Friday, May 27, 2005

Please.... if there is a God

Please let me curl up and die.

Sorry to everyone who got a ton of e-mails from me. Simple little mistake; when writing a rule in iMail, make sure you specify only new e-mails receive the auto-reply.

This may be one of the most embarrasing things I have ever done (and I am the guy who had the Joey McIntyre perm once!!!).

Let me die.



Here is a photo of the miscreant who attempted to burn down Jed's building with a bag of popcorn.

FYI - I have posted two of the fabulous photos from my trip to Kansas City on my blog.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Janitors are scary

The janitor in my building won't leave me alone and now it's getting scary.

Why does it seem that most janitors have problems like unpaid child support, crazy ex-wives, and a history of unemployment? Is that a pre-requisite for the job? Do employers ask about that kind of thing? Also...his dental hygiene leaves a lot to be desired.

Where is my body guard?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

she's soooooo ugly!

Another update in the exciting world o'damfino! Last night me sis and her hubby came over for din din (which Jer made himself - bravo!). We had plans to play some tennis and some basketball... but somehow we got roped into watching Family Guy and American Dad for the 3rd time. HI-LAR-I-OUS!!! AD is really starting to pick up speed - if you are not watching, jump on board.

Dan and I played a little game of b-ball after dinner (massive amount of tacos + intense ball playing = extreme gut rot) and they took off after I kicked is yella @ss!

Tonight we head over to Hol and Dan's for dinner and the final 2 hours of LOST. This show has been semi-addictive. There have been some mind blowing eps... and some "not so much" eps. Still, very excited to view this season's conclusion. I will also be re-schooling his @ss in b-ball - Dan never learns.=

Looking at this blog - I am thrilled to see how my world revolves around TV. I do read... I swear it!

Finally, on a more personal glorification note - Here is the poster (designed by a graphic artist in our unit) for a video that I made last year. The video won an award - thus this poster (which is actually a display, the blue box is a monitor where the video will be playing) will be up for viewing at the conference. I will be gone at the conference all next week - it is in San Antonio... yes, my life continues to rule... and yours does a "not so much."


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

i'm da baby!

When I was a junior in High School - life was pretty sweet. I lost my 60 pounds of blubber, I finally bought myself a stellar car, and Mom and Dad dropped the news that I was to have a little brother (Sheriff, please stay away from any hanky panky comments about my parents... I am queasy today). Being around to help raise Caleb was wicked cool - changing diapers, rocking him to sleep and continually wiping the drool from his chin!

Now, I have not had the privilege of having a child yet (is that vomiting I hear in the background?) but I have several friends who have. Here we have Sheriff-Officer T.J. Hooker and his wife visiting Bryan and Tricia McCabe (Tricia is Andrea's sister) up in Michigan. They have a beautiful little girl named Ella.

Here we have Trish giving baby Ella a bath in the kitchen sink - adorable!

This is Miss Drea herself, doing a little feeding with Ella.

Finally, here is Papa McCabe - strangely injecting his own child with a sort of growth hormone... Bryan is a weird guy!

I guess it is a cute Tuesday - perhaps the damfinobloggang should post some images of the random children they have dropped throughout the world. Kern - haven't you impregnated on both coasts?

No Gilmore to speak of... may God (or your own personal equivalent) have mercy on our souls (if you believe you have one)!

OH- final note. Krysta Jo just stopped by and returned my Gilmore Girls Seasons 1&2. She left a wonderful Thank You card and some rhubarb bars.

She just made the list of life. Danke!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Sunday is dead...

So sad to see our Sunday gatherings for DEADWOOD come to an end. The final episode of the season was... ok. This entire season did not really travel very far. You can tell the series is looking forward to many years on HBO and does not plan to rock the boat too much right now.

Dan and Jill cooked up some amazing pizza!

Garlicy goodness!

We got in some serious 4 Square action - with Loren taking a major hit to his chin (and Jer went down doing some wicked break dancing moves). The evening was perfected with Jill's "Better than sex" cake. Twas so!

Here are some pics

Dan eats - ewwww!

Jill poses uncomfortably


Johnson's best side

Jer and Loren - trading 4square war stories

The weekend was a blast - my cousin came up and got a little rambuncious (sp). Drinks at the Royal Mile - two cases of Boulevard... and some creepy drunken Josh spewing stories of experiences past - use your imagination.

Here is Jeremy (or Nassman as Josh refers to him)

Beware of JC Penny's restrooms - you never know what yer gonna find in there.


Friday, May 20, 2005

G5 me BABY!

It is Friday and the world is treating me good. Came in - did some shooting... then this beauty arrived. My own personal G5 (had one in the editing room but now I have one at my desk!!)! And this stellar new 20 inch flat screen monitor... perfect for online trailers in HD (H-264).

Got the cousin coming up this weekend... my step sister is having a graduation party... dinner with the grandparents... and of course - alcohol.

Later folks... more pics to drool to!


Thursday, May 19, 2005

AD moves to Fox Monday!

There was some question whether Fox would even renew the Emmy-winning comedy "Arrested Development," given that few viewers have made it a habit. Not only did Fox bring it back, it moved the show to Monday, alongside two new series.


the sheriff

Crack that sith... give yerself a sith...

Move the last letter to the second letter position and SITH makes a funny! Posted by Hello

"But it's my point of view that the Jedi are evil!!!" screams the newly crowned Darth Vader. Oh yes, the movie was grand... olde oprea grand! But who cares - this was not about seeing some mind blowing plot twisting space epic - this was about finally putting to bed the long running question of whether George Lucas' Star Wars films were merely crap wrapped in digital yummies. The question is answered.

Yesterday was a cold - long - fattening - stinky (smokers right next to me in line) - frustrating (fat frat boys next to us hollering "throw her some beads" at the girl dressed like Jabba's slave dancer) - wonderous (just tossing it in there) day! Jer and I hopped up early and booked @ss over to Merle Hay Cinemas... to sit and wait for the end of the series to fall upon us.

It more or less limped in... but it does not completely fall flat. Thus, happiness can be found.

Look at the pics and revel in the excitement of our lives... hears to climbing Mt. Everest on our next adventure.


Looking very un-geek amongst the Lucasworshippers Posted by Hello

Today's planned distraction! Posted by Hello

Old friend Rob Jacobsen from Chicago - strange similar "mouth gaping" by both Jer and Rob Posted by Hello

The line when we arrived at 8 Posted by Hello

Our home for 12 hours Posted by Hello

People smarter than I Posted by Hello

Supper time! Posted by Hello

Violence errupts Posted by Hello

Chef Vader arrives with Jar Jar appetizers Posted by Hello

Annoying media and running man Posted by Hello

Pandomonium... with Newscenter 13 Posted by Hello

Right before the movie - Jer has been up 20 hours straight! Posted by Hello


We need the scoop on metaclorians are all in a bunch!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

...punch drunk criticism

I think we all know how much I love and respect the work of P.T. Anderson. Here is a wonderful examination of "Punch Drunk Love" that I found on the web. It delves into the formal aspects of the film - looking at how Anderson conveys his story semantically and referenceless.

Check it out by clicking the title of the post or copy the link


Arrested Development has been renewed for a 3rd season!!! Let the trumpets sound and listen to the angels sing!!

"Everything I do... I do it for you."