I thought it would be fun today to post my odd and pathetic correspondence with Alex Borstein. If you don't know Alex, she does the voice of Lois Griffin on Family Guy and also has been in Gilmore Girls, Mad TV, Catwoman... and stars in George Clooney's new movie.
Check it out!
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 14:40:31 -0500
From: Jed Findlay
Subject: another creepy fan e-mail
To: alex@alexborstein.com
It always amazes me when I find e-mail addresses of stars and directors. You can take some time and write them a beautiful note about respecting their work... and they often respond. It sometimes almost makes them seem more human!?!
You caught my eye in the early episodes of Gilmore Girls (who is that
crazy cellist?) and down right blew my mind with your work on Family Guy. I really have enjoyed the characters that you have brought to life. Bravo.
It seems you have a wonderful group of friends/co-stars to work with! I was not surprised to see you pop up in Bad Santa (nice improv line on the DVD outtake!).
Looking forward to the new Family Guy episodes and I really do hope you find a way back into Gilmore Girls (tell Amy or Daniel that your fans cannot stand another moment without your pressence on the show)!
I will see Catwoman - damn you - just because it looks like your largest role to date and I am really excited to see what you do in it.
Good luck in the future... uh... sorry for the "title dropping" and "name dropping." It is the only way a fan can try to connect... right?
Thanks for the good work Alex... can't wait to see what comes next.
Jed Findlay
creepy fan-boy
On Aug 2, 2004, at 2:55 PM,
Dear Creepy Fan Boy,
Thanks so much for being a creepy fan boy! It's always nice to have one. Here's hoping you continue to enjoy my work. Here's hoping
I do, too. You will see me pop up on Gilmore Girls again
this season, so look for that.
All the best!
Alex Borstein
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 09:09:05 -0500
From: Jed Findlay
Subject: Re: another creepy fan e-mail
Dearest Alex,
I am thrilled at your acknowledgement of my creepy fan boy status... but you certainly cannot believe that you have only one. In fact, after receiving your e-mail, I immediately contacted my creepy fan boy harem (can fan boys have harems?) and alerted them to your kind and informative message.
Looking forward to your Gilmore appearance. I hope it is more than just a cameo (Lorelai's long lost sister - who now is a challenge for Lukes affections... the episodes write themselves!!).
Keep loving what you are doing - it shows in your talent.
Explain Catwoman to me sometime...
Creepy Fan Boy - out!
On Sep 29, 2004, at 2:55 PM,
Dear Creepy Fan Boy,
FYI Webster's definition of "Catwoman" (noun) - A script
that was not ready to be shot, but the star was available so
it was shot anyway.
Hope that helps!
Sweet. Was she a cellist or a harp player? It's early here, maybe I'm thinking of something else...
Anyhow, very cool.
I have to smile that all of your friends knew that she was the harp player and you, who took time to write such a moving thome to Alex, gunched it up and said she played the cello.....
ahhh, it really is the little things in life that make it all worth while....
sheriff out
ps: "This is MINE!..this is where my babies come from!"
love ya Alex
Yeah yeah... I often confuse the cello and the harp. I like humping harps... so when I hump a cello by mistake - it is kind of embarrasing.
Did the Sheriff just say "gunched" it up?
He did.
I think I'm the only Alex I know that's not getting any...moving tomes, that is.
Actually, any would be the correct word choice here. Yep.
One day Kern...
you will finally break down and pay for it.
Sorry - I am an @ss!
I know you want to help, but offering your ass is not going to do anything for me.
Oops, did I read the last post wrong?
Kern Bigelow: Male Gigolo has a nice ring to it...
No no - you would have to pay for my ass.
What's that line from Ghost World.
"Fuck you!"
"You have to buy me dinner first!!"
That movie is insanely great. But sad, because I am Seymour. I'll have to take a picture of my vinyl collection alone, and you can see what I'm talking about.
On a random subject change, I'm thinking about painting my apartment to look like the Red Room from Lynch's Twin Peaks. Feel free to encourage or ridicule me.
Well - you can have one of our midgets to dance for you.
Beware, the midgets come at a price. They must be fed.... HUMAN SOULS!?!?!?!?!??!?!
God I am bored.
How can you be bored when you are talking about midgets??
So who else is ready for this week to be over. Next week the season premire of Gilmore Girls....."Last season ending with a question..This season starts with an Answer" Think of a creepy deep announcers voice. I can't wait, Oh yeah and to go to Mexico is a bonus. Dragging slowly into madness.
Yes...I am ready for the week to be over. Thanks for the Gilmore reminder - have to set my VCR to tape it....damn school.
Whoa kittens - Gilmore is two weeks away. 13 days...
Miss spoiled pants is heading to Mehiho with her lovely man-toy. We shall all hate....... now!
I just like being creepy.
p.s. I have never seen one episode of Twin Peaks.
Deit: Yes, I know. I am trying to correct that problem. I've been feeling a little under the weather lately, but I will for sure be able to catch up a little bit on the long weekend. And I remember being a kid and watching Duchovny being a transvestite in prime time, and my mom was just horrified. The line I remember him saying that sticks with me to this day is where he was wearing a dress and says to Agent Cooper something like, "I'm just a regular guy. I put my pants on one leg at a time like everybody else."
Ha ha ha!
I should also say the painting of the living room would be inspired by the Red Room in Twin Peaks. I don't think I'd be able to get it exactly, but the general gist. I think it'd be awesome, but I can't find a zig zag rug like that floor.
I will talk with Dan and see if we can make it! Would love an intense game of poker.
Texas Holdem?
Yeah, I am looking for kind of Deco-esque lamps much like the torchiere that is in the show, also. Ultimately, I won't be able to replicate it, but I think it would be cool to have a room "inspired" by it.
Also, Deit, did you know that they filmed all of that show up here a couple of hours from where I live?
Kern -- be sure not to make it too outlandish or creepy - it could scare the girls away when you bring them home!!!
Thanks for the update Jed. That actually gives me a little more time to figure out my VCR.
dohh sorry my weeks are completely screwed up. My head is not with it. Ready to go on Vacation. Hate me openly I don't care.
I don't hate you - I am just jealous!
I will do my best not to make it too awfully creepy. I don't have a lot of lady callers, so it's probably going to be ok no matter what I do. My boss was warning me against it, since he said red paint is extremely hard to cover up. The way I look at it is this: if I'm no longer going to live there, and they are going to repaint anyhow, why should I care? It's my space for however long, and I want to enjoy it. Maybe I should post a pic of the Red Room on my blog so that people know what I'm talking about...
If you rent, you are looking at majorly losing your deposit though for painting a wall red.
Hmm...I think that would suck, quite horribly. Maybe I will do what Deit said, and just get giant velvet curtains instead. My apartment is boring the living shit out of me design wise.
Do more drugs - it will be more interesting then.
That would be an awesome idea if Seattle real estate weren't oppressively expensive.
Since it looks like I can't do red, does anyone know where I might find some red velvet curtains?
F*ck the curtains - save your cash for some meth!
Kern -- go to a fabric store, pick out the velvet and then take it to a seamstress to have them made. Or look online.
I've been looking online, but I can't find any that seem to look like what I want. I haven't had much of a chance to look this morning though.
Jed: Meth does nothing but waste people's potential and get them sent to jail. Over and over again.
Exactly - you don't worry about the color of your walls in jail!!
Porn shoot!!!! Deit is filth.
Deit? Filth? No Jed, I think you are filth and if you don't watch it, you are going to have meth mouth and that's not pretty.
Yeah, Jed. What KJ said.
You really think it'd look like a porn shoot? We have IKEA here, I'll have to check the catalog to see what you mean. Is it a bedroom thing or a living room thing? Did that room have a sinister Lynchian vibe also?
True...I don't think camera angles will be able to help out my home decor too much, though I imagine if I lit the room in a certain way it might be more sinister.
All I know is that the room is awfully damn bland the way it is now. It's too bad about the paint, because there was this Jazz Age color called Chinese Red that looked awesome.
I think you're quite right about it being a real impact color. My initial thought was just to paint the one wall I'm always looking at from the couch as an accent color and to leave the rest alone. Do you think that might work?
Thanks Deit! I think doing the one wall will be pretty awesome, and when I move out sometime in the distant future, it won't be too much of a hassle to go over it with that Killz you mentioned.
I'm going to try very hard tonight, by the way, to listen to my records and attempt to put up a few reviews on music from non-English speaking people.
Yes, unfortunately. I'm thinking about skipping the story I was going to do next, and do one that's a little less heavy without the personal baggage potentially bogging me down.
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