Thursday, June 18, 2009

LOSTies with Jed & Cara : Episode X VACATION! LPN version

*Production note* This edition of LOSTies is a LOST Podcasting Network special edition of VACATION! which contains only the LOSTcentric elements of our VACATION! series. Look for us to return shortly with new LOSTcentric episodes for your Hiatus viewing pleasure. YO!

LOSTies with Jed & Cara : Episode 25 VACATION! Day 5

This is the end, my friend, the end... of VACATION! We hope you have enjoyed coming along for the ride with us. Join the LOSTies as they take a walking tour through Charleston, wrap up the trip, and take a look at some vidmails. Curing the Hiatus blues - one podcast at a time.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

LOSTies with Jed & Cara : Episode 24 VACATION! Day 4

VACATION! for the LOSTies is nearing it's end and aren't we all sad!  Thankfully, SPRSPNDX and Bella stop by to liven things up... and look, it's the return of Kenny Loggins smash hit song "Nobody's Fool" from the Caddyshack 2 soundtrack. Johnathon Silverman - what were you thinking?  Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

LOSTies with Jed & Cara : Episode 23 VACATION! Day 3

What do a sweating monkey, miniature golf, and "Road to Perdition" all have to do with one another?  Nothing... but for some reason their in the new episode of LOSTies!  The VACATION! continues with Day 3.  Can you dig it?

Monday, June 15, 2009

LOSTies with Jed & Cara : Episode 22 VACATION! Day 2

Lords and Ladies of the LOST world - Behold!  Another episode of LOSTies with Jed & Cara to entertain you whilst surviving the Hiatus!!  Here we have Day 2 of their adventurous VACATION! series.  Watch as this happiest of families heads to the store for food (oooh!), enjoys many a grog at the local Medieval Times (ahhh) and awkwardly makes conversation with the Hot Mother and Daughter Queens of the Green Knight!!  Join the fun - WHAT SAY YOU?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

LOSTies with Jed & Cara : Episode 21 VACATION! Day 1

We have just gotten into the Hiatus and the LOSTies are heading out on a vacation to South Carolina!  Join Jed & Cara as they meet up with the family, spend some well earned time on the beach, get their minds blown at Medieval Times... and attempt to entertain you while also taking some time off.  It's quite the balancing act!  Check it out.