Ford GT40(I think they used to drive these in the 24 Hours of Le Mans)
Shelby GT 350 Mustang(Year Unknown)
Formula V(Small Racecar with VW powerplant)
Corvette Roadster Year 1960-something
Ford Falcon
Ok, this bad boy is the one I was telling you about last week. It's my Dad's 1966 Shelby GT 350. It's currently being worked on, which is why it's on a hydraulic lift. This thing sounds like Satan. Nothing polite about the engine whatsoever. It roars.
Hopefully, I will be able to get some more pics up once it comes back, or it's not up on the lift, one of the two.
Anyhow, thought you guys might get a little kick out of the vintage goodness. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Those cars are HOTT. Thank you for sharing!!!
This will teach Jed to not go on vacation ever again. Think of all the blogging fun he is missing.
Yay! I'm glad the cars brought joy to someone's day. And yes, Jed is missing out on all the good times. Today's record review included.
He is missing out on sooo much!
That was what I was thinking. Still no sign of Urnotme, though.
How's yr day going?
PS-I think my sunburn is just now starting to fade a little bit. I put aloe on twice last night and once this morning. I am going to slather some more on when I get home.
Congrats on the fading sunburn!!
Day is going slow but if I can get another 3-4 papers edited, I am finished with that task and I can go home!!!
How's your day going?
very nice painting queenb. I likes mucho.
So far it's ok. A little sore from the burn but other than that, I'm alright. What kind of papers are you editing?
Queen B: That painting was awesome! Very well timed with the holiday, I must say.
I kind of wish that I had gotten more pics of the cars. Especially in action. The big bore class which included the Jag E-types, Corvettes, Ford Falcons, Shelby Mustangs, etc. sounded like a swarm of hornets from hell as they came down that straight and nearly gave me whiplash as they flew by. It was kind of funny, I have to note, that there was an AMC Javelin that was in that race, though I think he pulled out after realizing he couldn't hang.
Yeah, that's what I was wondering. I haven't seen any posts from him since last night.
urnotme is too good for us today we one has seen him yet. Probably working.
I am editing class papers that were prepared for a Spring Food Science class. The class developed lesson plans for a lesson in space food. Te only problem I am having is that some of the students are International so I am hoping I understand their intent and can relay that through my edits and corrections.
Food Science...that sounds cool. I wonder if that's like the stuff Alton Brown does on Good Eats.
You know, I kind of miss Jed's wacky input. I know it's been less than a week, but...
Speaking of a week, I can't believe I'll be there a week from Friday. I'm going crazy inside!
Now if only this sunburn will go away before I get there.
Food's interesting alright. I am learning all kinds of random knowledge about requirements for space food. From what I have sampled, taste isn't a big requirement.
I also miss Gutter Jed. What a punk.
I simply do not have enough time to prepare myself for your visit Alex.
There's not much to do, really. Just bring your lovely self to the part-ay and that's good enough for me.
Anyone still out there?
I am but today's a brand new day.
The cars are frickin' sweet!!
I am so Jealous.
QueenB nice work! BTW I went thru the other pics cause I'm nosy. Hope you don't mind lol.
Urnotme: I did enjoy the cars. I'm debating whether they were quite worth the sunburn, but I would lean towards yes. When does Jed return?
Jed will be back late saturday. I'm not sure if he's going back to work on Monday or not.
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