Monday, June 06, 2005

Question of the Day....

I am tired of scrolling through 1000s of comments on the last one, so I am posting something new to discuss. This is in honor of Alex's date tonight and comes from my way cool friend from Minneapolis. What is your idea of a dream date?

Mine: Tall, dark, handsome, and smart (or just quiet). Oh wait... I think she meant activities ... then again he could be considered an activity. Hmmm...there's something else to ponder.

Also...I would like a round of sympathy for having to purchase the following book and take Stats 401 this summer while I should be soaking up incredible amounts of sun and tequila.


Kern said...

Well, first off, you have my condolences on having to buy that gargantuan stats book. I only took some Stats in my Senior year of high school, and even that was bloody awful.

My dream girl...hmm...well, since the Gilmores are unavailable, I would say that I generally favor brunettes, with nice smiles and wit to spare. I think what people find attractive is relative, so I'd know it when I saw it, I guess. But beyond, that, I think the sexiest thing is banter. Witty, snappy, banter. Yowza.

As far as what we did, I think going to see some sort of musical event can be cool, as well as going to a good film and having an intelligent discussion afterwards over coffee or dinner. Perhaps outside if it's nice and not raining. The ability to effortlessly talk with some one is extremely underrated in my opinion.

krysta jo said...

I agree - to me the person is more important. I happen to have a date this weekend and am very much looking forward to it. There's not much better than laughing so hard that when you get home you can stop smiling because your face is stuck that way. the way Jed...after the soiree in Texas, I have a whole new assortment of randomly funny jokes.

Kern said...

Very nice...the last time I had a date I actually wanted to go on was last year. We went out and I really liked her a lot. She made it sound like we'd get together until she kind of revealed that she'd been on some trial dates with a few people, and she felt obligated to give it a shot to the guy who was closer to the head of the line. As you might imagine, that individual was not me. Yeah, that sucked.

It seems that since I've been here, I have one date per year, strangely almost always around this time. Save for 2003, when I went out on dates with 3 girls that summer, but I chalked that up to solar flare activity.

But I do know that feeling Krysta speaks of. It's a good one, but I can't remember it as well as I used to. Perhaps someone will hum a few bars and I'll be able to sing along someday...

Sorry about the pity party. Won't happen for a good, long while.

Good luck on yr date, by the way!

krysta jo said...

No apologizing about pity parties.

It's a second/third date so that's very exciting. It's been a while since I have wanted to go out with someone for more than one date. Chalk it up to short attention span and those notoriously random Iowa boys.

New subject: I believe I have a ticket to Motley Crue this summer. For some reason, everytime I say that, I giggle a little out loud.

Kern said...

Careful with the giggling. Jed is on High Giggle Alert. Code Red! Code Red!

krysta jo said...

giggle, giggle, giggle

Kern said...

Uh-oh! I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. The Giggle Free Zone has been breached people!

Damfino said...


I leave the store for two minutes and all hell has broken loose!

I don't even know where to come into this... you two chatty birds have covered the gamut of cutey convo today (with the exception of the car stealing tale - wicked!).

I am also dismayed that both of you have dates this week - wait... not dismayed... thrilled! The tales of dating woes can continue with minutae of droning conversations and wonky eyes.

Now... about those randomly funny jokes...

Kern said...

Speaking of cutey, it seems to me that the word "convo" is very YM magazine. And I think the only person with reason to be thrilled about their date is Krysta. I'm rather worried about mine...

krysta jo said...

I love the reference to YM magazine. I haven't read that in ... two months or so. There's not much choice at the student death center.

The car stealing episode was unbelieveable. I thought for a moment I might die but then I realized the guy was too engrossed in hot-wiring the car. Of course I didn't call 911, I was too stunned to remember my name. I really don't get off the farm enough.

Bad date stories are always the best!! Oh but the good story of this weekend was that after we got back from Texas, my dad took us out for a fabulous Iowa steak dinner and the bad qualities, A-game guy was at the bar at the same restaurant. That's what I get for never calling him back. Grrr. Oh and the half-finger guy is in my summer school class. That ought to be 8 weeks of fantastic fun times.

It is finally close enough to 5 p.m. that if I take my time shutting my computer down, I can go home without having accomplished my last task of the day. I'm out.

Kern said...

Jed, it looks like it is you and me, or more likely me. Wish me luck tonight.

Damfino said...