Friday, July 29, 2005

Here you go


krysta jo said...

Is anyone else slightly disturbed at the thought of urnotme at home by himself, with the dog, taking pictures of his body in a mirror? Oh to be a jogger on his street.

urnotme said...

Thanks Krysta for posting this correctly.


I don't just get joggers I get people pulling out lawn chairs and watching for days on end. I guess that's why Holly is always yelling at me for waling around in just my underwear.

urnotme said...

Oh, that's walking with a "K"


krysta jo said...

OH MY GOD. That made me spit part of the turtle butt (animal cookie) that I just ate out of my nose.

urnotme said...

LOL Sweet! Another victory.

Wait was that for my killer arms or my underwear bit??

krysta jo said...

The lawn chairs and underwear. But the killer arms was good too.

urnotme said...

So true, So true.

Ok, so I gotta clean the house now. I'll check back periodically to bask in the glory of horrification I have caused.

Ugh, is that even a word?

krysta jo said...

I don't know but I really like it. I am going to attempt to find a place in my thesis for that word. Then it'll be a real word. AWESOME.

Damfino said...

Dear lord almighty.

All hell has broken loose. I love the creepy eye of colb... I thought you were getting this worked on today.

Dan is always sitting around in a wife beater... creepy but expected.

Damfino said...

Why does this picture make me want to guzzle a Miller High Life?

Damfino said...

Man... and it is making me want to hear some Whitesnake!!

An’ here I go again on my own
Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known,
Like a hobo* I was born to walk alone
An’ I’ve made up my mind
I ain’t wasting no more time

urnotme said...

No, it's Coors Original.

I am getting it worked on at 4pm today.

I loved how The Kernal cried for comments on his blog and then blatantly ignored the topic at hand. Nice.

BTW that Ryan Adams review was awesome. I don't think I've read such an honest interview before. At least it seemed honest.

I am still behind on reviews over there, too.

urnotme said...

Jed I think you forgot the guns.

What have these guns done to you? What are they about to do to you?

Kern said...

I didn't cry. I may have whined a little, but I no tears were shed in the creation of the post. I pointed out that the baby Jebus however, had cried at the lack of comments. I wasn't exactly sure what to say about the tat, honestly. What are they doing to it exactly?

Kern said...

I think the wife beater makes me think more about Slaughter, or Skid Row. Or perhaps Mr. Big.

Mr. Big...ha ha. They sucked.

Damfino said...

What guns?

Is your arm sore from getting its tat-@ss stomped during our "Over the Top" session?

Oh lord, I pray
You give me strength to carry on,
’cos I know what it means
To walk along the lonely street of dreams!!!


Damfino said...

Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you

Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through

Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you


Damfino said...

Kern - you magnificent sperm recepticle!!! Now I got me some Mr. Big running through the nogging... with Stevens and his sh*tty tat for imagery!

Now, if only he had a mullet!

urnotme said...

I think we needed some comments on how shitty the tatoo is. Cause it's far from fantastic.

I sensed crying. I guess some whining, but mostly crying.

Jed- What guns? What guns?

How about the guns that ripped yours to shreds?!

Until I gave you a pity win to stop your crying.

What's with all the crying?

urnotme said...

Who's talking about mullets? Jed? Are you kidding me?


You had a permed mullet for god's sake.

Damfino said...

If only I could think of some cool 80's song with crying besides Aerosmith whom I hate!

Pity win eh? It's on again tonight.

Damfino said...

It was not a permed mullet - I never had a mullet - that was Jerm's thing... not mine.

urnotme said...

Jed you're a liar. You had a mullet and a perm. Maybe at different times, but you still had both.

I can't go tonight. I arm wrestled a guy here at work and my shoulder and bicep(do you need me to explain what this is?) are all fucked up.

Damfino said...

i.e. you are a girl.

I never had a mullet - I would admit it if I did... that one photo... it is sorta more like a giant afro!

urnotme said...

And don't dog Aerosmith.

They were one of the best true rock bands in the day and you can't find a lead singer as good as Steven Tyler was these days anymore.

urnotme said...

Don't step to me with that girl shit. I'll still take your ass with my hurt arm. It's on!

Damfino said...

Huh. OK. So Aerosmith is your pinacle of rock band.... interesting.

Well - you suck.

Wanna go see Charlie and Choco Factory tonight?

Damfino said...

Good - glad to see there is still a little "man" left in your tired old @ss.

Damfino said...

Aerosmith... what did I expect from a guy wearing a wife beater sporting a Superman tatoo.

.... and he puts peanut butter on his pancakes.

How did you ever get out of the east side?

urnotme said...

I'm not saying at all that they were my fav's of the 70's or 80's for that matter, but they were good and you can't question that.

Movie- sounds good. My tatoo is at 4 and it shouldn't take more than 2 hours. I don't know what holly has in store for us.

I can't wait for you to back down from this challenge right when we see eachother. I can see the lack of heart in your eyes already.

urnotme said...

Where'd The Kernal go? Do get a box of Kleenex or someone's shoulder?

Damfino said...

No - that is my vomitous look from having to see you in the wife beater... the rub down you give your arm before the wrestle is pretty filthy as well.

Damfino said...

He said earlier that he had to do some work in the library...

gotta go to a meeting..


Kern said...

I'd like to chime in if I might...this Steven Tyler being one of the best frontmen for a band we can find anymore thing. It's interesting. I agree wholeheartedly.

If it were 1978.

I think this may explain a lot about the drunken post the other evening.

Kern said...

And I guess if I need a Kleenex I'll just use the wifebeater. The mucous will blend well with the rest of the ensemble.

Gotta get back to my project.

urnotme said...

LMAO KERN! That was very funny.

urnotme said...

Sure Sure Sure back to your project, huh? Everytime your mentioned you come out of the woodwork with a comment. Lurker!
I hope you know I'm giving you shit.

About the drunken post. I meant every word of it. And for Steven Tyler to not be mentioned as one of the best frontmen in the History of Rock n Roll would be a crime. He's Easily in the top 20 with no questions and CHALLENGE ANYONE to disprove that.

urnotme said...

As I sit here thinking about Steven Tyler it comes to me that he may be in the Top 15. And when I mention rock'n roll I don't mean to include anyone like Belle and Sebastian. I mean real rock like Led Zep, The Stripes, The Stones and even Nirvana.

Come on Jed and Kern let's hear it.

urnotme said...

Deit- It's partly due to the fact that my arm has doubled in size(seriously) since I got it almost 10 years ago and partly due to the fact that I went to the EAST SIDE to get it from some drunk fat ass biker. Today I'm seeing a true artist and hopefully he can fix it. If he can I have tons of ideas for future ones. I've got 3-4 that I'd like to have done within the next year and although I would love a sleeve down to my elbow I don't think my wife would approve.

I'm just now sounding like the Conservative Republican that I am today. Weird.

urnotme said...

If we cross genre's then no he's not even in the top 30-35. If we are only talking rock then he's clearly up there.

urnotme said...

I'm going to see a man name Kool Aid or Cool Aid. I don't know. He's just now at a new shop at 28th and Ingersoll called Outlaw Ink. Fitting I know. I got a shitty tatoo plain and simple. It's always looked really bad. Now, why would fat change it, but not muscle. I don't get that.

urnotme said...

LOL. I see where you're coming from on that, but I'm saying rock in general from the 60's to today's garbage. Not just zeppeling, aerosmith, and the stones.

Kern said...

I'm back. Like I said before, the period that Aerosmith was really good was the late 70s. I guess arena rock has its place, but in general it does nothing for me. Boston is arena rock, but if I were a fan of them, I don't know that I'd brag about it. I do like Led Zeppelin, though.

Nirvana, while they were influential and in many ways and hugely popular, were also influenced by a plethora of the bands that are not "mainstream" or show up on Rolling every four or five days. What's funny to me is how Nirvana ended up with a fan base they probably never wanted and would have been more than happy to have never had.

I know you stand by every word in your drunk post the other night but, ultimately, I didn't understand what the hell you meant. It made me wonder, how did these mainstream guys become your favorites in the first place? Someone told you about them or you heard it on the radio, I imagine. No one just magically knows about a band. It takes someone who knows them to bring it to your attention. As much as you like the White Stripes, it seems odd that you would be so quick to want to do nothing but hear about them all the time when the next White Stripes could be someone that is not related to Rolling Stone or Spin might know about. How much can people miss when they choose to want to hear only about the things they already know? I guess that logic seems counter intuitive to me.

It's all good, as the kids say, but that's my feeling on the matter.

Kern said...

Also, I'd like to mention that when I first mentioned Ryan Adams, you said you really didn't like him. But then after spending some time with Heartbreaker after looking at it in a different, and non-mainstream media light, you found he was kind of cool.

And to me, in many ways Ryan Adams is mainstream, whether some people think so or not. So that is an instance where I felt I was writing about a mainstream figure. Why? Because Heartbreaker is a great album that I think people should hear if they haven't already. That's really my purpose as I see it, to talk about things people might not have heard and may not know that they like yet, even if their initial reaction is that it's something out of their comfort zone.

Kern said...

Deit brings up a good point with the Beatles, as well. And this is also a case where I believe that mainstream does not equal bad. The Beatles changed to fit the changing times. And they were kind of well known from what I hear. I get the impression that people might think I'm some kind of music snob, and I will only listen to things if no one else knows who they are. I've never been insulting to anyone's mainstream musical tastes, though I don't particularly care for them myself.

It's like having a conversation about ice cream. Sure, we've all had vanilla. But if I've had vanilla, and I think it's ok, and I try Rocky Road and it blows me away, I want people to have the joy of experiencing Rocky Road. So when I have a forum would I rather just keep talking about vanilla, even though everyone's had it, they know it intimately, and will keep eating it always, OR do I say, hey guess what? I tried a new flavor of ice cream, and it blew my mind. You should try it. It's like this. Then, you either say, "Wow, the elements that make up said flavor(such as chocolate and marshmallow or nuts) are things that I like, and I bet they would be good together in ice cream. Or you hear it and say "I generally don't like marshmallows" or "I'm allergic to nuts". Either way, you are now aware that this flavor exists. It's an alternative to vanilla, which we already know is something you like.

When there are 31 fucking flavors out there, why would one only want to talk about Vanilla?

urnotme said...

I don't even know where to start with this.

I'm not bragging that I like Aerosmith, but I'm not shying away from saying that I like them. Jed always talks shit about them and other 70's rock so that's why I jumped in there.

You're whole take on Nirvana really pisses me off. Do you really think I don't know anything about music? Do you think I don't know about Nirvana and all the bands that made it possible for Nirvana to break out? For you to insinuate that Nirvana didn't want the fanbase that they ended up having(meaning me) is completely absure on 2 levels. The first is that I haven't always been the way I am now and could go into way more detail, but it would make no sense to do so at this point. The second is that it's absolutely wrong. Kurt publically claimed he didn't like the attention he recieved as well, but what has been brought about as of late is that he actually DID. Reading Heavier than Heaven and Kurt's Journals completely opened my eyes to the real person that he actually was or wanted people to think who he was.

For some reason you took my post the other night as a slam against you and have blown it out of proportion. I like new music. I like old music. Most imprtantly I like fresh takes on different music. I can't remember saying that I only want to hear about the white stripes. In fact I know I didn't say that at all.

What I'm saying here is that music is music and everyone enjoys their own thing but I think it's fucked up for you to judge me on my taste and what you think you know about me.

But I digress-It's all good.

Kern said...

I may have generalized a bit in re: The White Stripes, but that was the impression I got from it.

As far as Nirvana goes, admittedly I threw that stuff in as a bit of a goat getter, to be honest.

Music is indeed music. I honestly didn't know what to make of the post the other night, so I just took the closest interpretation I could get, which may have been something entirely different than what you meant.

I'm not quite sure exactly how I judged you on what I think I know about you which admittedly, is not much at all. I can only go by what I read, and what I read the other night is that you wanted to hear more about mainstream bands. I may have misinterpreted. I am a bit of a mean spirited debater, as I kind of grew up that way to stay in arguments at the dinner table.

Hopefully, this will all be taken as the lighthearted cutthroat romp I perceived to be.

Hugs and such...


Kern said...

Good point, Deit. Let us not forget, there is French Vanilla.

urnotme said...

You and me

Out back

In one year

It's on

You better bring your posse cause you're gonna need one

For FourSquare. I'm gonna beat your ass.

Kern said...

Well played, sir.

I owe you a beer. Coors Original or some Fancy German number. Up to you.

Kern said...

On a different note, let's talk about Ryan Adams. I'm kind of excited about the two other albums he's releasing this year, but Jed didn't seem that enthused. What's your take?

I'm stoked because the first one's supposed to be very honky-tonk. Which kicks so much ass it's ridiculous.


Kern said...

Also, did Jed let you burn Cold Roses yet?

Kern said...

Crap, back to the library for a couple more hours of barcoding goodness. I shall return. Good luck with the tattoo. Can't wait to see the results.

urnotme said...

Yeah, I'm pretty excited for the new stuff from him in regards to the darker stuff. I haven't heard any of the new stuff. Just basically Heartbreaker so far.

If you like the honky tonk stuff do you dig dwight yoakem?

Damfino said...

My how the bitches come out.

Stevens - Tyler sucks - Aerosmith is a joke - and Kurt is dead.

Deric & Kern - you need to stop globbing on each others nobs.

Alex writes about records that are not widely known. Some may have been influential to more mainstream bands. Dan wanted to see a write up on something he knew well already to compare his own thoughts to yours.

I am not sure how you bitches wake up and put on your bra & panties all by yer lonesomes... it is amazing.

Damfino said...

Kernola - psyched about Adams new stuff he mentioned... specially the honky tonk stuff (slamming jack before each song!!!).

Listened to Cold Roses again today... it is pretty good - yet I kept waiting for more life from it.

Dwight Yokem... hmm. Heard a few tunes... never a full album.

urnotme said...


urnotme said...

Yeah thanks jed for burning all of those cd's. Much appreciated. Some of Yoakems stuff is pretty good!

Kern said...

I've not heard much Dwight, but I'd be very game if it sounds kind of old school like Merle or any of those guys!

Damfino said...

I can bring over any cd you want... you need that Black Keys stuff.

was that a go f yerself motherfer go f yerself?

Kern said...

Jed: Just because Deit and I have similar points of view does not mean that it's a bloody orgy.

In fact, if you'll recall, my first encounter with him was my defending your liking Green Day as he was ripping them and your concert to shreds.

Now get in the kitchen and cook my pot pie. Bitch.

Kern said...

I have to see if I can go to that Black Keys show, now that you mention it.

urnotme said...

Yes it was.

Bring all the cd's.

Kern you should really check out Dwight's stuff. He doesn't sound anything like Steven Tyler.


Kern said...

Alright, now I seriously have to get back to the library. I'll pop round later.

Damfino said...

Deit Heimley said...
I have to say, Kern really hit it there.

Kern said...
Deit brings up a good point with the Beatles, as well.

Deit Heimley said...

All I hear is "suk-suk-suk"

I hate potpies

urnotme said...

I thought I smelled an Orgy.

urnotme said...

Now there's an album that sucked. Orgy's Candayass. Awful.

Damfino said...

The faint aroma of tainting... a faint of taint.

urnotme said...

Yeah, I'm sure that's pretty familiar for you Jed.

Damfino said...


I am coming to your defense... and you biff me?!?!?

That's it... I hope koolaid draws a big ugly sak on yer arm.

urnotme said...

Hey by the way does anyone know if you tip a tattooer

urnotme said...

do you tip a tatoo guy

i need to leave now

urnotme said...

so how much

urnotme said...

And by the way what would Wyatt think?

I'm telling

Damfino said...


Kern - you are a b@stard. How dare you run to Deit's arms after spending so many nights with me!


got a picture of your house
your were standin' by the door
it's black and white and faded
and it's lookin' pretty worn


Damfino said...

Defnitely tip - if it cost $40 - tip $8

Damfino said...

Deit makes me laugh.... and hate.

Kern said...

Wow, so much happens when I go back to the library.

Boys, please. There's enough Kern to go around. Put the word out. Especially to the ladies...

Wow, this has been the warmest exchange of feelings I've ever seen on Damfinoblog. I wish I had been here to help with the tip question. I think I tipped hard. Like 20 percent.

Kern said...

By the way, if Deit is still there, you should check into the Future Sounds of Jazz series on Compost. It's up to Vol. 10 now.

Of course, Jed will probably equate this helpful suggestion with my offering a fisting or something.

urnotme said...

$60 was the cost. I left a $20 tip to total $80.

Picture is coming!

Kern said...
