I think we all know how much I love and respect the work of P.T. Anderson. Here is a wonderful examination of "Punch Drunk Love" that I found on the web. It delves into the formal aspects of the film - looking at how Anderson conveys his story semantically and referenceless.
Check it out by clicking the title of the post or copy the link
When I first decided to watch this movie it was because Adam Sandler was doing something other than his usual crap and was trying his hand at "real" acting. I had seen Anderson's other movies Magnolia and Boogie Nights and really enjoyed them, but was never really in to them as I am Tarantino's or Scorses's works. So I did want to see the film, but was more interested in seeing Sandlers work than Andersons. After watching it I felt the film was really pretty good and not because of Sandler at all, but rather how Anderson made the film look. Everything seemed to feel like it went together or matched, so to say. And when I would try to explain to people why I liked it I never could fully put it into words and explain why. Until now. After reading (and learning) Cubie King's sort of review or case study it all makes sense. The objects, the colors, the sound, the symbolism throughout the film I guess I never really picked up on it consciously, but I did sub-consciously and that is why I enjoyed it. This article kind of lit up a previously dim light bulb and allowed me to see more clear.
I have to watch it again with my new vision. Thanks Damifino. Thanks Cubie.
Ah yes - Deit continues his desent into the dark side of nihilism and dear urnotme humbly admitted the article lit his bulb.
Bravo to both.
Now Deit go stuff yourself and urnotme - I got a few articles on RAGING BULL for you.
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