Friday, May 13, 2005


To help the faithful readers understand what kind of people are posting on this here blog - these are images of some of the more eevil of our writers.

This is our infamous Deit Heimley - photo was taken during his imprisonment by terrorists!

Here is the young Alexander Kern - you can tell what kind of sick activities he is into.

And here is Sheriff-Officer T.J. Hooker - presenting his super hot ladies!

I am not sure what to make of the strange handle-bar moustache theme... evil tends to look alike.


Kern said...

I guess the handlebar mustaches are supposed to protect the guilty...

Point of fact, the look on my face in that picture is a combination of things. A)drunken revelry, B)Fear and Mortification that Bob S' Gene Simmons-esque appendage was snaking its way ever closer and finally, C)the realization that Jed grabbed a heaping helping of my sweet arse(not seen in pic).

The scary part is that I'm taking another trip back to DM to voluntarily enjoy such lunacy for four days with a group of our old Carmike cohorts.

Ain't we lucky we got 'em...Good Times!

Damfino said...

Kern! I just spewed out an enticing bite of my chicken sandwich all over my computer screen....

"C)the realization that Jed grabbed a heaping helping of my sweet arse(not seen in pic)"

You friggin kill me!!!

Cannot wait to see you man!

Damfino said...

Hey! Deit - we are not going to exculde the schlubs of the world just because some of us are cultured enough to enjoy a little



Sheriff Officer Greg the Bunny said...

Is it just me or does it look like i was a victim of the "Filthy Sanches" bandit.

"What's that smell?" FC