First of all...the players...
This is Dan (my date) and you all know what I look like so there's no need for additional and space-wasting photos.
The weekend started off with excessive exfoliating at a spa party hosted by my good friends Carrie and Becky. Despite the fact that their apartment is located in one of the mini-ghettos in Minneapolis, we all had a very good time and shared way too many crazy stories. We can all thank Carrie and Becky for hooking me and Dan up back in April.
Dan and I spent Saturday hanging out, shopping at IKEA, and laughing. Then we got all dressed up and went to Stillwater, which is only my favorite little rich river town. We ate a superb meal and drank some incredible wine and walked the riverfront. Then we changed into casual clothes and went to a drive-in where we watched "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and "The Longest Yard." "Amityville Horror" was the third in the line-up but it was starting at 2:30 a.m. so we went home instead.
Without going into great detail, it was a most perfect date. Probably the best I know of. Dan's smart, funny, cute as pie, caring, etc. etc. etc. I could go on for more lines than anyone really wants to read. The date was creative and sweet and he obviously put a lot of thought into it. Now I just have to come up with new ideas to out-do him!
Truthfully - your date synopsis made my giblets tingle. Perfection!! I love Stillwater - and I think I have dreamed up the walk on the river - wine - good eats... then drive in movies (3 or em... I would have stayed for the Amityville)... then...
Dan is also quite the man... as a raving heterosexual I can safely say that I would stay home and knit for this man.
Bravo KJ!!!
Wow the mental image of you sitting at home and knitting something pretty for Dan to wear is just too much for me this Monday morning.
I pretty much figured it would be a good time - he was here a few weeks ago and we had a great time. I guess he is meeting my parents on the 4th of July (could be scary - must remember beer).
MEETING YOUR PARENTS?!?!?! (I am really on this all caps kick today)
Wow! I am so impressed. In fact... if I think about these emotions... yeah... it is... I am jealous.
Take that and run with it!
Quit yelling over email silly boy.
It's all circumstantial why he's coming to meet the parents in July. We're going to a concert with them in August, so he wanted to meet them beforehand. And...let's not forget that we have tickets to see Motley Crue in late August as well. HOTT.
Wow, I'm impressed. I have to say that since the Thneed is coming out like crap, I'll leave the knitting to our new champion of the needles, Jed.
It's nice to see a fine counterpoint to my date from hell last Monday. It just goes to show there is a balance in the universe. It just happens I'm on the bottom of the teeter-totter without a second party.
Hey - at least you have made physical contact... my most memorable experience in the last 6 weeks was asking out a woman in a shop... who preceeded to giggle with her friend and laugh off my offer.
But really... who needs dates.
Alex, I can't believe you are going to give up on the Thneed you promised me. That's so disappointing.
It's better alone at the bottom than with someone like your date last week. Keep that in mind!!
Stop giving him advice like that... any form of nookie is better than none at all.
That is so not true. I can't believe you would say that. I am shocked ALMOST speechless, but lucky for you I definitely still have things to say.
Man - you are all over me today Jo! And not in the pleasant - babypowdery way!
Oh my gosh. Can you ever forgive me dear Jed? I humbly apologize for teasing you and feeding you back half of the s**t you usually give me.
Now that I have finished a Diet Coke, I will definitely be a lot more pleasant.
Wow - you are going to see Batman? That is amazing and absolutely incredible. You might be my hero.
Hmmm.... your sarcasm is damning!
Dangit... tears... flowing....
you cut me deep Krysta Jo... mighty deep....
.... mommy.....
Aww...I hate seeing Jed like this.
If it makes you feel any better, I would have rather had initmate relations with a mannequin wrapped in sandpaper than go out with Jabba again.
So true, so true.
KJ-I won't give up on the Thneed if you really want it. But I figured since Jed is the real knitter, you might rather get some gear from him. Are you going to pick it up while I'm in town?
OH...there, there dear Jed. Think happy thoughts. It'll be ok and I was just teasing you. Now I feel really bad - I have only once in my life made someone cry. At that time I felt powerful. Anyway...on with life.
So true... so true!
Kern - come a day early and meet the exciting Krysta Jo!!!
No, I will not knit a damn thing for her... she is taking pleasure in my pain... and again... not in the good way.
Jacko is 5 min away from having a verdict read to him... can't breathe... pervs around the world look on in suspense!
Is the illustrious KJ going to be gone by the time I get there? I wish I had the vacation time to show up a little earlier or stay later, but due to my little Vegas extravaganza, I will be unable to make the scene any earlier than Friday. That's too bad. I would very much like to meet one of the individual who make my daily blogging experience such a delight.
Wow - this is one of the few times I have been called exciting. That's exciting!!
Please Jed - can you knit me a pink sweater with matching gloves? Thanks. That would be great.
Too many people around the world are trying to watch the verdict, I can't get it on my computer.
Alex - I'll be in town the Friday you arrive, but I am leaving Saturday afternoon for my New Orleans trip. I'll only be gone for about 3 days, but I am still excited to hit up some NO especially in the hottest part of the summer. Wooooooo.
Who called you exciting? Delight was used...but we throw that term out for anything.
"My bm was a delight!"
You said exciting silly Jed.
I am so dim... man....
I suck.
You don't suck - you are just forgetful but that's ok.
Senile is the appropriate term.... thank god for those depends.
Ah, NO. I remember my trip there. I was 17 and it was May, and I went with the parents who pulled my younger sis and me out of school for a few days. My dad bought me drinks in every establishment we went to, and no one ever said a damn thing about my sweet minor ass drinking publicly. Good times. I loved Commander's Palace. Good eating.
Well, I will attempt to leave a Thneed for you nevertheless. I'm guessing it should be pink?
You aren't old enough to be senile. Maybe you should lay off the crack-cocaine. That would help your memory.
Why are foreigners so hard to understand?
Jed, Poise, man...look into it.
So true, so true.
Pink would be fabulous!!! I wish I didn't have to go to NO on Saturday so I could party with y'all.
That's alright. I'll leave you an autographed 8 X 10 with the pink Thneed.
That is awesome. Thank you!!!
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