Friday, August 26, 2005

8 hours left baby - YEAH!!!

That image is quite the morning refresher - and it summerizes my brother so well. Today we will be discussing Josh - his world, his mind, and his wubbies.

This is a big day in my older brother's world. Today he leaves his job at Rain and Hail for a better paid position at Allied Insurance. Josh has been butt monkey to the suits at R&H for 5+ years and earlier this year he applied for a position that would move him forward in the business - he had paid his dues and it was time to let R&H give a little back. They responded by giving the job to someone else, continuing to use my brother as their personal handi wipe.

So Josh stepped up - realizing that he would never move forward at R&H, he found a better spot with Allied! Of course, being the kind and soft individual he is, he kept working at R&H until today... then he starts Allied on Monday (one day off would not have killed him).

Congratulations Josh! You are moving forward with your life... maybe I can start stealing change from you again now.


p.s. I changed the settings for responses to comments to include only those who have signed up for our blog - no more anonymous. So everyone try to comment... and e-mail me if you have issues.


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...


I don't have the time to tell you all my issues...suffice to saythey would encompas way more than the current blog space provided....

Congrats Josh on embracing the change..the only constant on our crazy little blue marble. Go out tonight and rub up on some nice smelling fembot and give her the Josh and mighty.

bunny out

Damfino said...

That is actually his goal for the next year - to give a female his Josh meat.

Should go well.

Damfino said...

Kreitner - the only issue you have is which mammory to bury yourself in that particular night!

Oh.. and those pesky nut herps!

krysta jo said...

Congrats Joshy!

Damfino said...

Ol wonky gave Josh a winky! Pisser is that he won't read any of this til - 3 or 4... he might not even check it.

So if you want to talk smack about the guy now would be the time!!

urnotme said...

Hey does this mean QueenB can't comment now?

Finally Josh.
Good Work!

Damfino said...

Crap... can you send me her e-mail and I will invite her!

Kern said...

Morning party people...congrats to Josh. I have a friend that actually works at Allied I think as a technical writer.

Urnotme: What's the news on the computer situation? Did our illustrious advice help?

Damfino said...

Good to see you can post Queenie!

I agree - the images of Josh are jaw dropping... in fact, that first pic.. if you stare at his eyes...

whoa... creepy.

Kern said...

Then there's also the too loose hat. Also creepy.

Damfino said...

And his need to touch his belly hair... ugh.

Buttercup said...

Yeah for Josharoo. My own made up words are my favorite. So I would agree with Bunnies Statements earlier except that I am horrified by them.

damifino- the Mammory comment come on now. I like to call them teets.

Damfino said...

You mean "hott."

Damfino said...

Oh dear lord... I forgot I made the mammory comment here.

And the teet correction... I think I can hear your IC giggle from here!

Damfino said...

You bike in fear of the loose hat.

What do you spose he needs it loose for?

Buttercup said...

Well as long as someone can hear me giggle then it is all good.
That first picture....whoa boy clean out your nostrils

Damfino said...

I photoshop'd the hell outta it. You can't see anything... can you?

Sorry Josh - I did not cover your manstills very well.

Damfino said...

Just the hair - he is going 60's pimp on us with his doo lately. His sideburns are sickly and stringy... women keep swooning because of them.

Queen B - I just notice you have a blog. My damfino minions may have to attack... ATTACK I SAY!!

damnit - no one ever listens to me.

Damfino said...

Sweet azz Barbarella pic!!!

Everyone throw on complements!!

.... you guys suck.

Kern said...

Barbarella rules! The soundtrack is also tops...Bob Crewe kicks ass!

Damfino said...

um... well - yeah.

But showing the world i am tool is not cool.

Damfino said...

"Time Traveler's Wife" was written by Audrey Niffenegger... I did a post about it last week.

Really good - and I don't read romantic novels at all!

Damfino said...

"Bernard Goldberg takes dead aim at the America Bashers (the cultural elites who look down their snobby noses at "ordinary" Americans) ... the Hollywood Blowhards (incredibly ditzy celebrities who think they're smart just because they're famous) ... the TV Schlockmeisters (including the one whose show has been compared to a churning mass of maggots devouring rotten meat) ... the Intellectual Thugs (bigwigs at some of our best colleges, whose views run the gamut from left wing to far left wing) ... and many more."

sounds cool!

Damfino said...

I am listening to your Dawn and Drew show.. um... I hate the word "pee."

Damfino said...

Yar - he has a couple he is trying to get through.

Damfino said...

Steven's had a cd of that stuff.

I don't have my ipod yet - soon though.

The only podcast I listen to is "The Treatment" - Elvis Mitchell doing a show out of San Francisco... movie talk.

Kern said...

Elvis Mitchell...I like reading his articles in the Times. He's fun to watch when he interviews people also. It's like watching a younger hipper version of Inside The Actors Studio.

Damfino said...

His dreds scare me.

Kern said...

His dreads are a touch frightening. But I dig him overall.

I can't remember if I asked you this, Jed, but did you ever see Kieslowski's The Decalogue?

Damfino said...

We listened to a little on the way to the fair.

I am going to get the huge one... 20 gb or 60... I can use it for work as well (and it has color!)

Damfino said...

You can dance a jig at home while I drink myself to death!

Damfino said...

I am in such a happy place right now... yummy.

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

"Holy Crap Lois who are all these new faces"

good to see new and interesting people in Fino's little corner of the web.

sheriff out

ps: the term is "Fun Bags"

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

"Great night...yeah great f*ckin night"

Kudos Drama!

Damfino said...

The forging of the brood has begun.

You soon will all bow.


Damfino said...

Deit makes me giggle - you bow well.

Damfino said...

But did you sign on to the group... total comformation! That is what you need Deit.

Damfino said...

Surly? Surely you cannot be serious.

(please forgive me for being so lame as to point out your error.. I got nothing going for me today)

Damfino said...

I am off to a meeting kats - hope to catch ya before the weekend... if not.


Damfino said...


Think Leslie Neilsen!

Pricillia Presley?

Nice Nija Porn drop!

Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...


Netflix is sending me The Opposite of Sex and it will arrive at my door today. Can't wait to see it if it made the top spot in your top 4 funny flix list.

bunny out

Damfino said...

I am off - Kevin Costner does not suck! Fuck off Arrowsmith!

See ya kats next week


Damfino said...

Hee hee.. he said "Diet" instead of Deit.


Damfino said...

Satan - you are a tool

Later Yos!

Kern said...

Damn, late to the party again.