Man... nothing pains me worse than having the promise of a good frisk not come to fruition. They were pretty serious at the Batman Begins screening last night - about 5 guards covered the entrance of the theater, making sure the audience did not attempt to record and distribute what was rightfully WarnerBros to market-milk. Like the do-gooder I am, I left my beauty spot in line to run my camera phone back out to the car. Upon return, I discovered all had entered the theater... and the guards had no desire to "wand" me!
Anywho, the flick was marvelous. We knew it was going to be great... and it was. I would not say it blew my mind out like Spider-Man 2... but it definitely towers over most of the comic book films ever made. Lots of quality images... too short in my mind... could have used another hour of Oldman's Gordon running through Gotham. I really hope everyone can come back... and the sequel can slow down and really dig into the characters.
Now that my batchubby has subsided... I feel a little empty. Lost - not sure where to turn my attention. I will be wrapping up the Dark Tower today or tomorrow... my favorite characters are already dead... not sure how the ending will make any of the previous trauma any better. Hopefully something comes my way to distract soon... Gilmore... where are you?
On a lighter note, here are some pics from the Sheriff's escapade down south. Enjoy!
The Sheriff and his wife (the lovely Miss Drea) sit and enjoy a sweet cajun meal (I fear for Andrea... Greg's intestinal issues after a spicy meal are deadly!!).
After a nice meal, every couple loves to hit some sex club - it is standard issue in New Orleans (and Muscatine for that matter).
Creepy sex club goings ons... glad this is the only photo from the place that the Sheriff sent on (Hiiii Dweaaaaa!).
Final image - Greg has a major thing for Jazz legends (think Sid played clarinet... not up on my Jazz), thus the insert.
That is just a taste of the images - I will expect the Sheriff himself to relay tales of the naughty...
Wow Jed I just sent you those pics and they are already on the you need a woman in your life!
A Little pic info
1. Eating diner on Bourbon St.
2. The strip club sign we can see while eating diner on bourbon street.
3. My wife whoring around while I slave away at legal meetings.
4. A monument we saw in a park on the cemetary tour we took in the Big Easy....
I will explain more pics if they are posted....
I need a woman... I NEED A WOMAN!?!!
Please... this blog is around for interesting and stimulating conversations... not year old accepted truths.
Man - 9 am and I need a drink.
So true, so true. Pass the Bushmills...
Jed-If it helps at all, you're not the only one who's been relegated to a small dinghy that was detached from The Love Boat and set adrift. Damned uppity Steubing and his stupid rotating cast of B-List celebrities...
Your retropop visuals don't lessen the pain... well... the Steubing remark does ignite a chuckle in my gullet.
Right, the retropop visuals are for your gullet chuckling, and the Bushmills is for your pain. Not neccesarily in that order.
I have a topic that may brighten yr mood a bit...I'm going to burn you some CD's before you come back. I think I've got some more stuff this year that might really get those depressed little toes a-tappin'.
That would be good... Interpol leads me to drink excessively and wish for an early demise...
Did you ever buy the new album?
No, can't say I did. But I've got some new stuff you might dig. You heard The Arcade Fire yet?
Have you heard of Iowa?
No, son... no.
So true... so true
Good morning boys and girls.
KRYSTA JO!!! We missed you!
Brighten our morning if you please.
Morning KJ!
Jed, I am shaking my head right now...I am going to comb my collection tonight to see what else I can find. What else are you listening to currently so I can get within the ballpark?
I feel so special when I am blogging with you all.
So Jed says you need some brightening. Well...check out my blog - I got a new drawing today.
Ahhhh I don't think the link worked right...
KJ - did not see drawing on blog - I am senile and need assistance.
Kern - won't bore you with pop garbage I listen to... BeckGuero... Weezer... Stripes new disc...
I still love punky fun music... but also would like to dive back into Radioheadish stuff.
50's60's reigning at the homefront right now.
Jed - try again - it really should be on my blog.
Otherwise you can try
I can see the direct link to the image... but did you post it on your blog.. I have your blog bookmarked... did you change address?
No...hit refresh - there should be a new post. Let me know if you still can't see it.
Got it... where is the Sheriff... why does he work so hard???
Sheriff needed to leave the cave this am with killin on his mind...
had the ipod on the trip with us and while waiting in the airport for the big winged beast i was listening to The Black Crows 2nd album and Steely Dan Two against Nature.....i am a sucker for a well crafted placates the type A in me...
Oh Sheriff - how your musical tastes make me want to quit my job - grow a mullet - and start nailing some not-so-hotty in jean shorts named Marlena (I am sure I am stealing from the Simpsons here).
Damn you and your ipod... I want.
Finished 2nd ep of Entourage last night... best ever!!
I believe Marlena was Arnold's slutty babe in Total Recall....
"hey man need a cab..I got 5 kids to feed"
I got the Black Crows from McCabe...what does that tell ya!!??!!
Seriously. Thanks for the lunch chuckle you gave me with the "not year old accepted truths"
Anyway. I just wanted to remind damfino that he needs to take Friday off for some serious physical activity with me. And that does not mean sex. I was thinking more along the lines of tennis, golf or possibly a rematch of arm wrestling. Did you see the bus driving around Ames yesterday honoring my manliness? I believe Krysta did.
Let's kick it
The boss is out at the moment... but I am planning on the afternoon off for some tennis.
The vanillaice image is making me vomitous. Nicely done urnotme.
Sorry about not getting tics for you last night... the theater was not even packed!!
Still feeling weak as crap... but arm wrestle we will.
Sheriff - how do you find the perfect image to pull my busy mind from the muck?!?!
""Lemme give you a hand!"
Need a drunken Total Recall night!
Are you effin kidding me??? There were tickets available and you left me out!?!? You will die a long and tumultuous death. You are clearly an example as to why they made abortion legal.
Frickin' weak
Are you effin kidding me??? There were tickets available and you left me out!?!? You will die a long and tumultuous death. You are clearly an example as to why they made abortion legal.
Frickin' weak
Are you effin kidding me??? There were tickets available and you left me out!?!? You will die a long and tumultuous death. You are clearly an example as to why they made abortion legal.
Frickin' weak
3 times the charm
By the way in case you all (ya'll) missed Dave last night:
Top Ten Things Overheard During The Michael Jackson Verdict
10. "We the jury find the defendant not guilty--oh God, did I say the wrong one?"
9. "Of course he's nervous--look how pale he is"
8. "Will Mr. Blake and Mr. Simpson please keep the laughter down?"
7. "No, I think he'll do fine in prison"
6. "I'm a celebrity in an L.A. courtroom--I like my chances"
5. "Do you think this'll be on the news tonight?"
4. "We the jury find the defendant creepy"
3. "Michael, good news--I just saved 15 percent on my car insurance by switching to Geico"
2. "Wait, have Tito, Latoya and Jermaine always been on the jury?"
1. "Another case of a white guy getting preferential treatment"
I just checked out the blog of EddieLampert, as he so randomly asked us to yesterday. You know, I thought it was going to be a drag. A dull blog, talking about nothing but stocks and bonds. But you know what?
I was absolutely right!
Not once, was there a mention about Batman, dates(good and ugly), or eating a Kenny Rogers chicken dinner off of a hooker's ass.
Lame with a capital L, friends.
I have a new slogan for the old Damfinoblog.
"Damfinoblog: Because you're not Eddie Lampert."
So true, so true.
Holy crap man that was really funny. Is that Kenny Rogers bit from a movie or did you just make that up? Either way it was killer!
All of the Kenny Rodger's humor was initiated here at our Damfinoblog! We take full credit (though Kern gets most for the snorting of coke off the asses of prostitues... we call it a Roaster!)
Ah, Urnotme, you can give credit to the Jedly one on that. You can see the whole thread of hilarity unravel in the post yesterday regarding Easy Rider. It will all make sense.
I made a comment about Branson Missouri and the seedier side of town where burnt out Kenny Rogers impersonators snort blow off of the rear ends of hookers in the alleys, and Jed took the chicken and ran with so to speak.
Check out the thread, it's one of the funniest in memory.
Ah, he beat me to it. Yes, doing a "Roaster". One of the finest of the finer things in life...
I hear crickets...anyone else hear crickets?
It appears to me that this blog continues to circle back to sad references of Kenny Rogers, crack cocaine, and hookers' asses.
And...for some strange reason, I feel completely comfortable with that.
I would attribute that to a warm environment. The blog, I mean. Not any of the aforementioned items.
By the way, KJ, I'm having trouble procuring the neccesary materials to make your Thneed...along with an appalling lack of skill.
I will, however, try to make good on my promise of one autographed 8 X 10 glossy of myself.
I have a fantastic signature.
Also, since you listen to country music, I was wondering how far you venture into the suburb of alternative country. Because if you like any alt-country, I may have to bring something back with me that Jed can give to you when you return from NO.
I am a music lover - well except for that rap crap - what type of alternative country are you talking about? I sincerely hope you aren't referring to the "country" that is only on country radio until mainstream pop rock stations pick up on it.
I suppose I can give up my dream of a pink Thneed in favor of an 8x10 glossy of you.
Well, specifically I was referring to Neko Case. I don't know if you've ever heard her or not. She reminds me at times of Patsy Cline in a small way, but not quite. She's got this really smokey, sultry voice. I think she's the best. I was listening to her live album this morning, and she does a Loretta Lynn cover.
She's also easy on the peepers, but that's neither here nor there...
Sounds most fabulous. My favorite country is anything that is not overplayed on the radio.
Yeah, I think you might like it. I'll burn a couple of discs and leave them with Mr. Jed. You can then let me know what you think.
You totally rock. Completely. You might even be considered RAD.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
My pleasure. Where did El Jed disappear to, by the by?
It's like the minute the blow and chicken are gone, he's nowhere to be found.
And the minute they come up again... I arrive for din din.
Editing... what is up
Jed, your timing is impeccable. I don't think that was spelled right but you know what I mean.
Wow, that's almost Pavlovian!
Hey - Kern, you always knew how to make a dog drool.
Is this day over yet?
If it isn't over yet, it should be. I believe ISU ought to endorse on-the-job drinking.
I am dining with my sis tonight... tator tot casserol... sooooooooo good.
I could go for some tater tots. For real.
I think I am hooking up with a couple of friends for drinks, drinks, drinks and maybe a movie.
Jeez... that sounds awesome.
I want drinks and movies... no love!
Um, I'm dining alone. In my apartment. Maybe some whiskey and a good cry before I watch The Shield's season finale.
I'm just kidding. There won't be any dinner involved.
Well gosh Jed...if you ever stayed in Ames to hang out, you could join my girl posse for drinks and movies.
Alex, you can just drink your dinner if you want. If I have to deal with one more stupid person today, that may be my goal for the evening.
Wait... am I a stupid person? Awww... shucks.
I never stay in Ames cuz the drive home is THERAPUTIC!!! I need it... or I might snap (and quit knitting).
Tatortotcasserol...... hmmmmmm..
What's in said Tot casserole?
Oh please tell me you have had tater tot casserole before. It's amazing.
Hamburger, mixed veggies, some type of soup (tomato or cream of mushroom) then processed cheese on the top of the hamburger mixture and tator tots on the top of all that. YUMMY. It's a staple on the farm.
You're not stupid Jed. You are one of the least stupid people I deal with on a daily basis.
Tots... beef... some green beans... casserole... stuff... puppys.... bits of panther...
Outta here folks... catch ya on da flip
Sounds good minus the dog and panther. And green beans. Yeah, I think beef, tots, soup and cheese would be awesome.
I'm most likely going to make some multi-grain pasta with garlic salt and olive oil.
The best "bachelor dinner" I ever had was the time that I ate Stove Top stuffing and gin. People at work laughed their asses off about that one.
I went back and read the thread. Unbelievable. Why did I feel like I was reading someone's diary though? Some issues are better left undiscussed(this can not be a word).
Which thread did you read?
I read easy rider. It was tight. Is that appropriate on this blog? Tight? I'm not a gangsta, but I play one on this blog.
Where the hell is the new topic for today?
That's a good question...I wonder if Jed forgot. I may have to take matters into my own hands and post one at 10 if the drought continues.
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