Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Here I am again, singing praises to my roomate Jerry for finding another pair of shows that are hilarious! Jer set the ol DVR to record FX's new comedy forrays - "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and "Starved."

The first ep of "Sunny" was not really that impressive - three guys and a girl run a bar - business is not good and the girl brings a theater group friend to help business. The friend is able to have a line up of patrons the very next night - the twist is that he is gay and his friends are as well. Comedy ensued.

Not that funny... but the second ep is where things started to fuse really well. Two of the guys head out to an abortion rally to try to pick up women - one succeeds in scoring by showing a girl a piece of paper with doctor's names on it.

"This is a list of doctors that I am going to kill."
"There are two names already crossed off..."
"I know...."

Cut to the guy having sex with her in a car.

"Starved" is also tossing out some extreme stuff for humor - the story is about a group of friends with eating disorders in New York city. The eating dis humor is really good (a scene where the guys weigh their unmentionables with their female friends scale - at a restaurant no less - is killer!) - but some of the other more conventional stuff lacks a tad.

Check em out if you can...



krysta jo said...

Good morning all...I have returned safe and sound from the fair and yeah....that's all I have. Though I am intrigued by the amount of random spam this place has seen lately...odd.

Damfino said...

Whaddup fair girl?

Jerry was watching Gilmore this morning... Fiddler on the Roof with Kirk as Tevya... nothing better!!

Kern said...

Hullo, all.

krysta jo said...

Don't talk to me about Gilmore. They have been lonely and sitting on my tv stand for almost a week because I haven't had time to get back to them.

I hate my job today. Why can't people stay out of my tasks and do their own?

Kern said...

Because by their very natures, 95% of the human populace are stupid and/or nosy.

So true, so true.

Damfino said...

Your office needs more life - it was all gray and depressy!

You also need a pic for this blog comment thing.

Makes everything more colorful!

Kern said...

I know mine does. Kind of.

Jed: I saw a Jaques Becker film the other day you should check out. It's called Casque D'or. Period piece involving French gangsters and a doomed romance. I think you might like it.

krysta jo said...

I'll have to find me a photo....someday when I have 2.2 (probably today when I need a break from the craziness). I asked for sage green paint for my walls and the government (since the US Department of Energy owns this building) said no. Damn the man.

I'm working on magnets and photos for my office but again...that time thing.

Damfino said...

French films make me hungry for mussels.

Just start printing off pictures and comments and hang them everywhere.

I wanna go home.

Damfino said...

Editing together a commercial for the man right now... not bad... but would prefer to be digging into "Times Arrow."

krysta jo said...

I want to go home now too.....

I prefer Arial Narrow, but whatever you say Jed.

Ummm wait....

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Nothing hotter than radical cause chicks who think you can spear head a revolution....or at least spear head them in the back of their honda civic...

sheriff out

Kern said...

I prefer Nair On A Sparrow, but that's just me.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Time's Arrow, Jed.

Did I loan you Amis' "Money"? My thinking is, if that even if you don't like Time's Arrow, if you read only one other Amis book, make it Money. It's protagonist is an ass, but he's also a riot. It really gives a special picture of American greed and excess in the 80s from the perspective of someone from London. High-larious.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

"Ok, now I'm lying for no reason"

Maeby Funke

"I blue myself"

Tobias Funke

Season premier Sept 19th.

Kern said...


By the way, isn't the Gilmore premiere earlier than expected? I thought I heard it's the second week of Sept.?

Damfino said...

AD!!!!! Sheriff just made my day.

"Look at us Michael!!! Crying like a couple of girls..."

"Ohhh - you're the only one crying..."

Kern - you lent me Money as well. Time first though.

KJ - Working the fair Friday night... you should come drink with us!

Damfino said...

Gilmore arrives Sept. 13th... then AD... then Nip/Tuck that next weekend..


krysta jo said...

I am so incredibly happy that I won't be at the fair again until Saturday that I won't make it Friday night. My friend from Georgia is flying in and my friends from Minneapolis are coming down on Friday afternoon --- girls weekend!!! Look out Iowa...or something.

I didn't know you were into Nip/Tuck. My roommate will be thrilled a new season is finally coming out.

Damfino said...

"I got a girl who is only interested in me if I am with somebody"

"That's why God created whores okay?"

rescue me

Damfino said...

Nip/Tuck is wonderful trashy soap opera... but they are going extremely dark with this slasher character.

Has anybody seen the show?

krysta jo said...

I have seen it and I can handle all of it but the surgery shots --- gross --- blood and knives and such. I personally like the twist of who's sleeping with whom. It's interesting and overly addictive.

Damfino said...

Very addictive... and there is loads of sex... which is good.

Kern said...

I love Nip/Tuck.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

"I'm a cowboy. It looks good right?"

"Yeah, you look like the Marlboro Man except you smoke c*ck instead of cigarets"

Rescu Me

Kern said...

I saw the opening of a Starved ep on Monday night. They were talking about the anal leakage of the main fellow who had apparently been "invaded" by the multiple fingers of a woman he claimed was hot. A discussion as to his heterosexuality ensued, and colonics were discussed.

Surprising fodder for non-premium cable, yes.

Funny stuff: meh.

Damfino said...

"Listen sweetheart, you got two things you can do while you're in this house: you can give me a blowjob or you can go in the kitchen and make me a sandwich. I'm not in the mood for head today and I had a late lunch, so you're shit outta luck."

Damfino said...

Did you see the anal spray later in the ep?

Damfino said...

What? Am I the only one who can talk about anal spray?

Kern said...

I didn't really watch the rest of the ep to be honest.

Kern said...

"GROSS JED" in 3...2...1...

Kern said...

To be honest, just from the little bit I saw of Starved, I didn't like any of the characters. They all seemed like the type of people I'd hate in real life. I know the argument can be made that most of TV is that way since who among us hangs out with dysfunctional families, spies, and people deserted on islands, but I think in a sitcom like Starved which strives to portray people in a natural light, they have to be somewhat likeable, or I'm not going to want to spend a half hour with characters I think are unsympathetic wankers.

Damfino said...

I agree to a point... the first ep had funny moments alone with each character. The main guy is kind of a jerk.. but funny.

krysta jo said...

Hating is bad.

I chose to ignore the anal spray comment because it's been that type of morning and I don't need puke in my mouth at the same time I am trying to give my co-workers the evil glare.

"You know...if you would read my email, then you wouldn't have crappily completed the project that I was working on and therefore we wouldn't have two documents for the same thing and you wouldn't be pissed at me." This is not what I said, but what I was thinking...I think I'm quitting.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

"My Grand Slam was supposed to be sausage"


"Welcome to KISS Forum."
"KISS Rules Man!"
"I agree KISS does rule, good call, good call."
"Stay tuned for Battlestar Galatica Forum"


"I will call him Edwardo"


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Holy crap I am a retard!

"And later in life I will be diagnosed as mentally retarded"


bunny is taking a rest now

krysta jo said...

Ok...way to post three times bunny....

Kern said...

Yet, no deletion. Good Job, Bunny!

Damfino said...

KJ - don't kill... hate is ok as long as alcohol is involved.

Bunny - FG is funnier the more times you read it.

"I'm pretty sure I asked for pecan sandes!"

krysta jo said...

I don't kill --- I tend not to hate either. I am a wuss.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

I am so un-blog savy I do not know how to unpost even if I wanted to.

bunny out

Kern said...

Jed: One of my friends looked at your blog today and saw that you read the Time Traveler's Wife, and she mentioned that she was now going to go pick it up at the library.

Way to spread the literary love, my man.

krysta jo said...

I saw Must Love Dogs in the theater and I must say that it was entirely cute and funny and sweet and I love John Cusack. While the movie was randomly predictable, it put a new spin on the traditional "hook-up" of a romance movie. Oh and it was a good date movie - even Dan laughed.

Kern said...

Sounds good. Perhaps I'll take my imaginary girlfriend. She's hot.

At least that's what I tell people...

krysta jo said...

Good idea. Go to the afternoon matinee because then you can make out because not a lot of people are there.

Kern said...

Yeah, PDA's with an imaginary girlfriend, no matter how hot, can look very strange to those who can't see her.

Don't ask how I know. Just trust me on this one.

krysta jo said...

Very good.

Damfino said...

Ooh - glad we can assist others in choosing what to read... wait.. now I feel responsible... perhaps this is too much weight for the blog.



Alex, glad to hear your imaginary girl is hot - mine is really rude and never wants to sleep with me any more... I think she is turning lesbo!

Kern said...

I spoke too soon. She just called. You'll never believe this...

She found someone else. He's more attractive, more masculine, and cocky. And the worst part is, I know the guy. Yep, he was my imaginary friend when I was a kid.

That son of a bitch!

I find it sad that even in my fantasies I end up getting dropped.

Damfino said...

It's ok Kern... she was never that good for you... sure.. the imaginary sex was stellar... and that imaginary smell of her imaginary hair... the caress of her imaginary touch...

Just believe... that there is an imaginary person for all of us out there.

Kern said...

She smelled of imaginary Chanel No. 5. How I'll miss that.

The sad thing is, despite the fact that this is a joke, sometimes I think I'd settle for either.

Now I want to go home and drink whiskey. Sigh.

Damfino said...

I have some hidden in my bottom desk drawer... hold on...

twist of the bottle...

got me a little dixie cup...

and there... cheers to your imaginary troubles son.

ooooooo..... my tips are singing

krysta jo said...

Oh my oh my oh my

Damfino said...


KJ is wit her imaginary beau as we speak... don't do that on the blog kid!!

Kern said...

Tips? What are you talking about?

Unlike you, I don't have any firewater stashed here. I wish. But I have a big bottle of Bushmills at the apartment. I'm going to have some.

Then I am going to feel guilty that I've been eating like crap and not doing my crunches like I am supposed to. Then I'll have an overwhelming urge to be diappointed in myself.

The Circle of Kern. Yay!

Kern said...

There's the filth we've been lacking!

krysta jo said...

Sure Jed --- how did you know that? You are amazing....but not as amazing as my pretend boyfriend (otherwise known as pb).

Damfino said...

The Circle of Kern - sounds like either a really cool cult... or a youthful jerking experience remembered...

Damfino said...

pb? Paul Bunyan?

Peanut Butter?

Pabst Blue Ribbon?

Pastor Bob?

Kern said...

Jed, Jed,'s not the latter. You have to have friends before you can have a circle jerk.

In my case the only way that term could have been applicable is if I were spinning on a barstool at the time.

krysta jo said...

pb = pretend boyfriend


And ... deit with the exception of my work struggles and stresses, I am actually fairly upbeat, personable and charming.

Kern said...

Right on, Deit!

I've had Phantom Anal Leakage. Usually it happens when it's hot out. You think perhaps one of the horses has left the barn, but no, it's just a sweaty bunghole.

How's that for filth, folks?

Kern said...

I'd like to point out that I am also normally very charming with the exception of today, in which case I'm a rambling deviant.

Thank you.

Damfino said...

Personally, I find all of the depressing talk to be humorous. I laugh at sad people.

Ahhh - the auditing days. I actually kinda enjoyed searching through those boxes for stuff... got me out of my chair... which was soaked with anal leakage.

Hmm... how do we get to these places?

BTW - if anybody else calls themselves charming on this fucking blog I am gonna sick my evil midgets on them.

Damfino said...

I did not strike out in homosexualand. I never stepped up to the plate.

Sorry old man - time to seperate reality from candyland.

Kern said...

Yeah, I think I'll just stick with women until I enjoy a little success and then see how I feel about new horizons.

To be fair though, I'll most likely be like fifty by the time that happens, and I'll be too tired and cranky to want to change.

Damfino said...

Maybe we should get Deit to change teams... I would never want Wyatt to hurt... but Deit could benefit in learning how much women NEED!

... and expect.

Damfino said...


I am waiting for a response to leave by... and this hits.

Gotta run kids.

Catch ya tomorrow.

No more anal leakage then.


Kern said...

No more anal leakage? Wow.

That's what you should do. Find the spammers and spam them back talking about anal leaking.

That might shut them up. I mean, talking about anal leaking.

Kern said...

So true, so true.

Kern said...

China set?

Kern said...

I didn't know anyone but me actually read my blog. I'll probably do some next week. I got caught up in writing my short story and that took a lot of my time.

This is really the first time anyone seemed to care if they were gone, honestly. I'll definitely make an attempt.

PS-Sorry about the china set!

krysta jo said...

Damn china sets. I am so glad that now I have a source of information about diabetic dog diets. I have been searching the internet for just such a thing and boom - it falls in my lap. Those are always the best kind of treats - the ones that fall in your lap.

Kern said...

Nothing ever seems to come across my lap.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day.