the beef industry for two years and for the dairy industry for a summer. The media is a great source of information but can lead to people's perception of their risks being way off from reality and science.

Kern said...

I agree. When I think of how the media sometimes runs with hysteria I think about that McMartin preschool molestation trial in the 80s. They were totally innocent but were imprisoned and held and even when acquitted they couldn't live down the image. Scary.

krysta jo said...

OK all I remember from the 80s is New Kids on the Block and my Strawberry Shortcake birthday party.

Kern said...

My sister had Strawberry Shortcake, but was more of a Rainbow Brite girl.

krysta jo said...

I was a Strawberry Shortcake kind of girl and that's a random coincidence because now I live on Strawberry Lane. I also was a Barbie girl and a Cabbage Patch girl. Oh we had the best toys!

Kern said...

I liked the Transformers myself...

krysta jo said...

So did I but they never made girly ones.

Kern said...

That would have been interesting. It's funny that even boy oriented shows that followed always had the token female member to get girls interested.

krysta jo said...

I liked My Little Pony and Punky Brewster the best though I secretly enjoyed Dukes of Hazzard and the A-Team.

Kern said...

A-Team! And Punky!

Punky turned out to be HOTT!

krysta jo said...

Good God. The men on this blog can find anything and anyone "hot."


ps. I had a crush on Doogie Howser, but then again...who didn't?

Kern said...

Neil Patrick Harris was awfully dreamy. Not like that lout he hung around with, the kid that played Vinnie Delpino or whatever his name was.

Speaking men of the blog finding things "hot", I must say Rory and Lorelai were definitely in fine form last evening.

krysta jo said...


Kern said...
