Sunday, May 15, 2005

this sh*t is bananas... B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

Best - Weekend - Ever!

Ok folks, there is a new level of giddy pleasure that can be had by me and mine... and this weekend introduced it. Friday saw the early arrival of the Sheriff and his posse of Drea, Tulip, and Lilly! That pretty much kicked things into high gear then... but oh what fun was had!

Here are the players

Bobby and Jer - both showin the love Posted by Hello

Happy Sheriff Posted by Hello

Jody - post Boca Posted by Hello

Miss Drea - Post bottle Posted by Hello

Joshua - with imaginary friend Franklin Posted by Hello

Da Girls! Posted by Hello

Yours truly Posted by Hello

There was some crazy drinking going on - headed up by Miss Drea; whilst cooking up her famous mashed taters, she downed an entire bottle of Summerset's finest red. She is a Caba Moch girl now! The Sheriff (or Greg as he is often referred to), after a rough morning after - slowly crept into the land o wine. Bobby was hitting the beer (Bud Select and Bass), Jer kept it light, Josh hit some wine... and Jody annihilated two bottles of white gold!

A major game of poker and a drunken game of Cranium made the evening fly! Fun was had by all.

Here are some highlights

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