Thursday, July 28, 2005

I am Superman.


Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Is there more or are you just thinking out loud?

Perhaps you are Incrediboy for now and will grow into Superman...

Kern said...

I'm confused. But that seems to happen often.

krysta jo said...

urnotme - you crack me up.


Damfino said...

I KNEW IT!!!!! He is that creepy guy from yesterday... did anyone go to his site?!?! It was extremely weird.

krysta jo said...

I went and was super scared. But I think it is a girl's site from the word choice and the writing.

Damfino said...

Interesting... I always thought Dan was a girl.

krysta jo said...

That's not nice Jed. Play nice with others today.

May not make it by your office today for Gilmore - are you in tomorrow?

Damfino said...

Ya know.. I actually turned back around this morning to get the discs cuz I forgot them.

But ya know... whatever (eeeevvvviiiilllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!0

krysta jo said...

Ok...I'll try to swing by then maybe before I go to class at 1:20. Either that or this afternoon sometime. I promise.

Kern said...

I think Jed's on a roll this morning.

I am curious to know who the individual Superman was speaking to yesterday about their mental health.

krysta jo said...

I am sorry to say that I think Superman was actually talking to the anonymous person who once in a while shows up and posts. I mean...if you are "anonymous" what does that say about your mental health?

Kern said...

I wonder who that person is, though.

I can relate in a way. I think it's a very small number of people who really know me. Like really know me. And most of those people were at the party the other day.

krysta jo said...

Alex---are you getting philosophical again?

Kern said...

Am I...or not?

krysta jo said...


jomama said...

I'm Superman too.

Well, sometimes I step on my

In Meatspace I'm definitely Clark Kent.